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Rekindle the Moment

Posted on Fri Mar 31st, 2023 @ 6:32pm by Petty Officer 2nd Class Jasper Branson & Immy
Edited on on Fri Mar 31st, 2023 @ 6:32pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E4-S1:E5)
Location: Branson's Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 2 at 2200
5418 words - 10.8 OF Standard Post Measure


After taking some time to talk to Lottie, the two of them had returned to work. Immy hadn’t even made eye contact with Jasper the entire time, feeling a strange mixture of guilt and shame that she didn’t really want to share with him. It wasn’t until after their service was done that she left the Command Office and headed over to his quarters. She rang the chime and crossed her arms under her large bust; uncomfortable but resolute. She was beautiful, and even a man who passed by took a few seconds to stare. She didn’t notice or care.

It had been a hell of a day and Jasper hadn’t had a good time. There was everything that had happened with Immy - so tantalizing and erotic at first and then turned disastrous - and on top of that, after the two slaves had left, he had listened to Andrei and Lyra going at it in the next room. The jazz music only covered up so much. To say he was frustrated and on edge was an understatement, and he had returned to his quarters with the purpose of getting cleaned up to head out to the lounge and see what distractions he could find there. He was just walking toward the door while buttoning his shirt when the chime rang out. He wasn’t expecting anyone, so he frowned while taking a breath to steady himself. This had better be good.

“Come.” He invited gruffly.

She came in as she was asked, stepping up to the door and setting her eyes on him as it opened. She looked down at his casual clothing and smelled a whiff of cologne on top of it. Her arms still crossed, she raised her brow, a silent question on her face.

“Hi.” She said dryly, a hint of the question in her voice as well.

“Immy.” The surprise was evident in his greeting and he stopped buttoning his shirt, leaving it about half open and exposing the white undershirt he was wearing underneath it. He was dressed in simple black pants and the top was a beautiful royal blue made of nice fabric, but not super luxurious. He nearly asked her why she was here, but he could tell by her expression she was guarded and he would have to tread carefully.

“Is something wrong?” He tried.

“I…uh..”she started, but then paused and felt better of it. On top of the things she was feeling, she was also incredibly horny from earlier. She was a mess in her head. “No, I’m fine. Where are you heading off to?”

She hadn’t managed to keep the jealousy completely out of her voice, but it had been subtle at least.

“I was heading to the lounge to get a drink or two and unwind.” He didn’t need to add the rest, she was a smart girl and he could hear in her voice she already knew. His posture relaxed and he slid a hand into his pocket.

“You’re fine, but you’re here.”

She knew he wasn’t hers, but she still felt a pang of jealousy. It was enough to channel many of her feelings into a quiet surge of anger. The slave stepped forward, fully into the room, and walked around him, not asking for an invitation or seeming to care whether she was wanted or not. Her hands found the connecting fabric of her dress, which she disconnected and slowly pulled over her head. Casting it to the floor, she stood there in the tan bra and panties which were issued to slaves, the bra of which was notably too small for Immy. Next, she lifted the bra, causing her breasts to be pulled up with it and teased him with the potential of them dropping. As they threatened to fall out, her eyes found him. They were hungry, sad, angry, and desperate. She said nothing as, all at once, her perfectly shaped breasts fell from the bra. She removed it and pulled down her panties in one fell swoop.

Going over to his bed, silently, she climbed in slowly, her ass pointing straight at him as she did so. She looked back again. Then she laid down on her back with her head on his pillow and draped her arm over her head.

“Go get a fucking drink then.” She said, the irritation in her voice much less restrained. It was a confusing display, and it wasn’t really obvious what she was up to.

Jasper watched, keenly interested and seemingly perfectly distracted from his original mission by the red haired beauty. His eyes roamed over her luscious figure, and he felt his own need starting to burn again at a rapid pace. He was going to step forward to her when she moved onto his bed, but he was brought up short by the words and attitude she gave as she lay on her back naked before him. He frowned then, his interested expression souring.

