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Determining Whose Is Bigger

Posted on Thu Jan 27th, 2022 @ 2:12am by Lieutenant Lionel Morrison & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Intelligence Offices
Timeline: MD 4, 1540 hours
1578 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Troy entered the Intelligence section with a purposeful stride of authority. He stepped up to the front desk and addressed the crewman sitting there with an authoritative tone. "Inform Lieutenant Morrison that Lieutenant Marshall is here to see him. He glanced about the work area and spotted Kassandra, giving her an almost imperceptible nod.

Kassandra was just recovering from her third round of agonizer and gave him a small nod back befor turning back to her work.

The crewman darted off and then came back. "This way Lieutenant, Lieutenant Morrison has time to see you now."

Troy followed the crewman to the door emblazoned in intricate script with the name and duty billet of the occupant in the room beyond the door. The lettering still glistening from the recent paint job. He glanced at the crewman and gave a dismissive wave as he keyed in his command override code and entered the office uninvited. His expression was carefully neutral as he stepped through the threshold.

Lionel was waiting for him and watched his face impassive as Troy entered. "Lieutenant." He stated calmly "What brings you by?"

Troy drew his PADD from the back pocket of his trousers and brought up a security file. The screen displayed information on an agonizer that had been activated at regular intervals over the last several hours. He casually tossed the PADD onto Lionel's desk. "A personal agonizer has been activated numerous times throughout the current watch. I decided to personally investigate the issue considering that an officer was the one being subjected to punishment. Care to explain why this is occurring?"

Lionel didn't sneer but he gave a disdainful look. "As head of department crew discipline is my purview. I am dealing with Insubordination and it is within regulations"

"Describe the incident if you please." Troy gestured at the computer terminal. "I gather you have already logged the incident and uploaded the supporting documentation."

"Of course I have Lieutenant" Came the cold reply. "And as you do not have the clearance to hear about the incident I see no need to extrapolate it to you. The Captain and Executive Officer are aware as per protocol." Here his lips quirked into a half smirk. "The Ensign is lucky they are not being brigged or sent to the starbase stockade."

"Hmmm." Troy retrieved his PADD from the desk and keyed in his command code as Second Officer and brought up Morrison's administrative charges against Kassandra. He reviewed the document for a moment before raising his eyes to meet Lionel's. "Your initial basis is she exceeded her authority by attending the staff meeting this morning and that she subsequently became argumentative with you afterwards."

"Yes." Came the icy reply. "She also disobeyed an order from me. So I think you have overstepped your bounds Lieutenant"

Troy turned and opened the office door. "Ensign Selin come in to the office." He stood in the doorway and spied a few curious glances. "The rest of you back to work!"

Kass pushed herself to her feet and walked calmly into the office and stood at attention. "Sirs" She said her tone neutral and brisk.

Lionel's gaze narrowed at the young Ensign. If she knew what was good for her...

Troy closed the door and turned to Kass with a stern expression on his face. "Lieutenant Morrison here claims you have been in violation of regulations. He has annotated in his log that you are guilty of exceeding your authority, engaged in Insubordination and willfully defied a direct order from him. These are all extremely serious charges. Lieutenant Morrison has seen fit to conduct administrative punishment as follows. Agonizer activation every hour on the hour during duty hours for one minutes duration for the next fourteen days. Is this correct?"

Kassandra considered her words carefully. "It is not totally correct Sir." She said softly.

Troy tapped the PADD in his hand into the palm of of his empty hand repeatedly. "Enlighten me as to the inconsistencies in Lieutenant Morrison's log then."

"I have not disobeyed an order from the Lieutenant, Sir. I was ordered by the captain to attend the briefing. And the agoniser..."

Luonel glared at her.

"Is set for every 30 minutes for 90 seconds." She added. Her hands were clenched by her side and they shook.

Troy typed in a command on his PADD and sent a copy of Lionel's log entry to the secure server in the Security Office before turning to Lionel. "What order of yours did she disobey?"

