
  • 20 Mission Posts

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Tue May 14th, 2024 @ 5:57am


Name Imogen Siobhan Tiger

Position Ship Intelligence

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Terran (1/8 Bajoran)
Birthplace Dublin, Ireland, European Dominion, Terra
Birthdate (Month, Day, Year) April 12, 2350
Age 23*

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5
Weight 115 Lbs
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Immy is attractive with long red hair and youthful dark eyes. She has a shapely body and is known to accentuate it with tight-fitting garments when not off work or doing physical activity. She has a symmetrical freckled face and a gentle, light, sweet voice. She speaks with a lilting accent.


Father Unknown
Mother Erin Tiger

Personality & Traits

General Overview Immy is a fun-loving young woman who despises her life as a slave. She resents every part of it, and yearns for adventure and excitement far away from servitude to the Empire. She has a masculine confidence with a feminine charm and likes to get her hands dirty as much as she likes to don dresses and charm Terran Officers, though she is much better at the latter. Immy is secretive, vivacious, and has a certain social intelligence which makes up for her lack in other areas. She is motivated to free herself, and will do or say whatever she needs to in order to achieve that goal.

Personal History The daughter of a single mother, Immy has no idea who her father is. Growing up in Dublin, she and her mother lived a simple and poor life, doing what they could to pay their bills and keep a roof over their heads. When she was around fifteen, Immy attracted the attention of a Fleet Officer on shoreleave. Though their dalliance was illegal, she spent several weeks with him. While there, she managed to take everything of value he had, steal his bank account information, and disappear in a flash. Unfortunately for her, the man had learned enough about her to track her down and report her. The judge quickly convicted Immy and charged her to pay off the price of everything she'd stolen and an additional 100,000 Golden Crowns on top of it. Since her mother couldn't pay, and since Immy had alien ancestry, she was pressed into servitude.

Her contract was taken first by a local washing house which cleaned houses for local wealthy clients. It was difficult for her to adjust to the life of a slave, but she did so in a few months time. She, like any other pretty girl slave, was desperately trying to avoid becoming a sex slave when she turned 18. To do that, she needed a recommendation for something higher. She worked very hard and cleaned well enough to have an excellent review at the end of her adolescence. Her contract was bought by the Imperial Starfleet. Though she initially worked in operations, she soon landed an assignment working in the lounge on the ISS Vengeance. When the command slaves were freed, she was selected to replace one of them.