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Wed Oct 2nd, 2024 @ 4:31am

Lieutenant Sovas Nyseth

Name Sovas Nyseth

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species 1/2 Human-Vulcan
Birthplace Mars
Birthdate (Month, Day, Year) 09/25/2339
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 1" (1.85 m)
Weight 169 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark Gray
Physical Description Sovas is a tall man with a taut, athletic build with numerous scars over his body from his upbringing as well as a scar along his side caused by a Gorn's claws, he keeps his hair styled in a faded undercut with a well groomed beard.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Thane Nyseth
Mother Prisai (Vulcan Slave)
Brother(s) Ossiron (d.), two other half brothers
Sister(s) Several half sisters
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sovas is a complicated man. A child of Humanity and Vulcan. Born of a Freeborn Terran and his Vulcan bedslave. Raised to be a ruthless instrument but taught restraint and to find his moment. He is staunchly dedicated to the Imperial cause, determined to bring about the end of the Empire's enemies and return the galaxy to rightful Terran rule. He was raised to be a firm believer in the rule of the strong, viewing the weak as chains holding back those who are able to achieve greatness. His father taught him that the natural order of the universe was that the weak should serve the strong, rather than being treated as equals. While he could recognize the ambition of Spock's attempts to reform the First Terran Empire, he acknowledges it was those weak, democratic reforms that led to the collapse and enslavement of humanity, reinforcing to him that the strong were intended to rule the weak masses.

He also doesn't believe in the concept of an honorable death, there is no honor in the natural world there is merely prey or predator, the foolish or the pragmatic, those willing to do whatever it takes to survive and those who are left to die. He was trained to be absolutely ruthless by his father and to never hesitate when it came to the kill, though he only committed violence when believing it was absolutely necessary, when it served a purpose. While he does not kill without purpose or need, he does not hold others to his standards though others find his attitude towards violence to either be one of cowardice or arrogance.

He was also raised by his father that to survive was to win, that no matter the odds or situation that one must always strive in order to succeed.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Pragmatic
+ Curious and intelligent
+ Steadfast
+ Extremely adept in hand to hand and survival situations

-/+ Reserved

- Considered to be arrogant/snobbish
- Ruthless
- Pragmatic
- Social interactions are suspect to him due to his father's teachings
- Stubborn
Ambitions To always survive no matter the situation or no matter the odds
Hobbies & Interests Combat training, exercise, survival training, understanding art and ramen

Personal History Sovas was born on the red planet of Mars in the re-establish Utopia Plantia shipyard foundation cities to his Terran father Thane and his Vulcan mother Prisai, a slave in the small harem that the Terran man had built for himself. Though his birth was given little fanfare, he was acknowledged as his father's son and given the social standing within the Empire that came with that. Thane was a distant father, though he did ensure that his son had only the best tutors, even if they where strict. As time went on, Thane began to spend more time with Sovas, though these were times of parental bonding they were never simply that as Thane schooled his son in harsh lessons of survival and pragmatism. He eventually learned that he had other siblings from the other women in his father's harem and he would occasionally meet them, often in sparring arenas where they were pitted against each other.

As time went on, Sovas absorbed his father's lessons, the harsh training that took place in both the fighting pits and the wilderness of Earth, there were many times that the young man thought he would die only to find the inner drive to push on. He was forced to figth for his life and to maintain his position in his family. Pragmatic suspicion and the games of intrigue were as much a part of his life as the harsh survival of the wilderness and the feral beast that would make a meal of him. His siblings were being schooled in much the same way and his half Orion brother Ossiron had little love for him and the feeling was mutual, the sparring was always vicious and often required guards to separate them. Though he was always wary of what his brother was planning, Sovas was focused on his future, to leave Mars by joining the Imperial Academy to bear the torch of the Imperial Truth and the hegemony of the rightful rulers of the galaxy.

So it was on his eighteenth birthday, he was taken from his bed by his father's guards, escorted to the arena where he found Ossiron waiting. While watching them from the stands was his father, his mother and Ossiron's mother where Thane announced that they would fight to the death to prove who deserved the right to survive. Knives were given to each boy while their mother's watched impassively to the resulting violence. Violent it was as both boys finally were allowed to unleash their most vitriolic of hatred out, blade flashed and flesh parted and eventually Sovas stood over the body of his brother bruised and bleeding as Thane celebrated his son's victory. He praised his son for proving that he was the perfect survivor, the ultimate predator who had take his prey.

While he understood the necessity of defending himself from his brother, he found himself questioning his father even if silently as to why this was the way of it. He obediently took part in the celebrations and the announcement that he would be going to Earth to join the Imperial Academy to great applause. He accepted everything with the fervor and appreciation expected of him, but began to make his own plans in his mind. He would not become the perfect solider his father wanted and he would walk his own path while bringing the rule of the Empire to the ignorant masses of the galaxy.

While it had been made clear he would take a role in Security or the Marines, Sovas instead chose to pursue a path in Operations. A position decidedly as far from what his father wanted and it was something that he had always truly been interested in even if he had to secretly learn about such things. He proved himself to be rather adept at understanding how to best balance the resource management with the engineering and scientific knowledge required by his position since he had to know how best to support his other departments. Though he always maintained the watchful pragmatism his father had instilled in him, ensure that he had a means of protecting himself from the unexpected or from those seeking to use him as a stepping stone for their own ambitions.

He gradutated in the upper half of his class and was sent to his first posting as a junior officer in the fleet, though he made few friends he managed to make few enemies as well - a delicate balance that allowed him to achieve his goals even if he knew that others looked down on him for his mixed heritage. he was assigned to the ISS Draconis, which he was part of an Away Team when they were captured by Gorn raiders planetside and taken to a preserve to be hunted for sport, his father's teachings saw him survive and he did manage to save the first officer and one other member of their Away Team, though he was seriously injured by the Gorn captain before they were rescued.

He was sent back to Terra to recover, after his recovery he found himself transferred to the ISS Vengeance as their Operations Officer just before the ship set out into the Badlands on their mission. While events taken a decidedly drastic turn, he knows that he will need to play his part if the crew is to survive and make it home and he silently sees this as the ultimate test of his abilities.
Service Record Imperial Academy
ISS Lupercalia
ISS Draconis
ISS Vengeance