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Command Orientation

Posted on Mon Dec 4th, 2023 @ 6:48am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Petty Officer 2nd Class Jasper Branson & Lottie & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Petty Officer 1st Class Jackie King & Ren
Edited on on Mon Dec 4th, 2023 @ 6:52am

Mission: S1 Episode 6: Joy and Ashes
Location: XO's Office
Timeline: Date 2371-09-08 at 1900
5665 words - 11.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Following the promotion ceremony, Andrei had invited Lyra to meet him in his office on Deck 2. He had been given the task of orienting her to her new role as Second Officer, a role he had skipped altogether in his rise. The need for professionalism was obvious, but they would be alone, so he wasn’t planning to be strict on the rules of engagement. He’d ordered Jasper to bring over several documents to present to her when she arrived.

Jasper hadn’t attended the promotion ceremony himself given the massive amounts of paperwork that were being shuffled around as a result of the event and had instead opted to stay and work through the stack. He enjoyed the work he was doing on some level, but he enjoyed the relative peace he had in this position as opposed to having to constantly deal with people he was convinced were only born with half of their brain (not that he claimed to be the most intelligent man in the world himself.) When Andrei had entered, they’d exchanged a few words like usual and Jasper had gathered the important documents while Andrei had moved into the office proper. It didn’t take long and he stepped through the door connecting the two areas.

“The documents you asked for. How was the ceremony, by the way? I guess I didn’t ask.”

“Touching, as always. Everyone was very honored, as is so often the case.” Andrei answered, his voice neutral as he took the pads. “You didn’t miss anything, if that’s what you’re wondering.”

“I didn’t think so, but you never know someone could have stabbed someone for getting a promotion they wanted.” Jasper shrugged, mostly joking, but also not. “Maybe your girlfriend decided to shank you in the side because she wanted to be XO.”

“I’d never shank someone in the side, Jasper. That’s sloppy.” Lyra’s voice came suddenly from behind him and made Jasper jump slightly.

“And what would be the fun in it anyway?” Andrei asked, looking from Jasper to Lyra. “Besides, Commander Cassiel tends to prefer me to do the stabbing.”

Jasper looked from Andrei to Lyra. She was gorgeous, he wanted her, but he wasn’t stupid. Not only would Andrei have ended him in the blink of an eye, Lyra too was dangerous and unpredictable. With a shake of his head and a half grin, he lifted his hands as if in surrender. “Alright, alright. Do you need anything else, sirs?”

“That’ll be all, Jasper. You’re dismissed.” Andrei said with a look at his Yeoman.

Jasper turned and left then, though not before his eyes shifted to the side to look at Lyra as he moved past her. Their eyes met briefly and she nodded to him before he was out of view, then the door closed and left them alone.

When he was gone, Andrei looked to Lyra. Now that they were alone, he stepped up to her slowly, grabbed her hands and leaned in to plant a gentle, tempting kiss on her lips. He smiled as he pulled back.

“Congratulations, Commander. This is a big promotion.”

“It is, yes.” Lyra agreed, her fingers gently touching the backs of his hands while they stood there together. As he looked into her eyes, he would see that fire that had always been there determined and unwavering coupled with that cold, calculated darkness; for him alone, a spark of love. “Thank you, darling.”

“You’re welcome.” He said, before letting her go and moving over to his desk. Sitting behind it, he opened a drawer and pulled out a red box. “I got you a present to celebrate.”

Lyra moved to sit in the chair nearest to her across the desk from him. She crossed her legs in the skirt, though they were hidden from his view for the moment. “That’s very thoughtful of you.”

“Yes, I know.” He said, sliding the box to her. There was ego in the statement, of course, but not the self-aware and joking kind.

Lyra of course noticed how he had replied, but she didn’t particularly care. The concept of this kind of relationship was new to them both but especially Andrei - thoughtfulness didn’t come naturally to him - so despite the rather boastful tone of the reply, she genuinely did appreciate his effort. Picking up the box, she didn’t dally about opening it and her dark eyes immediately fell to the piece of jewelry within. It was too large to be a bracelet on her feminine wrist, so it must have been an anklet. She plucked it out of the box with her fingers, letting it settle over them as she spread them out slightly to keep it from falling down her hand and arm. Beautiful dark silver with shining rubies. It would go well with his other gifts to her.

“Beautiful, darling. Thank you.” She smiled.

