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Scientific Pairings I

Posted on Mon Dec 11th, 2023 @ 7:01am by Ensign Ilan Ocara & Petty Officer 2nd Class Jasper Branson & Lieutenant JG Orion Wolff
Edited on on Mon Dec 11th, 2023 @ 7:03am

Mission: S1 Episode 6: Joy and Ashes
Location: After 11
Timeline: Date 2371-09-08 at 2200
5761 words - 11.5 OF Standard Post Measure


The transition from the Gladius to the Vengeance has come as a shock given that while the alien merchant's information had indeed meant to draw the Terran into a trap, it had also held a kernel of truth to it. He was getting settled into his new quarters and it appeared that his predecessor had spent as little time as possible in the space as it lacked any sense of having been lived in. Though he didn't dwell on the...mystery? Even that might be generous, though he would dive into how the previous science chief had run things. However, that was something for another time as he turned his mind to meeting the previous acting chief, Ilan Ocara, at least to make an introduction and get a feel for how they might work together.

While some might have expected him to go sweeping into the Science labs and making a grand gesture of cementing his position over the last Chief, Orion considered that to be an amateur - and frankly incompetent - gesture. They were on a warship, a handful at best, and he felt that would make for a poor first impression. Instead, he wanted to make a more personable approach and build from there. To that point, he'd taken advantage of the ship's systems to locate Ilan and was following the guide lights to the mess hall. Once through the doors, he paused to look at the image of the woman on the PADDs display and started looking around the room for her.

“Well, at least you probably won’t have to deal with what I do at least once a week.” Jasper chuckled as he looked across the table at Ilan. “Your lab isn’t near the office.”

“Oh you poor baby.” Ilan teased, cradling her chin in her hand which was propped up by her elbow on the table. “Problem is, Jasper, I know you like to listen to them fuck so you don’t fool me one bit. Naughty creature.”

The two laughed at their table in the otherwise still rather somber lounge. It wasn’t completely out of place, but it certainly stood out. The losses they had incurred in the ambush were still fresh in everyone’s minds of course, but life didn’t stop in the wake of tragedy. They’d been hard at work for most of the day and had decided a break from it all had been in order. They were on their way to Sikaris proper where leave time was being scheduled, but there was no reason to wait.

Jasper was dressed in a casual long sleeve dark blue button up with the first few buttons open and the sleeves rolled up and a pair of dark brown pants. Ilan was casual in her own way opting for a very low cut shimmering dark green blouse and a short black leather skirt. In front of them there were mostly consumed drinks and a couple empty plates of food.

After scanning the room, Orion's gaze fell on Ilan and saw that she was seated with someone and seemed engaged in conversation of some sort with another date, maybe a date? He wasn't certain about the dynamics on the Vengeance. Prickly, but it did appear to be something more casual, and partially conscious of still being in uniform, though he'd just finished getting transferred over.

Giving a little nod, he strode over to where he saw Ilan seated, stepping up to their table as he let them finish their conversation before making his own introductions.

The two continued their conversation for a moment even as Orion stood there until it was Jasper who finally paused and looked up to the man. His brows raised slightly and he seemed quite less than enthused by the interruption.

“Can I help you?” He asked gruffly.

Ilan looked up then too, her head immediately tilted slightly as she didn’t recognize the handsome man standing before her. He must have been someone off of the Gladius.

Orion looked to the other man and gave him a nod of acknowledgement before turning his attention to Ilan with a warm smile, just a hint of charm to it as he spoke. "Pardon the interruption, I was just wanting to make my introductions, I'm Lieutenant Orion Wolff, I'll be taking over the Science department,"

“Oh thank the gods.” Ilan said and sighed out while she sat back in her chair. “Finally fucking free. Well, congratulations Lieutenant you have taken on the mantle of possibly the most boring job in existence.”

Orion quirked an eyebrow at Ilan's soft but excited exclamation of joy at being relieved of her acting position. "Believe me, I understand despite our own travails, the scientific exploits of the Gladius weren't that thrill, but I'll be doing my best to stay out of your hair unless there's a specific reason but I would like to set up a time where we could go over what projects there might have been."

Again Orion smiled before turning his attention to the other man. "And you are?"

