
Changing Of The Guard

Posted on Fri Oct 20th, 2023 @ 2:40pm by Captain Ivan Petrov & Warrant Officer Ahira Kasamoto

Mission: In-Between (S1:E5-S1:E6)
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Date 2371-08-24 at 0830
1042 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Ahira wasn't in the best of moods. There were a number of issues that had put him in that position, he could enumerate most of them, and most of them were beyond his control, things he couldn't change. The biggest of those was being in the Delta Quadrant, to begin with. He was not a violent man, well he was, but just not as violent as most of his colleagues and crewmembers. But, if he could have killed whoever had sent them so far from home, he would kill them, no questions asked. He might hurt them first, but he would kill them. He knew that was impossible and one of the things he had no control over. That didn't make it any less frustrating.

By now, he was used to serving on an Empire ship, following the chain of command, and doing what he was tasked to do Still he missed the days when he was truly his own man, serving on a ship because he wanted to and to turn a profit, not serving on a vessel under coercion. He'd done a lot of shady things back then, things the weak-minded would consider reprehensible. He wasn't proud of some of his actions, but they had been his actions and not someone else's. Now that wasn't the case. Nothing that he could to about it, but thinking about it, just chilled his mood.

Killing someone in cold blood, even though he probably, no, not probably, did deserve it still didn't sit well with him. He felt better about it after his discussion with Leon, but there were still some lingering doubts he didn't know if he'd ever be able to shake.

Thinking about Leon, usually made him feel better, and in a way it did at that moment. The only thing that bothered him about that was the uncertainty of where they were and where they might be. That was somewhat more under his control, but only time would tell.

There was one thing he could control. Or at least he could try to control. His job. Guarding the Captain had its perks, but it was rather dull, which was a good thing, and he didn't have much to do. It didn't help matters that Ivan didn't want a bodyguard.

There was only one way to change that.

He pressed the chime to the Ready Room.

Ivan gazed out of the three large windows at the front of his office. The stars streamed their steady pathways past the ship, and he tried to count them as the cup of coffee in his gloved hand sent waves of steam up past his face. He had taken a break from work, knowing that a little rest, even when a schedule was packed, kept the mind fresh. When the door chime rang, he called out clearly, his eyes still on the stars.

"Come in."

Ahira did as he was told. "Captain, do you have a moment?" he asked, "There is something I need to talk to you about."

He shifted slightly hoping his visit wouldn't be seen as an intrusion and that he wouldn't be facing Ivan's wrath because of it.

Ivan turned and his eyes fell on his bodyguard. Ahira had been faithful and ever obedient at his side. it was a shame that Ivan neither wanted nor needed protection. Ahira's job was boring compared to some guards on other ships, yet he never complained. Ivan appreciated that about him.

"Ahira. Of course," he said, stepping down to the main level of the Ready Room. "What's on your mind, son?'

Ahira smiled in return. The Captain had always been even-handed with him, but he'd heard stories, so he was relieved even though his worry had been unneeded.

"I've been thinking about my position here. If we weren't in this gods' forsaken piece of the universe, you'd need me watching your ass. You no doubt have a long list of enemies. Some on this ship and they'd just love to make a name for themselves and advance in rank."

"But, here? Now? Not so much. Where the fuck are we going to go? I have training in forensics and I know a thing or two about criminal activity, from both sides."

"Once we get back to our own galaxy. If we get back there you'll need me to protect you. I've actually been bored if I'm being honest. I'd like to take over the security investigation officer role if I could."

Ivan listened to Ahira attentively, making it very clear that the young man had his full attention. As he explained his feelings, Ivan furrowed his brow in a serious expression but otherwise didn't move until he was done.

"While I understand you might be bored in your current position, Ahira, I'm not sure the Security Investigations role will be any more stimulating for you. It isn't as though there's alot of crime afoot aboard this ship." Ivan said. "I wouldn't want to potentially move you to a position that won't be any better for you."

"I'm open to other options if you had something else in mind. But if something does happen, I'd like to be considered to take the lead on an investigation."

Ivan thought silently for a few seconds before looking up at Ahira again.

"Lieutenant Cassiel and Commander Petrov have been considering who to replace our Master at Arms with. Training security officers and maintaining weapons stores is part of the job. If you were selected, you'd certainly be busy." he said. "Might you be interested in that?"

"Absolutely," was the immediate reply. Then with a sly grin, he continued, "would that come with a promotion?"

“Easy there, Soldier. One step at a time.” Ivan said with a chuckle. “Let’s get you in the roll first and see how you like it.”

The older man put a hand on Ahira’s shoulder and grinned with some warmth.

“Thank you for your loyal service as my guard, Ahira. I’ll run the change down the chain of command and you can start work tomorrow. Take the rest of the day to brush up on its duties and to prepare yourself to start off strong, hmm? Dismissed.”



