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"Pay up"

Posted on Fri Sep 16th, 2022 @ 1:27am by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Location: Greece
Timeline: 2363
645 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Kassandra looked up from her drafting table in her dorm room at her school at the harsh rap on the door. She sighed and pushed her hair from her face. She knew that knock. Athanasia. “its open” She called out standing up from the stool.

Athanasia, her senior by 3 years swept into the neatly kept dorm room. “Sister”

At 17 and about to graduate from their school Athanasia was dressed immaculately as per their family’s demand, and why wouldn’t she be? She was given a generous allowance from their father. A grand total of 3000 imperial Credits a month, which compared to the 1000 Kassandra got every 3 months, was massive. Where Kass had to make do, Athanasia could splurge. Kass however saved wisely. It was how she was able to afford the drafting table in her dorm room.

“Sister” Kass replied warily.

“My Mother and Father are coming to my graduation.” Athanasia stated while Kass merely thought ~our father~. “And I need a dress.”

“So, buy one” Came the cool reply from the youngest sibling. Athanasia had the money surely.

“No, I want you to make me one.” Came Athanasia’s reply. “Everyone, says your designs are …. passable.” The tone was nonchalant, yet the interest was clear.

Oh, that must have hurt, Kass considered. “Oh?”

Athanasia narrowed her eyes at her younger half-sister. She hated the fact that she had to deal with Kassandra around such an important dress. Kassandra should have been drowned at birth according to Athanasia’s mother and stepmother. They called her a mongrel for being the daughter of Marietta. “Listen here Kassandra Elektana!”

Kass rolled her eyes and waved a hand. “You know Sister, I really do not feel the urge to assist you.”

“Then maybe I should tell Father that you are cheating at school.”

Kass shrugged. “That’s fine. We both know it’s you he will believe. I am fine with the whip Athanasia. But you still won’t get what you want.”

Athanasia took a breath. “How much” she stated

“I beg your pardon?”

“How much do you want?”

Kass leaned back on her stool and crossed her arms. “1500 for the dress. And Materials.”

“ARE YOU KIDDING?!?! That’s half my monthly allowance!”

“Yes and? You came to me remember.” The 14 year old waved an idle hand. “Its what I have charged several of your classmates”

“Robbery!” Athanasia snapped.

“Quality” came the reply. “Mrs Harrth has sent several of my designs to Milan and they are accepting them, so I figure at this price you are getting a bargain.”

Athanasia sighed and nodded. “Fine. But it better be worth it Kassandra or else.”

Kass studied her sister for a moment then walked back to the drafting table. She flipped through several pieces of paper before pulling out a large sketch. “here” She said showing Athanasia a sketch of a dark green dress. It had a fitted bodice and a swishy skirt and would show Athanasia’s form off to perfection.

Athanasia nodded her eyes wide. Then she gathered her composure. “How long?”

“Graduation is in 2 weeks, You will have it the night before.” Kass said “If you pay now.”

"And if I don't?"

"Then I guess you will have to ask for permission to leave campus" Which they both knew would not be forthcoming due to Athanasias behavior.

Athanasia growled low in her throat. "You will pay for this Kassandra"

"Well I am sure I will,but until then? Do you want the dress or not?"

Athanasia pulled out her credit chip and did the transfer.

"I will bring it by the night before your graduate." Kass said by way of confirmation. "Have a good day Sister."

Athanasia gave her a glower. “You too” she snapped and stalked from the room.

Kass watched her go, and then sank back onto her stool. Athanasia was so predictable.



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