Lionel sneered now. "A standing order. I told her to crawl. She is walking."

Kass looked down. ~Oh for crying out loud.~ She thought.

"I have video footage of her walking the halls. Disobeying a direct order needs punishment" Lionel said coldly his hand wavering over a button on his desk.

"Computer, search audio visual surveillance footage of Lieutenant Morrison key word crawl and display on my PADD. Authorization Marshall-2-4-5-Gamma." Troy looked at his PADD as he pointed to Lionel with his free hand. "You should reconsider pushing that button."

The image appeared on his padd of Lionel ordering Kass to crawl as she left his office. Kass did so.

Lionel kept his hand on the button and smirked. "I gave her an order and never told her to stop. Disobeying a direct order, the ensign is lucky I dont put her out an airlock." And he pressed the button.

Kass cried out and crumpled to the deck shaking and whimpering in pain.

"I'd stay down there if I were you." Lionel sneered.

Kass's hand clenched on the deck.

Troy glanced down with what appeared to be indifference to her writhing in pain. He began a silent count to determine how long this agonizer session would last. He gave a bored sigh and resumed watching the audio visual footage of her dressing down earlier.

90 seconds was how long it lasted and Kass's cries ended as the pain stopped. She remained on the floor, keeping her head down but deep down she felt the anger, there from the first moment she saw the new chief, it began to boil and bubble.

Lionel sniffed "Seems bitches can be taught after all. I had heard different about this one."

Troy looked at the number of agonizer sessions Kass had been subjected to as he took a knee and helped her up. "That will be all Ensign. Return to your duties."

"Ensign, if you Walk out of here, I will up it to every 15 minutes" Lionel said coldly.

Kass's limbs were shaking but she looked at Troy and then at Lionel. She was damned if she walked out, and in trouble for disobeying the ship's second officer if she crawled like Lionel wanted.

Troy looked at Kass and nodded supportively before turning to Lionel. "I am considering taking Ensign Selin and putting her before a Captain's Mast where several things could happen. She could be subject to an more severe punishment if the facts warrant it. Her current administrative punishment could stand as is, but will be administered by either the Chief Inspector or myself per regulations. There is also the possibility her administrative punishment could be commuted due to falsified charges you have entered in to your official log along with evidence you have willfully exceeded what punishment you are allowed to dispense. If her sentence is commuted, I will be recommending a Captain's Mast for you or...."

"Or what?" Sneered Lionel as Kass limped from the room in silence.

Troy stepped up to Lionel's desk and leaned across it, his face centimeters from Lionel's. "I will give you a choice. Follow to the letter your administrative action starting tomorrow as she reports for duty or enter in your log that corrective counseling is terminated for reasonable improvement in her behavior." Troy resumed standing. "Your move Lieutenant. What is it going to be?"

"Is she warming your bed already Lieutenant?" Lionel sneered. "Why should I stop my punishment of her? What is it to you anyway?"

Troy looked down at Lionel sitting in the chair. "I will answer your questions in reverse order. Absolutely nothing. Because what you have said you were going to do and what you have done is in excess of your authority without a Captain's Mast. She is not warming anything for me and if she would be the last person to find out." He finally let an emotion cross his face, contempt for the pathetic man in the chair. Troy turned his back on the man and stepped to the door. "Fuck with me and it will be the last mistake you ever make...and if I get an alert that Ensign Selin has received another agonizer session before reporting for duty tomorrow...that will constitute fucking with me. I hope your small mind is capable of grasping that."

Lionel merely sneered at him. "I grasp things pretty well" he replied icly. "And you would do best to distance yourself from the Ensign she is toxic."

Troy raised his PADD and keyed in his command code giving him control to every personal agonizer on the ship. He activated Lionel's agonizer as he exited the office. He strode across the room as the screaming started. He got to the turbolift precisely 90 seconds later and turned the agonizer off as he boarded the lift.

Kass, leaning against a wall in Intelligence let her lips curve in a smile.


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