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Tue Jun 6th, 2023 @ 4:47pm

Lieutenant JG Andrea Carrington

Name Andrea Isabelle Carrington

Position Fallen Hero

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Terran/Betazoid
Birthplace Scotland, Earth
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 5’ 5”
Weight 126 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Andrea is an attractive young woman. She has scars on her body from a past ordeal that she doesn’t speak of.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Michael Carrington (Rear Admiral)
Mother Jayne Carrington (Captain)
Brother(s) Andrew Carrington (Lt Commander)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Andrea is a dedicated Officer, raised by her master after being removed from slavery during her early teens. She has been trained to use her inherited abilities for the good of the Terran empire.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
- Powerful telepath
- Empathic
- Strong willed
- A Dedicated Officer

- Fears being alone with dominating men
- Easily overwhelmed thanks to her abilities
- Keeps her thoughts to herself, doesn’t share what she’s thinking unless she has to.
Ambitions To prove that an ex-slave can be as good an officer as any full blood Terran.
Hobbies & Interests Andrea likes to read, listen to music, play cards (which her abilities come in handy for), spend time on the holodeck and plenty more besides.

Personal History Andrea was born on Earth, at an estate in Scotland. Her mother was the personal slave of the master of the household. He fathered a lot of children, by a lot of women, most of whom went on to become slaves themselves. Andrea grew up as a slave, up until her early teens when her father and master saw promise in raising her for her abilities.

It was during her sponsored time at the Imperial Academy she came face to face with an unwanted encounter with enemies of the Terran Empire, she and other female students were kidnapped from their campus and subjected to months of brutal treatment. Beatings, assault both physical and sexual, as well as mental abuse.

When she and the others were found by the Empire, Andrea came face to face with her attackers and in a fit of rage and anger she killed those who has mistreated her much to the approval of her future mentors. Her fighting spirit and thirst for revenge was just what the Empire were looking for.

Several months of Counselling, and treatment later Andrea was deemed fit to start her life as an Empire Officer. She hasn’t trusted a man since, she rarely spends off duty time with any man for long though she secretly hopes to find someone she can trust one day.

Having been on the patient side of Counselling, she enrolled in Psychology classes at the Terran university based on Betazed. Learning all there was to learn about Psychology and Counselling.

During her time at the Terran Academy back on Earth, Andrea excelled in both Operations, and in Discipline Inspection, her career choices focussing on both options. She was eventually assigned to ***REDACTED - CLASSIFIED***

In 2371 she was assigned to the ISS Vengeance as an Operations Officer.
Service Record 2364 - 2368 - Imperial Academy, Earth
2368 - 2371 ** REDACTED - CLASSIFIED **
2371 - Assigned to ISS Vengeance