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"We're off to see the Wizard!: Part 5"

Posted on Tue Sep 6th, 2022 @ 8:32pm by

Mission: The Talaxian Run
Location: Alexandria II, - Talaxian space
Timeline: Mission Day 10 at 1000
1592 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

After the events on Talaxian Prime, the Alexandria spent the next few days spreading the propaganda around the neighbouring systems. They repeated the message and the fireball of random Haakonian ships.

People were starting to see the light. And the Haakonians were starting to panic.

Kae was sitting in a chair in the cockpit reading the information they had been gathering. She and Rebecca had left communication buoys disguised as Haakonian tech around the areas so they could gather intelligence “We should send a packet back to the Vengeance”
She said

At the rear of the cockpit, Micheal was doing some push-ups, trying to keep his body in shape. He had done a few other callisthenics earlier and was finishing his daily exercises. "Sounds like a good idea, sweetheart," he grunted his reply as he continued to crank out push-ups.

Kae wanted to roll her eyes “How much longer will you be doing that?” she asked as she nibbled on a dry biscuit.

As his answer, Micheal performed three more push-ups, then stood back up. "I'm done for today," he said as he grabbed a nearby towel and started to dry the sweat from his bare chest and arms. His muscles rippled slightly as he moved. "Besides, I need to stay sexy for you." He smirked playfully at her as he stepped forward.

Kae wanted to snark back but she was not feeling well, morning sickness had started and she was not impressed with it. "Well you know I appreciate your body Love" she smiled and ate another bite of biscuit.

Micheal reached down and gently stroked her left cheek with his right hand. "Only the best for my Queen," he said with a loving smile.

Then he noticed a change in her body temperature. "Are you feeling well, my love?"

"Morning Sickness " Kae grumbled. "As long as I do not make any sudden moves I will be fine"

A look of loving concern filled his features. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel more comfortable, my love?"

"No, Rebecca and I have been working together to try and limit it. Weak tea and dry biscuits seem to work for now." She gave a wry smile. "So not to be recommended."

He knelt down and gave Kaleigh a soft kiss, then gently tucked a few errant hairs behind her left ear. "You are amazing, you know that?"

“Why thank you kind Sir” she replied with a smile. “So I shall get that information packet ready and send it.”

"That's my girl," he said with a proud, loving grin. He then leaned in to kiss her cheek and sweat fell from his chest, onto her bare arm.

“Eww go Shower” she pushed at him with a grin “Get cleaned up”

"I thought you liked me all sweaty and pumped up?" He grinned as he stood. "I'll be back in a bit." He then turned and made his way aft, to get cleaned up and changed.

Kae watched him go then turned back to her console. She needed to get that packet up and ready.

A short while later, Micheal returned to the cockpit, dressed in his usual uniform of black cargo pants, bloused into a pair of black leather combat boots. He finished his look with a black leather vest, and a few sheathed knives.

"How's it going?" He asked as he stepped up behind Kaleigh, putting his right hand on her left shoulder.

“Good. Almost done. I have flagged the station as a safe place for them to put in if they need to as well.”

Micheal nodded as he listened. "Good idea. "Though, Ivan better not think it's his base to keep." He chuckled softly.

“I think the captain may have designs on getting home with as big a fleet as possible.”

Micheal chuckled again. "This is true. I guess, when the time comes, we need to decide whether we want to go back to Terra as well, or live our lives here." He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze as he added, "But that is a discussion for another time." He moved over to his seat and lowered his powerful frame down into it. "So, what is our next target?"

“Depends on how far into Haakonian space you want to go or if you wish to get back to Daphne..”

"Do you feel we have accomplished the mission that Ivan sent us out for, my love?" While Micheal definitely wanted to get back to their daughter, he knew that the more work they did for the Vengeance, the better things would be for them in the future.

“I want to get back to her, maybe we give it a few more days and see if we can find some places to mine materials?” Kae suggested. “Repairs would be easier if we can find raw materials. And if we can claim them for the Empire. Might make it easier for the Fleet to harvest them. ”

Micheal nodded. "Okay, three more days, then we head back. First order of business, locating a mineral rich planet or asteroid field. Anything on long range sensors?"

“A few,” Kae replied. “All pretty close to Haakonian space but some look more viable than others”

"Then let's use the time we have to find only the viable ones. Give me a heading." He started to move his fingers across the helm controls.

Kae did so and sent the coordinates to the helm. “Has high concentrations of various metals that the Empire uses in ship building and for fuel.” Then she paused. “And I have scanners going for more of those Blue crystals.”

"Excellent, my love." He inputted the course and engaged the warp engines. "ETA to the first target is…six hours." He handed the controls off to Rebecca and stood. "I'm going to have some breakfast. Would you like anything, sweetheart?"

“Ah no thanks,” Kae said softly. “I am not that hungry.” she admitted.

Nodding to her, he moved aft to the small galley and picked something from the replicator, ensuring it wasn't anything too aromatic, as he didn't want to upset her stomach.

Kae sat back in her chair and closed her eyes as she sat there in silence. She was hoping that the morning sickness finished sooner rather than later. And that it didn’t last all day like she heard it could.

A short time later, Micheal returned. Though she had said she didn't want anything, he was hoping that the warm tea with honey and biscuits that he replicated for her would be accepted. "Here honey, at least have something gentle?"

She opened her eyes and gave a wan smile. “Oh.. tea? Is it weak tea?” she asked softly as she reached for it.

He nodded as he gave her a tender grin. "Rebecca said this was the flavour you had been drinking." After handing it over, he knelt beside her, looking into her beautiful eyes. "If you need to go lay down, go ahead, Kae. We are gonna be at warp for a while."

“Okay... will you come join me later?” she asked as she sipped the tea feeling the warmth filter into her body.

He nodded. "Of course, my love." He leaned in and kissed her softly.

“Good, because it always makes me feel better.” smiling she pushed herself to her feet, and carrying the tea and food he had brought her, headed for their bedroom.

The soft smile stayed on his lips as he watched the love of his life head aft. When she was in the master suite, he spoke aloud softly. "Rebecca, I imagine you are keeping a close eye on Kae as she progresses through her pregnancy? I'm not asking for details, just that, everything is going as it should."

"I am watching it carefully, Master. Every female is different when it comes to pregnancy. Mistress is suffering from morning sickness and it wears the body out. If it gets worse or continues into her second trimester, I would suggest getting the doctors on Vengeance to check her over but she is still within her first trimester. Nearly 12 weeks according to scans. If it is 18 weeks and still suffering or worse..." Rebecca replied.

He nodded at the unspoken implications. "I am giving you a direct order, Rebecca. If, at any time, Kaleigh or our baby is in any danger, you are to beam them into the buffer and use all emergency power to keep their pattern from degrading even a single micron. I will use everything else to get us back to Vengeance, even if it costs both of us our lives. Acknowledge order."

“Acknowledged.” came the reply “But from information, this is normal for about 1 in 100 of Terran females.”

Micheal thought for a moment, then nodded. "Still, I'm not going to take any chances with either of them."

“Yes Master” Rebecca replied and smiled and vanished.

Micheal sat down in his command chair and thought about many things. Main among them, keeping his family safe, no matter the cost. They would go along with Ivan for a while, see what riches they could acquire for themselves along the way, like their new space station. It was only the beginning of their own empire. One where Micheal would be Emperor, and Kaleigh would be his Empress.

It was a lot to think about and consider. But, for now, he set the ship on autopilot, then made his way aft.

He wanted to hold the woman who was the center of his everything.



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