Admiral Malik Ansley (Ret.)

Name Malik Jerome Ansley (Ret.)

Position Imperial Secretary for Defense

Rank Admiral

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Terran
Birthplace Memphis, Tennessee, Northern Dominion
Birthdate (Month, Day, Year) June 1, 2285
Age 86

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 2"
Weight 174 Lbs
Hair Color Gray
Eye Color Brown


Spouse Marissa Ansley
Children Ensign Dominic Ansley
Father William Ansley
Mother Catherine Ansley
Brother(s) James Ansley

Personality & Traits

Personal History 2285 - Born in Memphis Tennessee

2303 - Entered Imperial Starfleet Academy (18)

2307 - Graduated from the Academy, promoted to Ensign, and assigned as a tactical officer aboard the ISS Enterprice-B (22)

2309 - Promoted to Lieutenant, JG (24)

2311 - Promoted to Lieutenant, Assigned as Assistant Chief Tactical Officer (26)

2316 - Assigned as Chief Tactical Officer (31)

2318 - Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (33)

2322 - Promoted to Commander, assigned as Executive Officer of the ISS Enterprise-B (37)

2329 - Promoted to Captain, assigned as Commanding Officer of the ISS Lagos (44)

2335 - Promoted to Commodore, assigned as Commanding Officer of the ISS Enterprise-C (50)

2341 - Promoted to Rear Admiral by Antonius V, assigned as command of the 10th Division (56)

2345 - Enterprise is destroyed assisting the Romulans in attacking the Klingon Outpost on Nerendra III. Ansley escapes the battle and returns to Terra. Given command of the ISS Thunderchild (59)

2347 - Married Marissa; Promoted to Vice Admiral by Antonius V, assigned command of the 17th Squadron (60)

2349 - Dominic is Born (62)

2351 - Promoted to Admiral, assigned command of the 1st Fleet (66)

2360 - Retired from Starfleet; appointed Minister for Imperial Starfleet by Angelus (74)

2363 - Appointed Imperial Secretary for Defense by Antonius VI (77)