“What, are you here to play games then?”

She looked at him, her eyes dancing between his body and his face. She stared but said nothing in return. In truth, she gave herself to him for a reason, and the fact he was already looking somewhere else was disheartening for her. She was probably quite hurt. Had she allowed herself to have serious feelings for a man who could never love her? She was a slave, after all. The irritation on her face flashed sadness for an instant before she looked away. Her hand quietly found the moist place between her legs and she started to do his job for him quietly, her eyes turned away.

Jasper took a deep breath. He was not a cruel man, but he was not one with an abundance of patience. He approached the bed and reached out to grab Immy’s hand from between her legs. With very little effort, he pulled her up by that arm off the bed and into his arms. “Immy, I don’t enjoy games. If you have something to say then say it.”

At first, when he grabbed her hand and started to move her, she looked at him with some anger, but when he pulled her close and she felt the warmth of his body against her naked form she whimpered slightly.

“I don’t want you to unwind like that.” She said, her hands searching his shoulders first and then moving down quickly to his hips. She kissed his neck hungrily. Then she made her way to his ear, her hand finding his manhood over his pants. “It’s your turn.”

She pushed away from his grasp and fell back on the bed and lifted her legs wide open, clearly inviting him to return the favor with his mouth that she had given him earlier.

“You said you wanted a drink.” She said with a half smile, her hand finding her space again skillfully. She couldn’t wait anymore, it seemed. “You can go down there and try your luck or you can stay here.”

“Well, now there’s something in my way.” He said and crossed his arms, looking pointedly at her hand. He wasn’t entirely thrilled with this situation still, but he was still maddeningly aroused from everything that happened earlier and he had really just wanted to get her off his mind with someone else, but now that she was here and so willing, he knew he would have been a fool to deny both her or himself. He could go to the lounge and try, but there was always a chance for failure, and he didn’t think he could take another one of those today.

“Are you one of those men who likes to ask permission?” She asked. Her expression was flirtatious as she enjoyed what she was doing. She wished he would hurry up.

“Not at all. I’m telling you there’s something in the way. Are you going to move it?” He questioned, looking down at her and raising a brow.

She looked at him with a challenging expression.

“Make me.”

“Mmm…” He hummed to himself, looked at her, and reached down to resume buttoning his shirt up slowly. When he saw that challenge waver in her eyes however, he immediately stopped and smirked. He’d gotten what he wanted in the moment, that rush of power and dominance. He lowered his hands from his shirt and moved in closer to her. The front of his pants were painfully tight against his manhood, but he was doing his best to ignore that for the moment. He slid out of his shoes and then lowered himself down toward the bed where he once again grabbed her offending hand and pulled it away, this time kissing her wrist before pinning it up next to her head easily.

Without permission or preamble he leaned down then and began to kiss her body; deep, passionate kisses that would stop just shy of leaving marks on her skin. Her neck, her breasts, her abdomen, her hips and thighs - each place had their moment until he settled between her legs and kissed her apex. This is where he paused and looked up into her eyes.

“You’re gorgeous, Immy.”

Immy had already obviously been quite riled up and desperate for an escape of any kind. Even a fight would have done the trick in a way. When he started to kiss her body, she shivered and began to moan as if he was really doing much more. She was almost drunk in her wildness, but she let him touch her slowly; she let him take the lead, no matter how difficult it was for her not to rush forward. She looked at him, her hands staying where he had placed them for now. She knew how to play the good girl, of course, but she raised her hips slightly as a sign of impatience.

Jasper was quite taken with the look of drunken need on her pretty face and for a couple beats contented himself to simply look at her while the tip of his tongue dipped between her folds, running up and down to tease her. When she looked like she was getting too frustrated, he wrapped his arms firmly around her hips to take command of them and set himself to task. As he had been with her the first time, he was very attentive to her; his talented lips and tongue worked her sensitive flesh with singular purpose in mind and eventually his fingers joined in. He listened to her pleasured chorus and held her hips tightly as he drove her over the edge again and again into bliss. She could squirm all she wanted, he had her trapped and wasn’t letting her go.

