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Posted on Sun Jul 23rd, 2023 @ 2:20am by Petty Officer 1st Class Leon Meier & Warrant Officer Ahira Kasamoto
Edited on on Sun Jul 23rd, 2023 @ 2:24am

Mission: S1 Episode 5: Ex Post Facto
Location: Ahira's quarters
Timeline: Date 2371-08-22 at 0530
1546 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Violence and death were almost everyday occurrences in the Empire. Some might even argue they were its calling card. Ahira had killed more than once, but unlike some, it was never anything that he relished. He never went out of his way to pursue either He wasn't a pacifist by any means, he knew that violence was sometimes a necessity and he wasn't squeamish about it. There was, however a difference between an act of war and self-defense, or for that matter acting out of the passion of the moment, and cold-blooded murder.

Killing the Banean had been, in his mind, cold-blooded murder. He hadn't wanted to do it, at least not under those circumstances, but he didn't have any other choice. Not if he didn't want his loyalty questioned. Not if he didn't want to be put in the Agonizer Booth, have his position as bodyguard to the Captian taken away, or both. So, he'd done so. Killed the man and killed him with only the slightest hint of hesitation.

He couldn't bring himself to pretend to have enjoyed it, but he had at least kept his expression neutral.

He had done his best to put the act behind him, to block it out of his mind, but he hadn't been able to do so. He'd tried sleeping, thinking even a nightmare couldn't be worse than the guilt he knew he shouldn't feel but did. That hadn't worked either. He'd laid down and closed his eyes, but if he'd gotten any sleep at all, it hadn't been more than half an hour.

The only good news for him was that he was going to be off for the next few days. He really needed to talk to someone, but it sure as hell wouldn't be the Captian or the counselor. Not about something like this. He valued his life too much.

There was only one person that he trusted enough to talk to was Leon, and he wasn't even 100% sure about him.

Hoping it wasn't too early he sent a message to his PADD

/=\Leon, it's Ahira could you come to my quarters we need to talk/=\

Leon had been dead asleep when the alert quietly sounding near his head had woken him. He sat up slightly and rubbed his face then looked at the console next to him. He squinted against the light coming from it and it took him a couple beats to be able to make out the words there. Once he got through them, he'd have been lying if he didn't say there was some mild level of annoyance at being woken up so early, but more than that there was concern. He let Ahira know he'd be over in a few minutes and slid out of his bed to get dressed in the dark.

It was a little less than ten minutes later that Leon arrived outside of Ahira's quarters dressed in tan Bermuda shorts and a navy t-shirt. Nothing fancy. He rubbed his face and hit the chime.

Ahira had regretted sending Leon the message seconds after sending it, but it was too late at that point, especially after the other man, his friend had responded and then showed up.

He had been shirtless, dressed only in a pair of boxers. Then, when Leon had said he'd come over, he'd put on a black A-shirt and a pair of jeans, but he hadn't finished shaving. He was pacing the room when the chime sounded. Just calling out and saying the door was open would have been rude, so Ahira went to the door and opened it.

"Hi," he said as he stood to the side, "Come in."

“Hey.” Leon greeted tiredly but managed a smile. As he walked into Ahira’s quarters, he rubbed the back of his neck. “What did you want to talk about?”

Ahira pinched the bridge of his nose. "Something, I didn't think I could tell anyone else. Whatever else we are, or might be I consider you my friend and I trust you."

"I'm a good Imperial officer, at least I try to be and I'm loyal, I really am. But a couple of days ago, the Captain had me kill a Banean we were interrogating. And I did it."

"But, it didn't sit right with me, it doesn't sit right with me. Trust me when I say I have no love for them, or that this man didn't deserve it. And it's not like I haven't killed before."

"But when I've killed it's been in the heat of battle or in self-defense. I killed someone in cold blood. And enemy or not, or whether he deserved it or not...well let's just say I didn't sleep much last night."

Does that make a traitor? Does that make me a coward?"

As Ahira spoke, Leon moved to take a seat on his small couch. He probably should have waited for an invitation, but the truth was his body didn't want to be standing at this hour. He left Ahira room to sit next to him of course. He listened carefully to the string of "buts" and back and forth, the worries and fears. He didn't interrupt, he just listened. Finally, when Ahira was done, Leon took a moment to consider before responding.

"Is it in cold blood if they are an enemy or have done something deserving?"

Ahira sat down next to Leon. "That's what I've been trying to figure out in my head, on my own, for the past couple of days. I mean they are definitely our enemy, no doubt about that. And yeah, for what they did to Lyra, what they've done to us, they did deserve to die. Maybe I'm feeling guilty over nothing, but somehow, the whole thing still feels a little off to me."

“Is it because that one in particular maybe hadn’t done anything?” Leon asked, unsure about the situation and what man it was that Ahira had killed.

"Yeah, I think that's it. The only thing he was really guilty of was being the enemy. That and the fact it felt like it was a test of my loyalty. But that could have just been something I made up in my own mind."

"Well, that I can't really say, but if I were to take a guess I think you might be reading into it. The Captain and XO and... really everyone were a bit more focused on getting Lieutenant Cassiel back, so I would wager decent money there wasn't any sort of test for you there." Leon reached out and placed his hand on Ahira's knee.

"I can understand how that would have been disturbing for you, Ahira, but I think it is important to maintain the frame of he was the enemy and their people took one of our own.”

The Warrant Officer let out a long breath. "You are definitely right about that. He was our enemy. They all are. And, I'll get over it. I know it up here," he paused pointing at his head, "but it's just harder to know in here," he pointed to his heart. "You know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I do." Leon gave Ahira's knee a gentle squeeze. "You did what you had to do to protect not only our own but yourself. I know it may not feel good, but try to find comfort and peace in that."

"I'll try," Ahira replied liking the way Leon's hand felt on his knee. I think just talking things out with you has helped. Did, I uh, wake you up?"

"Don't worry about it." With another smile, Leon ran his free hand through his blonde curls. "My calling hours are always open for my friends."

Ahira leaned closer, well into Leon's personal space. He reached out and put a hand on the other man's shoulder. "Did I mention how cute you are early in the morning? Well anytime really."

Leon laughed and leaned in to steal a quick peck of a kiss onto Ahira's cheek. "You didn't but now you have. You aren't half bad yourself."

Ahira wondered if he should return the kiss but on Leon's lips rather than his cheek. Instead, he decided to keep things at a more platonic level. He didn't attempt a kiss, didn't attempt to draw Leon closer, but he didn't pull away either.

"Thanks," he said, "you want to get some breakfast? I mean we eat a lot of meals together though. Not complaining mind you, but if you wanted to do something else we could."

"Well, food is a big part of life." Leon chuckled. "Yeah, let's go get some breakfast before our shift then. Messhall work for you? Figure we could at least change venue and see some faces."

"Messhall works for me," Ahira replied as he stood and moved out of Leon's personal space. Just not too far away.

"I do like being around you," he said.

"I'd hope so," Leon said with a chuckle, more self-assured than usual for a moment. "I think maybe I'll have some muesli and kartoffelpuffer. I haven't had either in a while."

"So, what time do you usually get up?" Ahira asked as the two men headed to the mess hall together.


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