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Wed Oct 2nd, 2024 @ 4:56am

Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov

Name Andrei Ivanovich Petrov

Position Executive Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Terran
Birthplace Moscow, Eurasian Dominion, Terra
Birthdate (Month, Day, Year) August 30, 2345
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 6'4"
Weight 215 Lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green/Grey
Physical Description Andrei is a striking and attractive man with long raven-black hair and a lively grey eye; the other is a bionic replacement of piercing emerald, earned after being tortured by Kazon slaves months after arriving in the Delta Quadrant. He is tall enough to tower over almost everyone and is in peak physical condition, sporting a muscular build with a few permanent, though mild scars. He often wears a patch over his mechanical eye which acts as a computer interface, and walks with a confident swagger.


Spouse Girlfriend: Lyra Cassiel
Father Captain Ivan Petrov
Mother Yana Petrova
Sister(s) Ensign Mika Petrov MD, Assistant Chief Medical Officer, ISS Vengeance
Kassandra Selin (Half Sister - deceased)
Other Family Boris Petrov (Uncle)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Prideful, rebellious and superior, Andrei is the image of the austere upper classes of the Empire. He has a towering ambition and very little sympathy for others besides those who remind him of himself. Fiercely capable and with a will which seems unbreakable, people have a hard time overlooking Andrei Petrov. Since being transported to the Delta Quadrant with the Vengeance crew, he has worked tirelessly to ascend from his initial position as Assistant Chief of Security to Fleet Command. His ambitions, however, go even higher.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
- Efficient
- Energetic
- Self-Confident
- Strong-Willed
- Strategic Thinkers
- Charismatic and Inspiring

- Stubborn and Dominant
- Intolerant
- Impatient
- Arrogant
- Poor Handling of Emotions
- Cold and Ruthless
Ambitions Andrei desires, more than anything, to win the ultimate game of King of the Hill. While he is very loyal to his family, his ambitions are to climb the latter of success all the way to the top of the Imperial hierarchy. He plans to stop at nothing, save hurting the people he truly loves; the question still remains whether he actually loves anyone but himself.
Hobbies & Interests Reading, socializing, drinking, playing violin; he has skill at singing, but rarely uses it.

Personal History Andrei Petrov was born to Ivan and Yana Petrov in the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow in 2345. A few months before his birth, his father inherited the Lordship of Russia, making him heir upon his entering the world. Andrei received every privilege and opportunity a little heir could receive, but much of his reading was done by his mother as his Lord Father was an up-and-coming officer in Imperial Starfleet.

When Andrei was 6 years old, he was enrolled in the Imperial School for Boys in Moscow, the transitional training ground of Petrov men since shortly after the founding of the Empire. From an early age, he was a charismatic boy who was always skilled at drawing the children around him into power games. He was often a bully and had a noticeably cruel streak which worried his instructors. His father didn't approve of his unsavory behavior, but the man was so often gone on duty, it hardly mattered. At home, his mother embraced it, ensuring he got the best training in fighting, the arts, and in administration which was available.

At home, Andrei took his terror to another level, often practicing his fighting skills and power games on slaves twice his size. As he grew in size, strength, and competence, these antics became less harmless. As he approached his teenage years, Andrei started taking a likeness to girls, and worked on a constant basis to charm with the same skill he fought or played the violin. He succeeded, and as his behavior was quickly tempered by maturity, his reputation increased. When he was 14, his father was promoted to Admiral and Head of Starfleet Security. As a result, he and his family went to Court often and Andrei became known for his winning personality as well as his skills in dancing. He also visited Starfleet Headquarters on a weekly basis and became utterly fascinated with the military history of the Empire. He decided he wanted to follow in his father's footsteps and join the Imperial Starfleet one day.

When he was 18, Andrei's father was blamed for an Interstellar Incident with the Romulan Republic over an unofficial doomsday weapon project. Amid denouncement and threat, Ivan Petrov fled Imperial space in order to avoid execution. Though he was safely away from his enemies, Andrei's father had also abandoned his family. They suffered a huge drop in prestige and Andrei's bid to join the Imperial Starfleet Academy was almost refused. Fortunately, his mother still wielded enough influence as Regent of Russia that she was able to get him in.

Furious with his father and embarrassed by their family's disgrace, Andrei threw all of his anger at his studies, applying himself to subjects which wouldn't have interested him before. He was determined to surpass his father by miles, and he started to dream of victories and glories far beyond the scope of any man in the past hundred years. His near-pathological determination paid off as Andrei finished near the top of his class.

Following graduation, Andrei was commissioned as an Ensign and assigned as a junior security officer on the ISS Asturias. The Asturias was a mid-sized patrol ship which had frequent skirmishes with the Klingons. As a result, life expectancy on the ship was low. Andrei couldn't shake the feeling he had been sent there to die by his father's enemies in the Fleet. Fortunately for him, his superior officers on the Asturias didn't get the memo and he was quickly promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade.

Andrei served as a security officer on the Asturias for three years, having been denied transfer to a safer and more highly-favored assignment twice. It was only in April of 2371, after his father had reappeared with a fearsome reputation for killing Cardassians and had been returned to grace as a Captain by the Emperor, that Andrei was assigned to the newly-build ISS Vengeance as her Assistant Chief Security Officer. On the positive side, this was the opportunity he had been waiting for to advance himself. On the negative, it was all by the grace of his father, a man he had come to hate over his 8 year absence. The time for paternal enmity was short, however, as the lives of the entire Petrov family and that of the Vengeance crew was forever changed. On their first mission, they were catapulted into the Delta Quadrant by an alien entity known as the Caretaker.
Service Record 2364 - Enters the Imperial Starfleet Academy
2368 - Assigned as a Security Officer on the ISS Asturias and promoted to Ensign
2369 - Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade
April, 2371 - Assigned as Assistant Chief of Security on the ISS Vengeance.
June, 2371 - Assigned as Commander of the ISS Lovarr and promoted to Lieutenant
July, 2371 - Assigned as Executive Officer of the ISS Vengeance and promoted to Lieutenant Commander