“That’s good because I don’t like it when stuff gets in my hair.” Ilan quipped with a smirk.

Jasper laughed and shook his head at her, his eyes roaming over her body and down her exposed cleavage before they made the reluctant journey back up to Orion. “Branson.”

"Pleasure, Branson." Orion gave Jasper just enough attention so he wouldn't feel as if he were being snubbed, but his attention was drawn back to Ilan as he let his gaze wander a little and enjoying the view he saw, certainly it wouldn't be without it advantages working with a fellow science officer, he mused to himself.

"I would be working on my own projects, as I'm certain that you have your own, and anything assigned to us...though so you think you would be free for breakfast to discuss this further? I've been told that I make excellent Belgian waffles."

At his invitation, Ilan and Jasper looked across the table at each other for a moment and then Jasper stood. "I'll see you in a bit."

He finished his drink and then put the empty glass down on the table. "Lieutenant."

Without any more explanation he brushed past Orion and left.

"Looks like you're up, handsome." Ilan said and gestured to the now vacant chair across from her.

Orion spared a glance to the other man as he retreated from the table, though his attention returned to Ilan as he easily slid into the vacant seat. As he got settled, the Terran man took a moment to give his companion an appreciative glance over again as he relaxed. "Thank you, now about my invitation for breakfast, it doesn't have to be waffles, it's just a favorite of mine."

“Do you always fly at women at warp nine?” Ilan asked, chuckling at him and picking up her drink.

“May I get you a drink, sir?” One of the bar slaves asked as he paused by the table.

"A bit of a faux pas that I'll need to apologize to both you and Branson for...though I was merely trying to set up a working breakfast since I am interested in getting your perspective on the department." He countered with a smoke before his attention turned to the slave and considered for a moment.

"What would you recommend Miss Ocara since I'm a stranger in a strange land?"

"Just call me Ilan. He'll have a Rusty Nail." She spoke to Orion first and then to the slave before looking back to Orion.

"His name is Jasper Branson by the way, he's the XO's yeoman."

"Then call me Orion, please." He extended her the same courtesy before taking a moment to consider the new information he had about Branson. "Ah yes, Malen'kiy printsessa... had read over the roster and found a certain... amusement at seeing he would be my new XO, something I think he'll take great pleasure in."

Ilan started to say something and then stopped, blinked, and then her eyebrows lifted up as she looked at the man across from her. "Did you just... call him 'little princess'?"

"I did," Orion confirmed without a hint of fear or shame, but most certainly amusement as he held her gaze. "We grew up in many of the same circles, going to the same schools...I'm sure he has plenty of colorful nicknames for me."

For a few beats, Ilan was silent. He didn't strike her as a man who had a wealth of "game" and probably thought he had way more than he did. He also didn't seem to have the swagger of the typical Terran noble, so hearing him call Andrei "princess" certainly came out of the blue. Suddenly, she laughed and shook her head.

"Oh boy. I have a feeling things are going to be quite entertaining now. I take it you're the Dominion Lord's son then?"

For a few beats, Ilan was silent. He didn't strike her as a man who had a wealth of "game" and probably thought he had way more than he did. He also didn't seem to have the swagger of the typical Terran noble, so hearing him call Andrei "princess" certainly came out of the blue. Suddenly, she laughed and shook her head.

"Oh boy. I have a feeling things are going to be quite entertaining now. I take it you're the Dominion Lord's son then?"

She would have, actually, because he really didn’t exclude nobility; while she didn’t particularly mind that personally, she couldn’t help but wonder how that played out in social circles. “Yeah… not sure that’s really a thing with him.”

The slave brought over Orion’s drink and set it down with a hasty half bow and then moved off again to continue his work.

“Letting things go, that is.” Ilan clarified.

"No, Andy has always had ambitions and is trying to step out from his father's shadow, though he seems to be doing well enough." Orion paused as he took a sip of the Rusty Nail, making a slight face as if he was trying to decide if he liked the flavor of the drink. "It just took him getting flung to the other size of the galaxy to get that chance."

"This drink is interesting, how did it come about?" He questioned, turning his attention to Ilan with a warmer smile.

