Ravi Kapoor

Name Ravi Sajid Kapoor

Position Imperial Secretary for Trade

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Terran
Birthplace Crater Ridge, Luna
Birthdate (Month, Day, Year) April 23, 2338
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 2"
Weight 149 Lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown


Father Thomas Kapoor
Mother Latikah Kapoor
Brother(s) Jai Kapoor

Personality & Traits

General Overview A young man with a towering ambition and an obvious talent for business. He's one of the youngest Secretariat members in history. Extremely smart; equally arrogant.

Personal History 2338 - Born in Crater Ridge, Luna

2357 - Received a Bachelors in Business Administration from Crater Ridge College (19)

2359 - Received a Masters in Business Administration from Luna Imperial University (21)

2360 - Hired as a Junior Sales Executive at Aegis Incorporated (22)

2362 - Promoted to Senior Sales Executive (24)

2365 - Hired as a contractor with the Trade Secretariat, appointed as a Harold to Ferenginar (27)

2366 - Hired Promoted to Trade Representative to Ferenginar (28)

2368 - Appointed Deputy Imperial Secretary for Trade by Antonius VI (30)

2370 - Appointed Imperial Secretary for Trade by Antonius VI (32)