
Crafting Babies

Posted on Thu Oct 19th, 2023 @ 7:52pm by Ensign Ilan Ocara & Lieutenant Dr. Daniel Brasken

Mission: In-Between (S1:E5-S1:E6)
Location: Science Lab 3
Timeline: Date 2371-09-03 at 2200
2072 words - 4.1 OF Standard Post Measure


Daniel made his way through the ship with a barely suppressed smile on his face as he led Ilan down to the usual lab they used when working together. He knew she had questions, he enjoyed the mild frustration he thought he felt radiating off of her. Even if it was just in his own mind, he was amused and that was all he cared about.

When they finally arrived in the lab, Daniel went to an empty work space and started pulling out chemical replicators and beakers and other tools. He was purposefully still not addressing the warrant officer until the power module for the incubator seemed to be having trouble. Finally he turned to her and held up the small device. "Do we have another of these handy?"

"We do." Ilan replied and moved to sit down on one of the stools by the consoles. She offered nothing more than that, simply crossed her legs and lifted her eyebrows. The message behind it was quite clear.

"So you want me to just give you the answer? Not going to try to figure it out yourself?" Daniel continued going about making solutions, moving to the other side of the table from Ilan so he could watch her and also hear any response she may give him a bit easier. "Not saying you have to fight all the time, just thought you might like to this time."

"Given you're looking for an incubator, I'm guessing an idea for some sort of replacement host." Ilan replied, still not seeming too inclined to help him locate said device yet. "I've had less patience for mental gymnastics now that I've been temporarily promoted to Chief Science Officer and who the hell knows how actually temporary that is." She sighed and looked away, then back at him as a small smirk appeared on her full lips.

"By the way you're really fucking up all my organization efforts."

"Not just some sort, but as the life form seems attached to Sovas enough to try to keep him alive, we are going to make another Sovas." The doctor measured out various chemicals and started them mixing. "Albeit a somewhat stunted version that we can hook up to a simulation system that will feed and allow us to study it at our convenience." With a nod he stood up to his full height and stretched a bit, looking over to Ilan with a small self satisfied smirk at his solution.

"If you just created a chart, that is the benefit to being head of department. You have others to actually put things where you tell them."

"And I do, but I also don't have a bajillion people working in my department like some people do. I have one other person and only one slave since Ren was moved." Finally, she slid off of the stool and moved to a cabinet where she pulled out one of the power modules to hand over to Daniel.

"So you're telling me you want to make a baby with me, doctor? I'm flattered."

"Are you so surprised? One of our first encounters was discussing the idea of designing an army." He took the power module and replaced incubator's, nodding as the device lit up. "I am pragmatic on my worst days, so we had to start somewhere small and work our way up."

“True, true… though I don’t think this is the fun way of making a baby. At least not the most fun.” She flashed him a grin and looked down at what he had gathered. “What else do we need?”

"That depends on how you are measuring the fun. I personally enjoy a good challenge." He smirked back at her and looked over what he had gathered so far as well. "I'm working on the solutions for DNA extraction and storage. If you could work on a nutrient rich bath for the incubation?"

"I didn't say it wouldn't be fun, mind you, just not the most fun way I can think of to make a baby." As she spoke to him, she moved to do as he had asked and set up the proper "bath" for their little science experiment.

"So what made you think to do this?"

"The separation of the brain wave patterns after the anti-psychotic cocktail." Daniel injected part of the blood drawn from Sovas into a dish and then poured the solution he has been working on into it as well. "The separation was complete enough that I could possibly have eliminated it, but why waste such a valuable opportunity when another solution is available. Put a stable, un-influenced mind near the one that it has been separated with and I don't know any creature that wouldn't make that leap."

"Personal experience with a lot of brain worms, hm?" Ilan challenged with mild amusement. "Do you have a back up plan in case it goes south? Just going to kill it off?"

"Worms...ish, brain not so much." Daniel actually got a bit serious as he contemplated the next question before replying with a soft sigh. "Unfortunately that will have to be the case. With the full separation of the brain waves, I can now configure a cortical stimulator to completely disrupt the specific pattern. I was willing to have it die to preserve our crew member from the beginning and really the disruptions cannot continue."

"Well, as fun as science is, definitely not worth Sovas' life." Ilan shrugged, finished what she was doing, and stood up again. "Bath is done. What else do you need from me? What are we using to make this?"

"Well, now that the bath is ready..." Daniel trailed off as he ran a scanner over the dish he had been working on and gave a definitive nod. "The DNA chains are solid and stable and ready to start rebuilding."