"Can you really say he has done that when his father is in command of this ship and there's not exactly anywhere for Andrei to go unless it's through his old man?" Ilan challenged and picked up her drink to take a sip, then paused when he asked his question.

"Are you asking me for a history of the rusty nail?" She asked, her brows lifting.

"If you happen to know, yes, I enjoy learning the history of new drinks if they have any since making alcohol is a hobby of mine," He met her gaze as he set his glass down, considering Andrei and realizing that now he was on the Vengeance he would need to start acting as the nobleman again.

"As for Andrei, back home when we moved in the same circles, he had ocharovaniye," He paused and considered the right word for it in English. "A charm or gravitas and was able to draw others to him, he had little gangs and he was fond of the women and drink, he was written off as a wastrel eventually not to amount to anything beyond being the consummate party I say him reaching this point is impressive, I always thought he had the drive to be more but it seemed he was content to languish and waste his abilities,"

"Mmm... think it originated in Britain somewhere but didn't really become popular until it was promoted in New York and got picked up as the drink of choice by a bunch of A-List celebrities. The name of the group is escaping me right now though." Ilan provided after a moment of consideration.

"Sounds like you don't have a particularly high opinion of the commander."

Orion considered the statement for a moment, though he eventually came to the conclusion that it was an honest statement on his part even if he didn't make it. "No, it isn't particularly high, though I suspect his isn't too much better of me since I didn't let him bully me and if there's one thing that Andrei can't stand, it's not being the top dog in a room."

“No, no he really can’t.” Ilan laughed at that, shaking her head. “I’d be careful if I were you though. He’s your superior, but more importantly mommy and daddy are in charge of the fleet as a whole.”

"I appreciate the warning, I'll conduct myself as a junior officer should with a superior officer, but I also won't kowtow or cower to Andrei." He sipped his drink and relaxed a little into his seat, letting his gaze move over Ilan and take her in, appreciating the lovely woman before him. "I can respect the uniform, even if I might not respect the one wearing it,"

"I find those lines get blurred more often than they should, so just be mindful. I really don't want to be Chief and if you get yourself shanked in the middle of the night because you pissed off Andrei Petrov or his woman, I'm going to be upset with you." Ilan threatened with a smirk.

"Well, that's reason enough to behave alone." Orion teased her, not a hint of the surprise at learning Andrei had a woman since the man he'd known hadn't been known for his monogamy or interest in keeping the same woman for too long, seemingly more interested in having fun rather than finding a companion and mate.

"Perhaps I could convince you to give me the lay of the land as it were, it seems the Vengeance is full of personality."

"You can certainly try." Ilan offered, her brows raising and a smirk playing on her lips. She was curious as to what he felt would be worth her time.

"You strike me as a woman with a sharp and engaging mind, a passion for science and a curiosity to discover and experience what the galaxy has to offer." Orion began as he shifted and sat forward, holding her gaze as a little smirk formed on his lips. "I have had my files and specimens that were discovered during my time on the Gladius and I believe I have a specimen that would pique your curious mind."

Ilan immediately snorted at that, chuckling softly and leaning forward. "Gods, is that what you think works? Have you ever gotten laid in your life?"

"Come on, you can do better."

Orion considered her words momentarily; he supposed she was right, and he hadn't really had a reason or opportunity to do better. He sat back in his seat, relaxing in a casual manner as he let his gaze roam over her once more, less cursory and more hungry, his demeanor shifting as if he owned the room but was unconcerned with anyone else as he focused his attention on Ilan.

"I do need to do better," He replied; while it was a small concession, he made as if merely a statement of fact while he let his gaze linger on her exposed cleavage before eventually moving up to meet her eyes again.

Well, at least that was more like the noble he claimed to be. Ilan sat back then, crossing her legs and lifting her eyebrows again. She saw his eyes wandering more blatantly, but she didn't care. At least she didn't care as long as they had the same mindset. Some men could get terribly possessive.


"In my quarters," He began, his tone much more authoritative and frank with her, holding the dark-haired woman's gaze. "There is a bottle of liquor that I'd enjoy sharing while we got to know each other better."

“Well that has more of my attention… though I was supposed to go and meet Jasper afterwards.” She lifted her head just slightly, challenging him to convince her why she should pick him instead.

