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Wed Oct 2nd, 2024 @ 4:34am

Lieutenant Dr. Daniel Brasken

Name Daniel Brasken Dr.

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Terran
Birthplace Mars
Birthdate (Month, Day, Year) 01/18/2331
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 190lbs
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Grey Green
Physical Description An average human male a little on the taller side. His demeanor is that of someone who attempts to balance mind and body. Studious and quiet but with a well-maintained physique that is possibly a bit more muscular than one might expect from a person of science. Dark hair is medium length, swept back from his face while a trimmed bit of two-day growth is constantly on his jaw and around his lips.


Father Andres Velasquez
Mother Danielle Brasken

Personality & Traits

General Overview Daniel is a mostly secretive person. While he enjoys company and being around people, he rarely engages beyond surface familiarity. He is quite intelligent and spends most of his time on his own projects when not attending his duties. His merits have continued to raise him through the ranks as he is quite capable while showing little interest in the bureaucracy of the fleet.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Intelligent
+ Analytical
+ Driven
- Secretive
- Aggressive
Ambitions Progressing medical technology to make life better for everyone.
Hobbies & Interests Track and Field, Opera, Wood Working, Technical and Historic reading

Personal History The purity of the Terran empire and its leadership has always been of particular focus. Those without clean bloodlines are never allowed into the upper levels. Daniel’s grandparents were a half Klingon woman and full human male. They started the path that would be Daniel.

His grandparents wanted their children to be able to be great and create a family that would be something to the Empire. So, they started to remove the signs of Klingon heritage from their children. Only one lived past their third birthday, Daniel’s mother, Danielle Brasken.

Danielle was outwardly perfect, human wise. Dark brown hair with grey eyes, though internally she had a couple telltale signs of her lineage. Viscous blood and a few redundant organs were left in so as not to shock the system and leave her alive. Danielle was raised to believe that her whole purpose was to bring up the next generation, where the “flaws” could be worked out. She studied medicine where she could on Mars while her parents looked for a mate whose genetics would be strong enough to give the modifications a better chance the next time.

So it was that Andres was found. Daniel’s father knew nothing of the family that he was creating. Andres was a simple engineer that kept the systems maintained at the Mars space dock. Danielle was charming and seduced him easily and even came to care for him after a while, though not enough to remain with him after he had given her the offspring she desired.

Daniel was exhibiting aspects of his Klingon heritage early in his gestation and his mother and grandparents went to great lengths to have his genetics modified to hide them. In the end he was enhanced in most ways while also maintaining the more dense musculature and bones from his Klingon heritage. When born, nothing but the deepest of genetic analysis could identify where he came from.

Growing up was more training than growing for Daniel. Having been enhanced before he was born, he was taught how to emulate the other humans so as not to arouse suspicions and instructed at home well beyond the lessons of his peers. This lent to boredom in his childhood when forced to sit through lessons that he was years beyond and in that boredom his patience and aggressiveness were tested. More than once he was sent home for bullying other students for what he saw as flaws and overall lacking. These times were punished severely until he learnt to control himself. It started out by doing math problems in his head and progressed over the years to sorting out full complex chemical reactions.

Being one of the fastest ways to rise in the Empire, Daniel’s trajectory put him into the Academy for the Empire’s fleet. They also had access to some of the best equipment and knowledge in the Empire without painting a large target on himself in more private businesses.

So, Daniel entered the Academy and while excelling, made sure not to do too well. This manifested as making sure that his work was not always done on time and to not argue with his teachers like some other students would that wanted to prove themselves. He stayed to himself mostly, making friends as needed for his image and once graduated they simply were lost track of.

He was assigned to a standard medical ship, the ISS Vigilance as his first tour. Showing improvement from his Academy days by making sure things were done on time and helping out where needed as the ship went from outpost to outpost to provide aid as needed.

The ISS Apollo was a bit different for Daniel, though. Here he was on a ship that pushed the boundaries of the Empire’s borders and spent much of his time tending to wounds suffered in combat. As a result, he was not expected to fill his free time helping in other ways around the ship and was able to enjoy the freedoms of a junior grade lieutenant and the resources of a more advanced ship to start his pet project. He started a private database that is a full analysis of his genetics and works in his off hours to see how he can augment himself further, rather than to wait for the next generation.

While the Apollo allowed him to explore his project more, he still wanted to climb further and get onto a more prestigious ship. So, when the Blightstar Plague hit the mining colony of Dientraus III, he poured himself into the project and found the cure. Saving the workers of the planet and the value to the Empire that they represented, allowed for his promotion to Lieutenant and to pick his next posting. His choice was the ISS Vengeance, having heard it was designed specifically with the best of the best.
Service Record Imperial Academy
ISS Vigilance
ISS Apollo
ISS Vengeance