
  • 19 Mission Posts

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Fri Aug 9th, 2024 @ 2:32am

Lieutenant JG Orion Wolff

Name Orion Wolff

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Terran
Birthdate (Month, Day, Year) 08/20/
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 6’1”
Weight 162
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue


Spouse None
Children None
Father Kasper Wolff
Mother Sabine Wolff
Brother(s) Lachlan Wolff
Sister(s) Isabell Wollf

Personality & Traits

General Overview Orion is a rather self-possessed young man as befits his station as the son of a Dominion Lord of Terra. He brims with confidence and intelligence, endeavoring to be genuinely charismatic and not merely presenting a facade of faux geniality. He detests discourtesy and rudeness, and any who display such traits find any interactions with him to he icy indeed. To those that treat him with respect, he will extend the same courtesy. He is, however, willing to manipulate people for his own desired goals, often with it being more scientific rather than outright malicious to see how they might react. He has no compunctions against killing, but detests wasteful slaughter and believes that even when in the throes of a passionate murder, there should be elegance and efficiency to it. No wasted efforts.

While as a Terran man, he enjoys a dalliance or passing engagement with women, he feels that there should must be more than just a pretty face and lovely form. He finds an intelligent woman to be more attractive than the most physically perfect woman.

Service Record Research Assistant - Imperialis Scientiarum Institutum (Imperial Sciences Institute) - Cadet 4th Year/Ensign
Science Officer - ISS Impavidus - Ensign
Assistant Chief Science Officer - ISS Gladius - Lieutenant JG
Chief Science Officer - ISS Gladius - Lieutenant JG