“I’m glad you like it. I wondered if it might be too much of a good thing considering the other jewelry of the same kind, but I figured you could always rotate, and I didn’t want to take the chance of getting you something you wouldn’t like.” He admitted, leaning back in his chair and looking at her. He reached up to detach his eye patch and sat it down on the desk in front of him, revealing the bionic eye of mechanical emerald underneath. “So, Lyra, how does ‘Commander Cassiel’ sound to you?”

“Unexpected, but welcome and appropriate.” She admired the anklet a moment more and then set it back down into the box which closed with a snap. Her eyes found his, never minding the opposing colors that met her. Commander, Second Officer, bounding up the ranks and landing right behind him. “It has made me a fan of alliteration.”

“Oh, me too.” He said. “Commander Cassiel counts countless corpses.”

She laughed softly at that, relaxing back into her seat and folding her hands on her knee. “I do at that, darling, and I enjoy it.”

“Well, why don’t we try ‘Commander Cassiel cums continuously’?” He asked, his fingers dancing over the deactivated PADD Jasper had left there. “I like that one better.”

The response didn’t come immediately, instead she leaned forward, resting her elbows on the desk and bringing her hands up and cradling her chin in them. It was endearing and flirtatious, and then suddenly she grinned deviously. “I can multitask.”

“I know that too.” He said, reaching up and cradling her chin with his fingers. “We should probably get your briefing out of the way. Then we will get to your orientation.”

“Probably.” She agreed though as he moved his hand from her, she playfully nipped his retreating fingers and then sat back in her chair while picking up the PADD from the desk. “Whenever you’re ready, Commander Petrov.”

“Right.” He said, opening his PADD as well. “First, the Job description. As you already know, the Second Officer is the third in command after the Executive Officer and serves as the XO in the event of the incapacitation of the Commanding Officer. In the event both the CO and the XO are out of commission, you would take command. Hence the tasteful joke from Jasper about stabbing me.”

“Regular duties are non-existent besides serving as a more senior advisor to the CO and having a typical place on away missions, something that you already had considering your role as Chief of Security.” He continued, “by my order, senior staff reports are compiled in order of importance, and you are expected, by regulations, to submit a weekly report for your role as Second Officer. They’re usually very brief and, quite often, contain no significant information. So don’t stress over that.”

Though most of this was information she knew already, Lyra did Andrei the respect of listening attentively as he went through the briefing. She reached up to brush a bit of her hair behind her ear while scrolling along with her other hand. When he paused, she looked up and nodded. “Simple enough.”

“It is. The best part is that the role comes with a cabin which is one of the largest in the ship. The same as mine. In fact, they share a wall. Who knows; in a few years, we might want to tear down that wall and put the two together.” He said, eyeing her over the PADD.

“Well, you’ll need a place to store those seven sons you want.” She noted without looking up from the PADD. “It is a shame that I’ll have to put on clothes to come around to your quarters, it was nice just being able to walk across the hall half naked in the middle of the night when I wanted a ride.”

It was then she looked up to him, a small smirk pulling at her beautiful lips, her dark eyes smoldering.

“I’ll have Kit install a door this week. She is already requesting sound proofing, so I’ll bet she wouldn’t mind being put to work.” He said with a smirk, then you can come over in any state of dress you’d like.”

“Mmm…” Lyra hummed pensively and lowered the PADD just slightly. “I do believe good Lieutenant Nyseth got on Marikit’s nerves somehow, judging by what I could see of the exchange during the promotion ceremony. Do you know anything about that?”

“Not at all. I was up in the front the whole time.” He answered. “What of it?”

Despite where he was standing, Lyra was sure that it didn’t matter much - he watched just as much as she did. Perhaps he had genuinely missed the exchange or maybe he was simply being his usual cagey self. It didn’t matter. “I was curious. Revana was there too, but it seemed quite aimed at Sovas. A unique first impression to give when one is joining a new crew.”

“She’s a bit of a firecracker, I wouldn’t be surprised if he said something that set her off.” Andrei said with a lack of serious engagement with the topic. He looked over the PADD again, then. “Do you think I should follow up with her; make sure nothing disruptive is happening?”

“You could or I can.” Lyra offered and looked up as well. “I haven’t had the pleasure yet, and disruptive behavior can be part of my job depending on how disruptive, after all.”