Orion felt rusty; he'd kept to himself mainly on the Gladius, focusing on surviving another day (and being kind of a smug snob on top of everything with Kit), so he had to find his feet again in his conversation with Ilan. He still met her gaze, betraying none of his thoughts' inner turmoil before speaking again. "Think of it as an opportunity to indulge yourself, to allow someone attentive to treat you, like indulging in a filet's an experience to be savored,"

“You know what the problem with filet is?” Ilan leaned forward on the table again, exposing more of her supple cleavage. Amusement danced in her eyes, but she was clearly interested. She wasn’t going to make it easy. “It may be tender, but it lacks a lot of flavor. I like flavor.”

"Then you've never experienced it properly prepared as it should never be lacking in flavor," Orion replied as he smirked back at her a little, his gaze shifting to the deepened valley of her cleavage as he purred. "We have an opportunity to change such a terribly dull experience for you."

"Well how could I say no to that kind of offer?" Ilan finally chuckled and sat back. "I do love new experiences. Is this offer for now or later?"

"Now," A sly smirk formed on his lips as he answered, shifting to lean forward. "What better time than now to have a new experience? I do love it when someone is eager to try something new."

Without waiting for her reply, Orion stood and offered her his hand since it was obvious they were going to do this now with no further discussion on the matter.

"Well, alright then." A smirk still playing on her full lips, Ilan took Orion's hand. Would she sleep with him in the end? Honestly, she wasn't sure. At the very least, some drinks and conversation wouldn't be untoward. "Lead on."

Orion led her out of the lounge, pulling a few stares and glances as he was leaving with a much different demeanor than entering and it caused people to stop and take notice. "Any plans for shore leave?" He turned his attention to his lovely companion once they stopped at the doors to the lift, the call button pressed.

"When I have shore leave, my plans are always to maximize my fun and relaxation by any means I deem worthy." Ilan replied, a coy smirk on her full lips. "What about you? How long has it been since you've had actual shore leave?"

"Since coming to the Delta Quadrant?" Orion tilted his head as considered the question before giving a chuckle before meeting her gaze once more. "We didn't really have the luxury of shore leave, if our late Captain wasn't picking fights, we were trying to figure out how to keep the lights this will be something I'm looking forward to taking advantage of what we have upcoming, to maximize my relaxation."

“Well if you don’t have too many hang ups, it’s pretty easy to do.” Ilan noted and stepped into the lift with him as it opened. “Sikaris is known for having a very generous population too.”

The doors closed behind them - or nearly. A hand caught between them before they closed and they immediately opened again. Ilan’s eyes came up and then lidded just slightly as she watched the tall, tanned figure of Lyra Cassiel step into the lift with them.

Lyra was unapologetic in delaying the other two officers and moved to lean against the wall opposite of them. She was dressed in a black racerback cropped tank top and matching yoga pants that looked like she was poured into them with how they fit her long, toned legs and framed her magnificent rear end. Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail, but the short hair at the edges was stuck to her neck and temples given she had been sweating; her exposed muscles had the definition of having been recently worked out. Over her shoulder was a red towel and in one hand she carried a water bottle. Even as she was, she looked stunning in her own way.

“Deck three.” She commanded the turbo lift.

His attention was drawn away by the closing doors being interrupted and Ilan's lusty expression. Orion caught the appreciative sound he'd wanted to make at the sight of their gorgeous new companion, his eyes moving ever so subtly over her body, admiring the tone and definition of her svelte figure. While it wasn't lewd, the way her clothes appeared painted on allowed the imagination to wander along suggestive paths. As his eyes wandered over the curves of her form, he finally reached her face as the tug of familiarity left him feeling like he maybe knew her, though he couldn't place when or why. The Vengeance seemed to have many gorgeous specimens aboard; the transfer already provided its hidden blessings.

"I'm looking forward to seeing what Sikaris has to offer and having an opportunity to take a breath finally." He answered Ilan, his attention returning to her after taking his moment to enjoy. "I've heard there are some breathtaking waterfalls that you can dive from; I can't remember the last time I could swim on an actual planet."

"Huh?" Ilan blinked and looked back to Orion. "Oh. Yeah. I'm not really much for doing that kind of thing but I like swimming."