After giving her twenty minutes of solid attention and multiple shaking orgasms, Jasper finally pulled back and worked his jaw around in a circle to try and loosen the slightly cramping muscles. His fingers came up to the buttons on his shirt which he made quick work of, and as he pulled off his undershirt he used it to wipe off his face.

“Pretty good drink there.” He said with a smirk. He looked down at her as he tossed the undershirt to a corner of the room. “I’m a fan.”

“I’m glad I could help you out.” She said, leaning up and kissing him hungrily, not caring where his mouth had been. Then, with panting lips, she fell back in the bed and opened her legs again. She invited him wordlessly at first, her chest heaving. Then she offered a few words in confirmation. “It’s time to get back to work, soldier.”

“Here I thought you wanted to ride the pony.” He smirked and stepped back so he could finish taking off the remainder of his clothes. Apparently, the work was his tonight. He didn’t object, though he also couldn’t deny that sometimes it was nice to just lie back and be serviced.

She almost winced at the memory that conjured up. She moved past it quickly though.

“I might need more than a few hours on that one.” she said in a sultry voice. “But who knows, once you get down to business, my interests might peak again.”

“I don’t know that you’d need more,” he stood tall again, now naked before her with his girthy manhood bobbing in front of him as if it had an excited mind of its own, “but you’d definitely want more, if our last encounters have shown anything.”

He was teasing her, of course, but he also didn’t keep her waiting and climbed into the bed with her. His hands found her legs which he pulled up and around his waist as he moved in over her; his hand found his length and he began to guide it to her womanhood, but instead of entering her he began to slide himself slowly up and down her soaked slit, wanting to make her squirm and whine for him again. She was mouthy, he liked it better when she whined.

“Is this what you want?”

“Mmm. Yes.” She said, whining indeed as she felt him sliding against her, driving her crazy. Her fingernails found his back and her eyes locked on his. “Gods, Jasper. Fuck me..” she said, in a whiny voice exactly as he had desired. She tried to bare down on him and force the issue, her pretty face turning to a lustful and playful grin.

“Well, if you insist.” He chuckled and kissed her, quick and passionate, then quite rudely slid the first few inches of himself into her. While he wanted to start moving, his body demanding it, he held himself still for a long moment and then began moving slowly and at a shallow depth inside of her. He was in the mood to tease apparently even at his own expense. He wanted to see exactly how wild he could drive her given how responsive she had been to him.

One of her hands stayed on his back while the other grasped the covers on the bed, she bucked her hips and began moaning loudly, stress on her beautiful features as she tried to resist his teasing and get more of what he had to offer. Every now and then she would succeed in getting more of his length, causing a jolt of pleasure that could be easily heard in her voice.

“Harder.” She said, her eyes locked on his as she felt the beginnings of an orgasm. She was concerned this one wouldn’t be as clean as the others had been. Her delicate lips parted and her eyes grew wider. Despite these signs, she tried to play tough. “Is that the best you can do?”

Jasper laughed softly, seeing the look on her face and knowing full well what was happening even if she tried to play it off. He didn’t rise to her obvious bait of the best he could do, but he did comply with her request on his terms. He took hold of her hips and quite suddenly thrust forward into her, burying himself forcefully inside of her and he could feel her body quake against him. He moaned out in pleasure, holding himself and listening to her crying out for him.

“Good girl.”

His entering her had been sudden and unforgiving, but exactly what she had wanted in that moment. Her moan matched his own as she instinctively opened her toned legs wider. She really was like a sculpture in some ways, shapely, youthful, clean, and white, and she took in a full breath and let it own in a long moan, full of pleasure and apprehension. At once, she climaxed around him, her tight womanhood clenching even tighter around him as she closed her eyes and involuntarily sprayed him with the resulting fluid of her ecstasy.

“Oh fuck, Jasper! Fuck fuck fuck.” She cried out, and left the rest to him. It was clear, with every move of her body and inflection of her voice, that she wanted him not to hold back. She wasn’t going to make it easy for him to last long either.

