Evelyn Carter

Name Evelyn Carter

Position Imperial Secretary for Economic Development

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Terran
Birthplace Houston, Texas, Northern Dominion
Birthdate (Month, Day, Year) June 19, 2296
Age 75

Physical Appearance

Height 5’ 6”
Weight 125 Lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown


Spouse Carl Carter
Children Maxwell Carter
Theodore Carter
Father Kendall Carter
Mother Phoebe Carter

Personality & Traits

Personal History 2296 - Born in Houston, Texas

2314 - Entered Harvard Business School - 18

2318 - Graduated with a Bachelors in Business Administration; began working as Executive Assistant of the COO at Sonus Inc. - 22

2322 - Received Masters in Public Administration from Parisian Imperial University; promoted to Deputy Chief of Staff to the COO - 26

2323 - Marries Kendall- 27

2325 - Maxwell is Born - 29

2328 - Theodore is Born - 32

2329 - Appointed as Assistant Director of the American Business Department - 33

2333 - Promoted to Director - 37

2338 - Appointed as Director of the European Business Department - 42

2344 - Hired as Executive Director of the Terran Star business think tank - 48

2354 - Appointed as Minister of Business by Angelus - 58

2361 - Appointed Imperial Secretary for Economic Development by Angelus - 65