The lift came to a halt and the doors opened. Lyra moved first, taking a step toward the newly made exit then slowed just slightly. "Ocara."

Her beautiful dark eyes shifted to Orion then and she pointedly moved down and then back up his body to his face. "Wolff."

With that, she exited the turbolift to head down the corridor. Her hips swung in a tantalizing way in her natural, feminine gait. Not far from the turbolift, she paused outside one of the doors, put in her access code, and stepped inside.

Orion blink, caught off guard by the woman knowing who he was, though he didn't let it stop him from watching Lyra for a moment until she disappeared into the quarter. He was certain that he would have remembered a woman as striking as her, though he reeled in before looking to Ilan. "So who was that? A friend?"

His mind was now trying to actively place her face since she'd used his name and it would be one of those situations that would drive him a bit crazy until he had the answer.

Ilan laughed and shook her head while she slid her arm into Orion's. "No, no. She's our Chief of Security, Lyra Cassiel."

Orion nodded, his mind assuaged a bit since that would explain how she knew his name, though it still didn't cure the other itch that still had him convinced he knew the woman from somewhere. He began to lead the way towards his quarters, glancing to his companion with a smirk. "So have you ever been cliff diving or is it just not something you've ever wanted to try?"

“Not something I’ve ever wanted to try. Just seems like a foolish risk to one’s life and I like myself too much to take those.” She shrugged slightly. “There are many other things in life that can give me a thrill without being potentially fatal.”

"Fair, that is fair." The Terran man offered up as he stopped at the door to his quarters and unlocked it, allowing Ilan to step in first as the lights raised up to the 3/4th setting. "I just got aboard, so still settling in but make yourself comfortable while I get the liquor and a couple of glasses."

He stepped away to find the box containing the bottle of alcohol, discovering it after a moment of searching, pausing at the replicator to input the parameters for the alien citrus fruit that went with it. By the time he was finished, he'd replicated two snifter glasses, a small ice bucket, slices of the fruit, a cocktail strainer, and a small dish of what appeared to be sugar cubes. He returned to the living room with the tray and sat it down on the coffee table before looking to Ilan. "I have something there that I think as a woman of science, and enjoys new experiences, this should be a delight."

“I’m glad I didn’t move up to these quarters while I was temporary chief… I really hate moving.” With a sigh she moved to sit down on the couch. There wasn’t really anything to see at the moment, but she figured it probably wouldn’t be her last time here. “Probably bigger than your quarters on the Gladius by a fair bit, hm?”

Her eyes went to the tray that he brought over with interest, inspecting the elements laid out there.

"I think cozy would be a polite way to refer to them." He chuckled softly while beginning to prepare their drinks, opening the bottle of the clear liquid before he placed a sphere of ice into the bottom of each glass, followed by squeezing two of the fruit wedges onto the ice as the air filled with fragrant citrus smell, sweet but not overpoweringly so as he paused to offer up one of piece of fruit, the flesh was pale greenish-yellow hue. Picking up the cocktail strainer, he placed it over the glass and placed a sugar cube onto it, followed by him slowly pouring the alcohol over the cube. as it dripped down and dissolved, Ilan would be able to watch as the liquid turned from clear, cloudy and then the same greenish-yellow of the fruit.

“Oh that’s neat…” She all but purred as she watched the reaction happening before her eyes. She crossed her legs, licking her lips and then nibbling on the piece of fruit he had given her to try. “What is this?”

"It's called a talau berry," Which made him chuckle a little since it didn't seem like berry, though as she sampled it, Ilan would find the juice had a subtle sweetness to it. He set the bottle to the side to let the sugar continue to dissolve. "The fruit has a gentle sweet flavor, though the bark of the tree is used to distill the alcoholic portion and has a bitter flavor, which is why the fruit and sugar are added to the cocktail to offset that bitter flavor,"

"When mixed with the juice from the fruit it creates this chemical reaction turning the alcohol green, which is an excellent drink."

"That's interesting. The fruit by itself is good too. Very mild." Ilan placed her fingers around one of the glasses but didn't move it, in fact she just seemed to want to mess with it. "Well, I suppose the deal was giving you the lay of the land as it were. Who do you want to start with?"

