
Follow the Talaxian Brick Road...

Posted on Wed Aug 10th, 2022 @ 4:51pm by Captain Ivan Petrov

Mission: The Talaxian Run
Location: ISS Vengeance, Captain’s Ready Room
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 0900
1134 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

After Micheal and Kaleigh got dressed in their proper uniforms, they made their way up to the bridge, to report to the Captain as ordered. Apparently, he was about to send them on their first official scout mission.

As they entered the bridge, several of the assembled officer stole glaces at Micheal and his appearance. Rumors had already been spreading through the ship as to what he was, man or machine.

After nodding good morning to the ship's XO, the pair moved to their destination, the Captain's ready room. Once outside the doors, Micheal reached up and pressed the chime.

Kaleigh stood quietly behind him keeping an eye on their backs. She barely knew people here and thus the trust was low on the agenda.

"Come in, please!" Ivan called out. he was sitting on the couch at the raised level near the replicator and the front window. Outside, the stars seemed to stream toward them yet always passed the ship.

As the doors opened, Micheal strode inside like a predator always searching for a target. The fact that his pregnant wife was with him made him all the more protective, even among friends. He saluted Ivan, then moved aside to give Kaleigh room.

Kaleigh followed Micheal into the office and saluted the Captain briskly. "Captain" She said as she lowered her arm from the imperial salute.

"Robertsons, come over and have a seat. I have something for you that I think you'll find both interesting and challenging." the Captain said, gesturing to the large slightly winding couch.

Kae sat and let her lips curve "Sounds intriguing Sir" She said professionally. "We are of course eager to assist in anyway."

After Kaleigh sat down, Micheal did as well, placing himself between his wife and the only door into the compartment. Looking at Ivan and nodding in agreement, he added, "We are more than ready to do our duty for the Empire, Captain."

"I know you are. Both of you are dedicated, and you have the skills for what I have for you." Ivan said with an assured expression. "Since you are now the official scout of the Shadow Fleet, I want to use you to look ahead at what we have next. In this case, I want to gather information and make more in-roads with the Talaxians."

Micheal looked at Kaleigh first, then back at Ivan. "What are our specific orders, Captain? Are we going in to size them up as a possible threat to the Empire, or trying to open honest trade with them?" He was curious just how blood thirsty Ivan would be, seeing as their collected military strength was still low. While the Vengeance was the most advanced warship that Micheal had seen thus far in the Delta Quadrant, even a giant could still be felled by a swarm of insects.

“A bit of both, Micheal. We’re a small fleet, but I want to leverage alliances when I can. We will need deuterium for energy; we will need dilithium, and we need someone willing to seek us these things without giving us any trouble.”

Ivan stood up then and stepped toward them. “I want you to find out what you can about them. Explore their weak spots and their strong, and in particular, learn about their relationship with their overlords, the Haakonians. The Talaxians are weak in comparison and, with the proper alliances, they might come to replace the Haakonians as a local power in the future. Do you catch my drift?”

"Yes Captain Clearly." Kaleigh replied calmly. "We will make sure we get all we can for you and the fleet"

“Try to be light handed. See if you can get access to important people peacefully. If you can’t…” Ivan smirked and nodded. “Try something different. If they understand that we are singularly motivated and capable, they will comprehend the good the Empire can do for them.”

Kae's lips curved at that. "Of course Captain." She agreed. "We will not fail."

"Excellent." Ivan said, looking relatively satisfied. "Do you have any questions about your objectives?"

Micheal glanced to Kaleigh first, before standing and shaking his head. "No, Sir. We will get our ship ready and leave immediately." He then turned and offered his hand to his wife, to help her to her feet.

Kae smiled and allowed him to help her up. "We will be in touch Captain." She said and gave the proper salute.

“Glory to the Empire.” Ivan said with a salute, having stood up. “Dismissed.”

Micheal saluted Ivan in reply. "Long live the Emperor!" Then he and Kaleigh turned and made their way out of the ready room. After they left the bridge, they made their way down to their assigned quarters and packed up anything they had there that they would need for the trip. Then, after collecting their daughter from Yana, they made their way down to their Runabout.

"She's all fueled and supplied, per Lieutenant Anderson's orders," Chief Finley stated to the Micheal as Kaleigh and Daphne went aboard. "Hey, Mike," he put a hand up to gesture Micheal over. "If you guys find any silks or other nice items, I'd be willing to pay for them. Money or trade, whatever you need." He had been wanting to get Mur'Trolla some nice things of her own. Of course, as a slave, she would have to keep them in his quarters, as she wasn't allowed to own anything.

Micheal looked over at his old friend. They had met up when they were both young Petty Officers, while on liberty. After a brief scuffle over which was better, the Fleet or the Marines, they settled down and had more than their fair share of drinks. By the time they were waking up from their hangovers, they had began a friendship that had lasted to this day.

"Sure Chuck," he replied with a grin. "You have a new lady friend I don't know about?"

Chuck grinned slightly as he responded. "You could say that. Though, we're keeping it between the two of us, if you catch my meaning?"

Micheal nodded in understanding. "Kae's and my lips will be sealed." He chuckled as he leaned closer. "I'll need to tell her at least, so she can help find the right items in question." He then straightened back up. "We'll be sure to find you a few nice baubles or something." He then nodded and turned to head into the Alexandria II.

Chuck moved to the shuttlebay office and, after getting the green light from the bridge, he opened the shuttlebay doors and watched as the sleak Arrow Class Runabout lift up off the deck and sailed smoothly through the forcefield. In a few seconds, they were gone in a flash, as they jumped to warp.