“Well then what would I do Besides sit here and push papers around?” He asked with a charming smile. “I suppose there’s no harm in you taking a look. Go ahead, and let me know if it’s something beyond a petty squabble.”

“I’m sure we’ll have a nice time. Dinner, drinks, woman talk.” Lyra replied dryly and looked down at her PADD once more. “I assume I only report to you still and have no one on one interaction with papa dearest.”

“No more or less than before. He still has an open door policy, especially for senior staff.” Andrei said, “but the day to day is almost entirely on me. He barely makes an appearance on the Bridge most days and makes the rounds instead, talking to people and asking questions. Most things you should run by me first.”

The statement was less than exact, and it left a lot of room for Lyra to wonder what exactly should go through him. He didn’t seem worried about it, however.

“Any more questions?” He asked her, placing the PADD on the desk. It contained several documents which detailed reports on the ship. She would be expected to receive the same daily report that Ivan and Andrei received, which meant they would both have a lot of reading to do.

“Asking questions?” She asked herself, lifting a brow slightly. “What kind of questions does he ask?”

“He loves to talk to the rank and file.” He answered, shrugging. “He does it when department heads aren’t around. I’ve seen it first hand and it’s innocuous. He gets to know people personally, asks them questions about their projects. He leaves the paperwork to me and chit chats. It’s what I would do if I were him.”

Lyra gave a nod of understanding. Perhaps the old man had more to him than she gave him credit for, but in the end fathers were obstacles to be overcome. “I don’t think I have anything else at this time then, but if I do I know where to find you.”

“Good.” He said, standing up and walking around the desk. He grabbed the PADD out of her hand and tossed it carelessly across the room. It landed with a thud on the carpeted floor by the door to the outer office. He entered her space unapologetically, his arms resting at his side. “Now for your orientation. Our first task is a series of… team building exercises to get us in the same working rhythm.”

Lyra turned her chair to the side so she was facing him, but remained how she was with her legs crossed. It conjured images of months past when they were in the library together; he had been looking for information on Elasians, she had been making her presence known to him, playing the game with him while wearing the face of Madeline. They did so enjoy their games.

“Team building is very important, I agree. What kind of exercises did you have in mind, hm?”

“Well, first, you’re up for a physical inspection. I want to make sure you’re fit for duty.” he said, taking a step back to give her some room. “Attention!”

The rise in his volume was sudden and varied both weight and authority, even echoing a bit in the confined space. It had no doubt been heard in the outer Officer where Jackie, Jasper, and the command slaves were working.

Jasper looked up from his desk and toward the door briefly, then over to Jackie with lifted brows. “Do you think this is going to happen more or less often now that she’s Second Officer?”

“I think those two take any opportunity they can to mount each other.” Jackie said with a grin. “It makes it a bit difficult to focus, but I think I might actually be getting used to it.”

Inside the office, Lyra had decided to comply with Andrei’s game. When he gave the order, she stood up quickly and shifted to an attention stance, her heels together and her toes pointing out in a v-shape, her back straight, her head high, and her hands resting at her sides in loose fists.

“Excellent first step, Cassiel. Excellent.” He said, stepping up close to her until her eyes were level with his chin. “Strip down, soldier.”

“Aye, sir.” Lyra replied and reached up to unhook the rank strap she wore from her shoulder and then opened her jacket. As she did this, she looked up into his eyes, holding his gaze while she shrugged off the jacket and then pulled up her standard issue tank top. This left her in the black lace and silk bra she was wearing, but instead of taking that off, her hands moved to her skirt, unfastening it and letting it drop from around her curvy hips and magnificent behind. The matching panties were expected. She shifted her feet to step out of and nudge the skirt away, and then stopped just how she was, brows lifting.

“Acceptable, sir?”

Andrei watched her patiently, his eyes moving over her body as if he was actually in the role of a critic. As he took note of her shapely and feminine form, he started walking around her slowly, never touching her, but often getting close enough that they could feel the heat from each other’s bodies.

“Acceptable.” He answered, almost cold, though his eye contact spoke volumes about how he felt. “Now, the commander will demonstrate her inspection skills. As I’m the only other person present, you’ll have to instruct me.”

Well this was certainly new and likely not what it seemed at all. Lyra’s eyes didn’t waver from his. “Very well, Commander Petrov. Strip and then stand at attention.”