For over an hour, the two of them explored all the delights each other’s bodies had to offer. Despite Immy’s best attempts, Jasper’s resolve was strong and he seemed to take it as his personal challenge to see exactly how much Immy’s gorgeous body could tolerate. He drove her through orgasm after orgasm, and when he finally needed a break he let her ride him, using his hands to pleasure her while she worked herself on him. She was beautiful and he thoroughly enjoyed her body. She wasn’t his only by any means, but in this moment she was the only one in his thoughts. Any thought of the lounge and what could have been offered there had been thoroughly erased, and his focus was solely on her.

He’d lost count of how many times she had orgasmed on him, but it was quite a number. She couldn’t form any coherent words anymore, and by the time he plunged into her for the last time and filled her, she was shaking underneath him. He moaned into her neck, holding himself there for a moment then slid himself from her so he could roll to the side and gather her in his arms. His hands ran over her body, rubbing and massaging her so she could finally come down. He leaned in to whisper softly into her ear again.

“Good girl…”

Immy had shown near deleterious exhilaration, moving from dirty phrases to unintelligible grunts and moans as Jasper filled her and pounded her. She had a hard enough time accommodating him before, but this time, she didn’t care, taking every sensation as it came. When she got on top of him and rode him like he was a prize stallion, she was beyond reason, and moved her hips with an almost musical rhythm, creating a symphony of sounds with their mouths and the sound of their bodies slapping together.

She laid beside him now, smiling at his whisper and giggly wordlessly, her hand, though they were done, was still stroking his manhood, giving him the overwhelming tickling sensation that would have come with it and paying no attention to the mess on her hand. Her eyes searched his, bright and rebellious still. She had played his good girl, but inside, she knew how bad she was.

“You take such good care of me.” She said with a smile and an innocent voice, despite the placement of her hand. “I feel so safe.”

Jasper’s body shuddered as she toyed with his oversensitive manhood and he allowed it for a moment, but the sensation was threatening to become unpleasant for him. He reached down and took her offending hand in his, bringing it up to his lips so he could kiss her fingertips; he didn’t want her to think he was mad or the attention was unwelcome, it was just enough for now. He had enjoyed his time with her immensely, and he didn’t seem inclined to rush her out this time.

“You are safe with me, Immy.” He assured her with a quiet confidence while his hand ran over her body slowly.

She pulled closer to him, accepting the strong embrace of his arms. Ducking her head down so that her shiny red hair was near his face, scented with a perfumed shampoo she’d stolen, she smiled brightly. She knew she wasn’t much more than any other woman to him, but she hoped that, over time, he would come to see her only.

“What kind of kid were you?” She said, looking up at him, her Irish accent lilting more than normal. “Were you a momma’s boy?”

His fingers found her hair and he began to play with it slightly, breathing her in and letting out that same breath slowly. “Sort of, I guess. I’m the oldest, her first baby after a long time of trying and she doted on me and my father was usually busy with his business, so I was closer to her.”

He wasn’t really sure why he was sharing with her, but really there was no harm in it he supposed. “I was a bit spoiled because of that until my siblings came along, but my mother also claimed I was a very well behaved and respectful child.”

“So what happened then?” She asked with a smile, her eyes meeting his.

“Well, I was an only child for nearly eight years, so I had gotten used to it, then my mama got pregnant with my younger brother and sister soon after him. It was a big shock to me going from being the proverbial prince to more or less the forgotten kid because they had two new little ones to look after… though they never forgot to discipline me for anything I did wrong which I ended up just acting out more because of it.”

“Sounds like it must have been pretty hard to be separated like that. Forgotten. I’d have been furious.” Immy said, listening to him empathetically. She had rested her hand on his chest and played with the skin there subtly.

“Yeah it wasn’t great. When I was a teenager I couch surfed at friends’ places more than I was home. I never really understood why my parents were the way they were in regards to that. If I had been a little terror of a child or a brat, sure, but they admit I wasn’t so.” He shrugged. “What about you?”

