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Wed Oct 2nd, 2024 @ 4:57am

Private 1st Class Cedrik Feng

Name Jianyu Cedrik Feng

Position Squad Medic

Rank Private 1st Class

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Terran
Birthplace Hong Kong, Terra
Birthdate (Month, Day, Year) November 3, 2350
Age 21

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 200lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description A tall and physically fit young man, Cedrik maintains an impeccable appearance. He is always clean, well groomed, and his clothes have been tailored to fit his body. His body is mostly muscle as he finds his physical training just as important as his usual duties. He is considered by most to be quite an attractive young man.


Father Lord Feng Honghui of Hong Kong
Mother Chelsea Feng (nee Fletcher)
Brother(s) Feng Jiayi Godwin (y)
Feng Shen Remington (y - twin to Meihui)
Feng Yaozu Lawson (y)
Feng Renshu Elliot (y)
Sister(s) Feng Meihui Rosalind (y - twin to Shen)
Feng Qiuyue Brienne (y)
Feng Xiang Audrey (y)
Other Family Master Sergeant Feng Haoran (Uncle - deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview The first impression that most get upon meeting Cedrik for the first time is that he is a genuinely friendly, good man. Though he does not have a very commanding presence, in crowds he can still hold his own and get attention when he needs or wants to (though more often than not he is content to just observe.) He is a loyal and fierce friend, fearless in the face of danger. He is also very resourceful and good at problem solving. Where Cedrik does run into a bit of trouble though his his perfectionism; if something isn't done up to his exacting standards, he often considers it a failure and is frustrated by it. Knowing this, it leads him to be slightly indecisive on pursuing things he isn't certain to succeed. Being young, he is relatively naive and perhaps too passive in his social approach.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Brave
+ Friendly
+ Humble
+ Loyal
+ Resourceful

- Naive
- Indecisive
- Perfectionist
- Vain
- Passive
Ambitions Cedrik wishes to serve with honor and dignity in the position he has been given. His primary goal is now helping to get himself and his crew home in one piece so he can resume normal life. Once that is accomplished, he would likely take up business in Hong Kong while also weaving through court life.
Hobbies & Interests Dance, Martial Arts, Horseback Riding, Cello, Food

Service Record Basic Training
ISS Zhukov
ISS Vengeance