Resisting the urge to smirk, Andrei remained perfectly disciplined. He reached up, just as she had, and undid the clasp over his chest and allowing the jacket to fall to his feet. Making his hands to his waist, he pulled up on the black tank top and lifted it over his head, revealing the lightly scared mass of muscle that was his torso. Though he was bulkier than when they first met, his still had a lean aspect with abs that looked like they had been drawn on. Next, he unclasped his belt and allowed his pants to fall to the ground. Stepping out of them, he stood up straight in just his gray boxers and his boots.

The front of the boxers bulged slightly and a disturbance in the fabric ran across his thigh. He stood at attention then, avoiding the obvious invitation for uniendo inherent in her order.

“Acceptable, sir?”

Lyra finally broke eye contact with him and took a step back. Her dark eyes moved over him, taking in every inch of what was hers and only once she was satisfied did she begin to walk around him in the same deliberate fashion he had done with her. Unlike him, however, she paused at his back. The next thing he would feel was the hard, cold tip of a blade running up his spine. Of course it didn’t break the skin, but it did scrape it.

“You can stand straighter than that, soldier.” Her voice was quiet and dangerous, commanding in its own way, but it was clear she had no ill intent behind it.

He compiled, standing slightly straighter without any delay. The knife didn’t cause him to flinch even for an instant. His reaction was anything but fear. The presence of the knife so close to him had fulfilled the implied sensual meaning, and his boxer’s stretchiness was certainly strained as a result.

“I can’t be any straighter, Commander. One has a hard time stretching out in tight spaces.”

“Well, soldier, I wouldn’t be a good commander if I didn’t assist you with such a predicament.” With a deft motion, she grabbed hold of his boxers and sliced down one leg then immediately repeated the motion on the other, splitting them open and letting them fall down between Andrei’s legs.


As the organ which pressed his boxers bounced free and stretched to its natural length, the question’s answer was self-evident.

“Who’s evaluation is it, Commander? Shall the soldier say what is better, or shall you?” He asked, breaking his formal attention and looking at her, temporarily resuming his previous role. “Is my posture rigid enough for you?”

How much of this game would he actually tolerate? She couldn’t help but wonder and the temptation to find out the answer was quite strong. The problem was she knew how easy it was to sour his mood even if he had instigated. She moved back around to his front and her eyes started at his face and then drifted down, pointedly resting on his manhood a moment and then coming back up.


“Sorry, sir.” He said, looking forward again, his expression indicating nothing again. “Perhaps I need more conditioning, sir.”

“You do.” Lyra iterated, leaving the perhaps out of it. She began to toy with the dagger in her hands, her proximity putting it dangerously close to Andrei’s most prized physical possession and her favorite toy. She didn’t seem to care.

“Tell me how you will accomplish this, soldier.”

There was a flash of nervousness in his mind, but only for a moment as he considered the danger in the current situation for the parts of him which were most precious. Still, he knew she prized it almost as much as he did and that he was quite safe for that reason, if not for any other.

“This sorry state of readiness requires continuous, unyielding effort to resolve. I must try, pounding every obstacle that stands in my way over and over and over. Only then can I truly stand tall.”

Lyra flipped the dagger, holding the blade between her fingers and resting the hilt on his manhood, the weight of it pushing down slightly. “A demonstration is in order, then, commander.”

He reached down quickly and grabbed the dagger by the hilt. Holding it at his side, he walked around her. Stopping behind her this time, he drew the dagger over the fabric of the back of her bra, causing it to fall down immediately. He then reached around her, grabbed the front of her panties, and lifted them away from her center. He slid the dagger in and rested the cold steel on the fabric closest to her skin, close enough that she could feel the slight touch of the metal.

“With your permission, sir.”

Lyra didn’t react when he grabbed the dagger away from her nor when he cut away her bra. She’d lost so many clothes this way to him now that it didn’t even phase her, but it was still fun for them both. When he grabbed her panties and slid the dagger down, a slight shiver ran down her spine; she enjoyed the danger of the moment only because of the trust they shared with each other. They were both so skilled with the small blade that there was never any fear of a mishap.

“Permission granted.” She replied, still facing forward while he held her.