He used some tongs to lift the small dish and move it to a much larger container on a platform in the middle of it. Reaching over he grabbed a couple items to affix to the far ends, taking an extra moment to confirm alignment. Surprisingly he did not make so much as a move on Ilan as he reached past her to attach the bath she had worked on and started to pump the fluid into his setup and then activate the devices.

"The bio-regenerative field will expedite the conversion of these expertly crafted DNA strands into a new Sovas. During the process over the next day I will be keeping unnecessary appendages from developing and attaching sensory replication modules in their place."

For the most part, Ilan stayed out of his way since he was a man on a mission it seemed. She wrapped her arms around herself and stood wearing a mildly amused smirk while she watched him work. It was only when he was done and standing himself that she stepped up behind him and placed her hands on his hips.

"You know," she began, speaking quietly into his ear, "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of our science baby. It is growing in my lab after all."

"So possessive of your'd almost think you didn't like me playing around in there." Daniel smirked at her playfulness and his breath increased slightly at her touch but otherwise he did not react. "Besides, you like it when I take charge."

Ilan's hands shifted just slightly so she could hook her thumbs into the waistband of his pants. Her chest pressed against his back and she let her hands relax naturally which gave the slight pressure of her thumbs against his pants as if she were going to pull them down.

"I'd rather you play around in me." She purred softly into his ear.

Daniel turned carefully in place controlling his reaction to the feeling of her nails sliding along the skin of his waist before leaning back against the workstation, his hands clasping their opposing wrist behind his back in an atypically vulnerable position. His eyes matched hers in almost a challenge as he searched through her without moving or looking anywhere but her eyes.

It wasn't the reaction she had been anticipating from her usually quite assertive lover and it succeeded in giving her pause for a moment. Her beautiful green eyes rested on his for a moment, searching in their own way, then she leaned forward to kiss the point of his jaw, the middle of his jaw, then his lower lip gently. She didn't remain gentle long as she began to nibble on his lower lip and her fingers slid around his pants and she grabbed hold of his belt to undo it. She had been happy to let Daniel have his way, but she could play this particular game just as well.

Making no move from his current position, he did make a noise of appreciation in his throat as his lips parted slightly. Daniel wasn't a fan of being vulnerable, but he was confident that Ilan had no reason or method to do anything harmful to him before he could respond and so took advantage of the position. Some might see him as being submissive, but really he was testing her in his own way.

Ilan wasn't in a hurry. They'd started the experiment and now it was a waiting game, and waiting games weren't very fun without distraction. She pulled his belt off and tossed it off to the side without a care. Her lips found his neck and her hands went to his jacket. She tested and toyed in her own way. His jacket came undone and her hands immediately moved up under it and his undershirt, tracing his skin on the way up then running her nails over him on the way down to his pants. They too came undone easily; one hand slid into them to her mostly unwrapped prize and the other gripped his side. She began to toy with him, pointedly slow.

Daniel made no move to make anything easier or harder for Ilan. His body reacted favorably to her ministrations and his breathing increased in speed and depth enough to be noticeable. His muscles could also be seen straining under his skin as he fought his own urges and predilections to allow her to continue without taking control himself. Sure, he was testing her, but it was also a test of his own self control that could use testing from time to time.

She wasn't sure what game he was playing or really what he was doing, but her interest in it waned in favor of her own game. Her attention became less teasing and now much more direct. Her lips moved over his neck joined by teeth and tongue, occasionally moving to his lips to catch them in a deep, hot kiss. Her skill in handling him was undeniable and she pressed him relentlessly. She listened closely to his breathing, noticed the shifts and twitches of his muscles and the occasional sound that would escape. Once she was quite certain he was very close to his release, she suddenly withdrew completely and left him standing there breathless, his manhood left to dangle and twitch without her hand for support.

Smirking, she hopped up onto the inactive center console and watched him, her legs crossed and her hands on the blacked out surface. “Well now I wouldn’t want to keep you. I’ll keep an eye on your experiment.”

Daniel said nothing, but instead leapt forward. His knees landing on either side of Ilan's hips and a hand grabbing her throat as he then leaned forward to use every muscle in his body to push her back and slam her back and shoulders into the slick black surface behind her while making sure his hold on her neck kept her head up enough so it didn't collide in the process. Once down though, his grip increased to push her chin up and back to immobilize her and restrict her breathing. His other hand procured a knife from somewhere on his body and he reached behind himself and ran the edge along her skirt, just enough to cut through the cloth to turn it into a wrap instead.

She wanted to see what he was capable of and he was beyond reason enough to give her just that.



