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Wed Mar 20th, 2024 @ 3:59am

Lieutenant JG Revana Nazar

Name Revana Gaia Nazar

Position Chief Engineer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Half Orion, Half Human
Birthplace San Francisco, Northern Dominion, Earth
Birthdate (Month, Day, Year) March 4, 2347
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 130 Lbs
Hair Color Greenish-Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Ravana has an amazing, fit, and shapely body; it's often the first thing one notices upon meeting her. She's managed to keep her curves while becoming a model of fitness.

Despite the number of scrapes she's been in, Ravana has a blemish-free appearance. She's beautiful and turns heads when she walks in the room. Her appeal is increased by the Orion pheromones she puts out. She uses her appearance to her advantage; many people have given her the better end of a deal in hopes she would go to bed with them.


Father Nolan Nazar, Deputy Director of Imperial Intelligence
Mother Miranda Nazar

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ravana is a natural charmer and a people person. Though she can be downright ruthless at times, she is extremely likable and personable. She meets people well, makes wonderful first impressions, and is typically very talented at maintaining positive relationships. She also has a considerable ability to command and gets results from those who work for her. She has a general “my way or the highway” attitude and is quick to challenge others, especially when her authority is questioned.

Personal History Born to a spook father and his Orion Mistress, Revana grew up living a contradictory life. On one end, she was afforded many priveledges others couldn't afford, but on the other hand she was both hated and desired because of her appearance. She became rather rebellious and developed the fire which came from her mother's blood. Eventually, she learned to embrace the charms her mother had to teach her, but chose a life in the Imperial Fleet rather than warming the bed of powerful men.