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Sat May 25th, 2024 @ 5:50am

Sergeant Bryana "Bri" Locke

Name Bryana Locke

Position Squad Deputy Leader

Rank Sergeant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Terran
Birthplace Denver, Colorado, North America
Birthdate (Month, Day, Year) July 1 2339
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft 6 in (1.68 m)
Weight 145 lb
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Bryana is tall with a lean muscular build with long dark brown hair. She has a hard face and dark eyes that reflect little of her thoughts when dealing with business, though when she smiles it softens her features, lighting up her eyes and she's always ready with a wicked grin or just a friendly smile. She keeps her dark hair long, though on duty its worn in a regulation style to keep it out of the way and off duty she lets it hang loose.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Jebadiah Locke
Mother Sophia Locke
Brother(s) Joseph Helten (Brother-in-law)
Sister(s) Sandra "Sandy" Locke (Younger), Suzanne "Suzzie" Helten (Younger, nee Locke)

Personality & Traits

General Overview "Sometimes a good thing is just that, a good thing. Other times its just a poorly set lid meant to the hide untended sewage trench that's been bakin' in the summer heat. Downright unpleasant in everyway."

Bryana's a warm and pleasant individual owing to her upbringing with her family, though any who thinks she's a country bumpkin or a rural rube are in for a rude awakening as she doesn't suffer fool or idiots lightly, nor does she sit idly by when there's work to do.
Strengths & Weaknesses Bryana, at heart, will forever be a plain old country girl who likes the simple pleasures in life and dislikes unnecessary complications, doing her best to live by the ancient Terran adage K.I.S.S. - Keep it Simple Stupid. She is a focused and goal-oriented fighter willing to use unorthodox strategies and think outside the box to solve problems. She struggles with claustrophobia, a product of her childhood when she became stuck in a closet in her room when no one was home. The power at their farm had gone out, though she can steel herself to go into tight places; if she wants out, she'll fight anyone she had to do so, even comrades.

She suffers from compulsive sexual behaviors, leading her to enter into inappropriate relations with this both in her unit and within her duty stations. While she was never formally reprimanded for it, it is plain as day should anyone read between the lines of her performance reviews or Command Staff reports on her conduct. It is something that she silently struggles with, white-knuckling the behavior to keep it from becoming self-destructive.

While she can be a caring individual and will give an honest opinion, she tends to skew toward bluntness which has caused the loss of more than one friend.

Given the work-oriented environment that she was raised in on her family's farm, she holds people to a high standard for their work and will ride them if she doesn't think they are pulling their weight.
Ambitions Get home, make her family proud and to loyally serve the Empire
Hobbies & Interests Mixed Martial Arts, Moondogging (an activity where one drives down a dark country road without any lights), exercise.