“Did they kick you out?” She asked, avoiding the question and showing interest about his own. “Or did you leave yourself?”

“I left on my own accord. Didn’t really see the point in sticking around where I was barely welcome.” He kissed her shoulder gently. Of course he noticed the way she completely ignored his question, but he was feeling patient at the moment. He’d entertain this for another question or two.

“How lonely.” She said, her finger now tracing around his nipple playfully. She gave him a dramatically sad face, being girlish in a way many men found totally irresistible. There was something in the Terran man that loved girls distinctly; something that might otherwise make them loving fathers. “So, you joined the Fleet to escape all that drama?”

Her eyes were full of a rare compassion as she looked at him, totally engaged and, it seemed, completely interested.

Jasper smiled at the look on her face, his fingers absently tracing her features, though the smile didn’t remain too long and drifted back to a more neutral expression. “Yeah, pretty much.”

He didn’t elaborate more at that point and his attention focused on her. “Your turn. Don’t think I didn’t notice how you avoided that.”

Immy demurred, looking down from his gazing and smiling innocently.

“I wasn’t avoiding you. I just wanted to learn a little about the man who’s been rocking my world.” She looked at him again, her eyes locked on his hypnotically, her hand moving up to play with his hair slowly. “I was a poor girl from Dublin. It was just my ma and me; no dad in sight. She did what she had to do to make ends meet and, when I was old enough, I had to help her. Unfortunately, that meant doing some illegal things.”

She looked away, an expression of quiet shame on her face. She shook her head.

“It was stupid, but that’s how life was.” She said.

Jasper listened quietly and seemingly attentively while his fingers roamed over her body. He considered for a moment what kind of life that would have been for her, but he had also seen the record that accompanied her slave file. She’d continued to do those stupid, illegal things later in life; had she even tried to walk the straight and narrow? He didn’t know, but he also supposed it didn’t much matter now.

“Is she still alive?”

“Yes, I think she still lives in Dublin.” Immy answered with a sheepish nod. “I was made to work in a local business that cleaned in some of the wealthier houses around the city. Let’s just say that cleaning rooms is nothing new to me.”

She offered a short giggle, leaning up suddenly and turning onto her stomach in a way that made her picture-perfect breasts pool under her. Though his arm was still around her, her bottom was slightly in the air and she waved it around playfully, still looking at him.

“My contract was sold to the Fleet when I was 18, so I haven’t seen her in five years. It isn’t exactly easy for me to get information about her either.” she said, sighing. Her smile broke and she looked away. The silence was obvious as she cast her gaze toward the pillow near his head. Suddenly, a very sad expression took over her gorgeous face, but she soon suppressed it, and looked back at him. “But that’s what I get, I guess. We should have just starved instead, right?”

“No, of course not.” Jasper shook his head and smoothed out her hair. “You were just in a bad situation with not a lot of help. I commend you for surviving in that scenario, because a lot of people wouldn’t.”

His eyes briefly went to her rear and then he leaned down to kiss her, finally sitting up in the bed. “Do you have plans for when you are free?”

“I’m used to being told what to do. I could try and join the Fleet. I could go back to Dublin and try and make a life for myself there. I don’t know.” She said with a shrug. She looked up at him, her eyes like emeralds. “What do you think I should do?”

“Honestly, I think after you are free, you should take a break from letting people tell you what to do and take some time to do the things you want to do.” He smiled down at her, the expression warm and seemingly genuine. “You’re a smart girl with plenty of things you desire, I’m sure.”

She grinned at that.

“A husband and some kids, and a normal life.” She said, and then her face changed. She rolled onto her back, suddenly, creating significant space between them before she angled her body to accentuate the curve of her back, her legs, and her breasts. “Or maybe I should have some fun. Get into a little trouble.”

She looked at him intensely, a shade of that same hungry from earlier in her expression. Her hands moved slowly over her body, showing she really did have an insatiable quality to her.

