Nolan Nazar

Name Nolan Nazar

Position Director of the Imperial Intelligence Service

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Terran
Birthplace Redditch, England, European Dominiom
Birthdate (Month, Day, Year) October 10, 2294
Age 77

Physical Appearance

Height 6’ 3”
Weight 196 Lbs
Hair Color Grey
Eye Color Blue-Green


Personality & Traits

Personal History 2294 - Born in Redditch, England

2320 - Received Masters in Intergalactic Relations from the London Imperial University - 24

2321 - Entered Diplomatic Corps as an attaché to the Ambassador to the Breen - 25

2323 - Joined Imperial Intelligence as a counter-intelligence agent - 27

2328 - Promoted to Director of Field Operations for the Romulans - 32

2333 - Appointed as Director of Imperial Intelligence by Antonius V - 37

2347 - Revana is Born - 51