He immediately used the dagger to weaken the fabric along the length of the panties then slid the blade along, cutting the garment in half. As it fell, his other hand moved up and clasped her left breast gently. He massaged it slowly and expertly while abandoning the dagger in the desk in front of them. His right hand went down to her womanhood and he started messaging her there slowly, temptingly. Meanwhile, he pressed against her, the hardness of his body rebelling against her soft skin.

It was a feat to have the body that Lyra possessed; muscular as necessitated by her profession but still bearing softness and feminine appeal that most men desired deeply. It was a balance that required the kind of discipline she possessed to maintain and she did so with pride and pleasure; she was confident in her physical appearance and for good reason. Her breast filled his hand with warmth and soft weight, an improvement for Andrei than what they had been when she was Madeline, but he had enjoyed her even then. She drew in a slow breath as his hand traveled down her body and between her toned thighs, but she didn’t shift to provide him easier access and instead offered a challenge.

As he pressed his body into her more inviting figure, she pressed back in her own way with a slight roll of her hips back into him. The simple, sultry motion settled his manhood in the cleft of her superb backside. A slight smile tugged at her full lips briefly then disappeared.

“This is a good first step.”

His hand still manipulated her full breast with surprising tenderness and teased at the side of her nipples without actually seriously engaging them, his other hand was working with what it had, considering she was keeping her legs stubbornly close together, providing an unwelcome barrier to his large hand. She often made things hard for him in more ways than one. He slipped his bare foot against hers and stepped out, using his strong legs to move hers apart. As he did, his appendage moved down from her bottom and rested along her now slick opening. It met his hand where it played with her and he felt the warmth of her center against his length, any suggestion of limpness went completely away.

“I’m glad you’re pleased with my progress.”

She had offered no resistance when he used his foot and leg to open her to him. When she felt him slide down and the head of his manhood bump up against her, she bit her lower lip then let out a soft sigh. With his ceaseless teasing of her breast so near her very sensitive nipple and between her legs coupled with their rather unique form of sensual play before, she was quite ready for him. Finally she reached a hand back to grab his hip behind her with one hand while the other planted itself firmly on his desk.

“Now it is important you remember your form. I won’t accept sloppy work.”

“Never, sir. Though it may be quite messy.” He said in a warm tone, the edges of desire creeping into his voice. He moved his one hand from between her legs and grabbed himself, guiding himself inside her and used his hips to settle halfway inside her. Immediately, he reached up with his free hand and grabbed her other breast, teasing her with twice the finger-work as he stood inside her, still.

“Am I straight enough yet, Commander?”

“I’ll let you know when, soldier. You haven’t even started your pounding venture yet.” Her voice was thick with desire as she spoke and while she was tempted to work her hips back against him, she remained still for the moment. Her eyelids fluttered slightly and then closed, his teasing certainly having the effect he intended. She curled the fingers of her hand on his hip, her strong nails digging into his pale flesh.

“Get started.”

“Yes, sir.” He said, pulling her back to stand up straight with him, his fingers still expertly teasing her breasts. He started with half of his length at a moderate place, chills surging through his body. He wasn’t giving her what she wanted, but this was certainly a serious start.

As he started to move, Lyra let out a satisfied, sighing moan. He was teasing her she knew; he enjoyed it. He enjoyed getting her riled, frustrating her until she needed him and then fulfilling that need… though he had found she knew how to do the same when the mood struck her.

“And there they go.” Jackie said with a sigh before looking over to Ren and Lottie. “You two should prepare for cleanup.”

“ this normal?” The half Betazoid man asked, trying his best to block the strong feelings from the next room just as he attempted to avoid hearing what he was starting to hear.

Jasper looked up from his work like he had just heard the dumbest question, then after a beat he realized Ren had never been in the office when this had been going on. His irritation gave way to amusement and he chuckled. “For them? Yes. Very normal. At minimum once a week, but usually more. I just tend to expect it any time she goes into the office, and I’m probably more surprised when it doesn’t happen now. Wouldn’t you say, Jackie?”

“You’d be surprised how much time officers seem to have in their hands around here.” She said as the sound of something being knocked to the ground could be heard through the wall. “We need some sound proofing.”

“May I be excused, Masters?” Ren said, looking very worried. “There are strong feelings being..bounced around in there and I’m having a hard time controlling my reaction.”

Jackie chuckled then, pausing in her work.

“Is that the Betazoid version of a boner?” She asked rhetorically to the increasingly uncomfortable young man. “What do you think, Jasper? Should we let him grab a snack for the next half hour?”