Jasper grinned easily in return and watched her without reservation as she touched herself; he felt his own desire building quickly again. “Well, if you don’t get yourself a boring husband, you could maybe have all of those things.”

“A boring husband wouldn’t be able to handle me.” She said, turning her head flirtatiously. “I’ve been poor long enough too. Maybe I’ll marry somebody old and rich and have my fun on the side. After all…that’s what ma would want me to do.”

“No, no.” He chided her playfully and even wagged his finger as if he were scolding her. “Remember, not doing what anyone else would want you to do, even your dear ole ma. What would you want?”

She looked at him with a glimmering smile.

“You know what I want already.” She said, getting on her hands and knees and crawling close to him, her body moving gracefully, though the movement of her breasts distracted from the rest. She stopped close to him, placing her hand on his thigh. “What do I want, Jasper?”

Jasper watched her breasts sway, torn between them and her eyes. Once she was close enough though, it was mildly easier to focus on her face. “Pretty sure you want to hop back in the saddle, by the way you’re looking at me right now.”

“Maybe.” She said, giving him those challenging eyes again. “I’m thinking about it. Or maybe I want to kiss you. Or sit on your face and see how long you can hold your breath.”

She giggled then and leaned in, her lips pressing softly against his again.

“It was the kiss, I think.” She said, and then rolled in next to him, grabbing his arm and draping it over her body. She snuggled up close to him, pressing her rear against his manhood and periodically rotating her hips. “Just a kiss..”

“Just a kiss, hm?” Jasper smirked and leaned his weight into her slightly, making her roll slightly more into the bed and squishing her body slightly between his and the mattress then leaning down to start kissing along her cheek and neck.

“Like this?” He teased.

She giggled again, kissing him back, her hands moving over his back to the strong muscles on his legs and exploring there.

“Oh, those are such sweet kisses, Bad Boy.” She said with a batting of her eyebrows which managed to be somehow adorable and sexy all at once.

“Yeah, I figured you’d like those.” He smirked and let his lips trail down her shoulder. While he said nothing, he was being mindful of the time, figuring she would want to get back soon. His large hand found its way between her legs and he began to tease her, grabbing her womanhood and massaging her there slowly. “This too.”

“Ooo, I like that even more, she said, her hand moving up to his thigh and massaging close to his manhood. “Would you like me to stay here with you tonight? If so, we might not get much sleep.”

“Mmm… maybe. What about your friend, won’t she worry?” Jasper asked, doing so with care as he wasn’t trying to upset her, but she also didn’t want her to beat herself up for not being considerate.

“We had a talk and Lottie seems to understand. I Can send her a message and let her know I’m staying the night.” Immy answered, her hand finally finding his soft manhood. She grabbed it with moderate roughness and held it as it started to harden and grow in her hand. She watched with great interest. “But, if the idea of me staying here scares you, I can get going.”

He gave a slight grunt when she grabbed him, but he didn’t dissuade her. “No, I’m happy for you to stay, I just didn’t want you to forget Lottie since you seem attached and she seems to… worry.” His lips tipped up in an amused smile as he remembered the young slave trying to put her foot down in defense of Immy.

“You’re sweet.” She said with a smile and leaned forward, kissing him again. Her hand worked him skillfully, but her movements were gentle. She placed her hand on his chest to push him back. “And you seem excited about something. I can’t imagine what.”

“I can’t imagine.” He agreed, moving onto his back while his hands found her hips. “Maybe you should figure it out for me.”

Immy climbed on top of him, her naked body resting behind his manhood, which she stroked more vigorously. She smiled devilishly and looked into his eyes.

“Maybe it’s because you know I want you inside me.” She said, and then she ran her finger nails over his chest. “Your going to be falling asleep at your desk tomorrow.” She said then, leaning down and establishing a position with her head above his own. “Dreaming of me, I’m sure.”

“Mm… worth it.” He pulled her down and kissed her with passion and desire, his fingers flexed on her hips. It really would be worth it.



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