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Wed Oct 2nd, 2024 @ 4:31am

Lieutenant Harper Bennett

Name Harper Bennett

Position Commander

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Terran
Birthplace London, England, European Dominion
Birthdate (Month, Day, Year) June 14, 2345
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5"
Weight 121 LBS
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Harper Bennett is a delicate conventional beauty with a somewhat racially ambiguous appearance. She has a slender but feminine frame, chestnut hair, and bright hazel eyes which twinkle with quiet intelligence. Her olive-toned complexion is freckled lightly across her nose and cheeks, adding to her friendly and down-to-earth appearance. Despite her casual demeanor, there's a hint of determination in the set of her jaw and the sparkle in her gaze, hinting at the sharp and erudite mind beneath her amiable exterior.

Her style is smart and well-designed, yet casual when she is off duty. Her hair is typically pinned back when on duty, but otherwise is often tousled and worn falling in loose waves around her shoulders.


Father Matthew Bennett
Mother Amira Bennett

Personality & Traits

General Overview Used to being the quickest one in the room, Harper is a rags to riches story with all the credit going to her unique intelligence, her hard work, and her self-sacrificial parents. Harper is orderly, brilliant, and tough, liking to do things by the book and only using imagination when its truly needed. Underneath her efficient and perfectly placed exterior, she longs for the very chaos and spontaneity she tries to crush on a daily basis.

Service Record 2363 - Entered Imperial Starfleet Academy
2367 - Assigned as an Operations Officer on the ISS Bonaparte
2369 - Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade
April, 2371 - Assigned as Assistant Chief Operations Officer on the ISS Vengeance
June, 2371 - Assigned as Executive Officer of the ISS Lovarr
July, 2371 - Assigned as Commander of the ISS Lovarr and promoted to Lieutenant