Fenton Brock

Name Fenton William Brock

Position Director of the Compliance Authority

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Terran
Birthplace Wellington, New Zealand, Pacific Dominion
Birthdate (Month, Day, Year) 2310
Age 61

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 7"
Weight 170 Lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown


Personality & Traits

Personal History 2310 - Born in Wellington, New Zealand

2337 - Received Doctorate in Criminal Psychology from Berlin Imperial University - 27

2338 - Hired as an Investigative Psychologist by the Compliance Authority in Rome - 28

2342 - Promoted to Lead Investigative Psychology in Rome Office - 32

2348 - Promoted to Assistant Deputy Director for the Investigative Psychology Office - 38

2354 - Appointed Deputy Director of the Compliance Authority by Angelus - 44

2366 - Appointed Director of the Compliance Authority - 56