“Listen, I’m not going to lie to you, now I kind of want to know what exactly would happen if we said no, but whatever yeah it’s fine. Lottie can pick up your slack for a bit.” He gave a dismissive wave of his hand and looked back down to his work as another moan filtered out from the closed doors.

Lottie had simply been quiet as usual and doing her assigned tasks. She didn’t even lift her head at the mention of her name but did at least spare a glance over to Ren and gave him a little nod. She was clearly extremely uncomfortable, but like the yeomen, she had grown accustomed to what went on when those two masters were together. She still didn’t really understand it; perhaps Master Andrei demanded it of her?

“Mmm thank you.” Ren said, and he was out the door before anyone could say another word, a PADD pressed tight against the front of his slave uniform. The sound of Jackie’s boyish chuckling could be heard outside the door.

“I bet he would have had some kind of amazing mind-gasm right here in front of us.” She said, before eyeing Jasper. “We should have made him stay.”

“I didn’t know you were into that shit, Jackie. I thought you liked girls.” Jasper shot back dryly and looked over to her. “I sure as shit don’t want to sit here and listen to a second man getting his rocks off, much less look at it. I already have to deal with that.” He pointed toward the door accusingly.

“Now, if it were the other way around,” he indicated to Lottie, “I’d put her up on the desk and we could just enjoy the show together.”

“I like watching people enjoy themselves.” Jackie said with a shrug. “I like watching girls enjoy themselves more though. Lottie is welcome to do whatever she likes on your desk. Just don’t let Commander Petrova know. I think she’s a bit sensitive after Immy. Rumor has it the poor girl is still head over heels for you and asks about you all the time. And that comes from a guy who assumed he might have a shot with her.”

“What are you even talking about? Who said that?” Jasper asked, his expression souring.

“Is that jealousy I hear, you little fucker?” Jackie asked, grinning from ear to ear. “What’s it to you, Champ?”

Before he could answer, a loud series of moans came through the door, shared by the two commanders. The idea they were done, however, would have been wishful thinking.

“What is it with you women and thinking that one could fall head over heels in love in four days, really?” Jasper rolled his eyes, his frustration only mounting with the sounds coming from the other room. “There isn’t anything to be jealous of; she was a slave and a good lay and what happened to her was tragic yes, but she made her intentions very clear to me. She’s not pining for me, so whoever you heard that load of steaming shit from is just trying to make trouble.”

“So you’re cool with him fucking her then?” She asked, ignoring his suddenly emotional tirade. “I mean, if you’re really cool with it, I’ll give it the old college try too. I’m not sure if she’s into women, but I hear she’s really vulnerable right now. The perfect time for some rebound experimentation.”

He looked at her for a long moment, trying to figure out if she was serious, even his head tilted slightly. Now he just looked genuinely confused. “Why… would I care? If you’re into fucking holograms, go for it?”

“Great. I will.” Jackie said, and seemed to resume work on her PADD. She only looked down for a split second before there was a loud bang on the wall, an impact, followed by successive and rapid pounding along with moans galore and smiths sort of dirty talk they had all grown accustomed to. “Sometimes I wonder what life is like in other departments .”

“Well, speaking as someone formerly from another department - boring, but definitely quieter.” Jasper provided, picking up his coffee and started taking a sip of it only to pause as he heard a particular feminine sound that his body reacted rather viscerally to. He wouldn’t be standing up any time soon, but that wasn’t unusual.

In the XO’s Office, Andrei and Lyra’s bodies we’re wrapped up together in Andrei’s chair where Lyra sat on his lap, her arms wrapped around him, and was lifted up and down on him by the strong hands he had placed on her bottom. The sounds coming from the place were their bodies met and the sound of their own sexual ecstasy was louder than that of the chair hitting the wall over and over. They were practiced at making love to each other, but this time was particularly good.

Andrei’s hands were largely ornamental at this point as Lyra moved her body in earnest against his. She rolled her hips, grinding down on him without mercy and delighting her lover in the same way he did for her. She could feel his body straining, listened to the sounds he tried and often failed to tame. She loved every blissful moment of it. Her arms around him, one hand had gone up into his hair and grabbed the black tresses, pulling slightly while the other had her nails dug into his shoulder blade. Her lips were at his neck, pouring out her praises for him.

They were in no rush to part.



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