"Well you already covered Andrei and by extension his parents," He began while gently tapping the strainer before offering the glass to Ilan so she could enjoy the drink. He started the process again to make himself a drink while considering the next questions he wanted to ask about the Vengeance and her crew. "You did mention that Andrei has a woman, who might she be?"

“Odd thing to ask first.” Ilan smirked and sat back while she crossed her legs at the knee. “Planning on trying to play Mr. Steal Your Girl with him? Risky game you know.”

"Odd but more as an abundance of caution, nothing about stealing anyone's girl," A chuckle escaped him while he continued to make his own drink. "Besides it is relevant details of the ship, who is sleeping with whom...I like to be prepared."

"Uh huh." She took a sip of the drink, taking in the mildly sweet flavor with underlying hints of bitter. It was interesting to say the least, but she was undecided how she felt about it from the initial taste. She gave the impression of someone who didn't believe his proposed reason at all, but she would be a good sport about it.

"Well let's see, let's back up a bit. Andrei bounced from bed to bed like it was a sport. Lot's of minor liaisons but two really stuck out - one with our former Assistant Chief Medical Officer Karen Lamont who he carried on with for a while and the other one was with a slave named Eritrea who he freed for the sole purpose of becoming his official mistress and having her basically permanently attached by the mouth to his dick."

Whether she believed him or not was irrelevant. Andrei was volatile and they didn't part on the best of terms so he wanted to be prepared and if he was being honest, it piqued his curiosity to see the path of beds Andrei had left behind him so far from home. "That sounds par for the course, on both counts...well being attached to him at the dick, not freeing her to make his official mistress, that's something new."

"Though you said these were his past lovers, since we are here in the Delta Quadrant, what happened to them, if you know?" He sat back with his drink, crossing his legs as he relaxed and gave the dark haired vixen his undivided attention now that they had their drinks.

"Well, he cast Eritrea off for whatever reason kind of suddenly. It may have had to do with the fact apparently she was the half sister of the XO that - oh yeah, oh yeah!" Ilan suddenly burst out laughing though got control of herself after a moment. "Well, half sister of the XO, there's been some other thoughts but who knows. Anyways Andrei also fucked the XO's wife - she wasn't his wife at the time though - along with half the ship I guess and she got herself knocked up, so Andrei Petrov had a baby scare like a month into this nonsense."

Orion stroked his chin for a moment and then started to shake his head at the seemingly convoluted web of interpersonal relationships that existed both on the ship and within Andrei's orbit. "I would have paid good money to see how all of that had played out, it sounds like he's had a hell of a ride here on the Vengeance."

"Yeah well, Eritrea is dead and so are the XO and his little family - unfortunate there, really." Ilan shrugged and seemed to at least half mean it. She didn't have any sort of connection with the people in the slightest, but a baby dying was never an event to be overlooked.

"Lamont was transferred off to another ship for whatever reason. Who knows. Even before all of that though... well, I am sure this will come as a great surprise, but Andrei has been quite dedicated to a single woman for the past months."

"It is never easy when a child is lost," Orion acknowledged with a small nod and a brief moment before picking up the rest of the conversation as he looked at Ilan dubiously with her statement about Andrei's dedication to a single woman. "He's been completely monogamous? Andrei Petrov, the son of this ship's captain?"

"Yep, at least as far as anyone knows. This is a small ship though, and it would be really hard for a secret to be kept. That's why Andrei's 'secret liaisons' were never much of a secret." Ilan took another sip of her drink and then worked her heels off. Bringing her feet up, she tucked them underneath her and leaned against the back of the couch.

"Now to be fair there's been a running pool for when he will crack and cheat on her. There's another running pool for what she will do to him and the girl when he does."

"Change for someone like you, I imagine, but ten thousand credits-ish." Ilan smirked slightly, enjoying watching his face as he seemed to process all of this almost as much as she was stringing him along without directly answering the question yet.

"You do enjoy being a tease don't you?" He pointed out lightly with a smirk of his own, not at all put off since he was getting to spend more time with the lovely brunette as his eyes drifted to moving over her body and thinking nude, she would look quite gorgeous on silk or satin sheets. "Though it does appear that you've gotten a bit more comfortable."

"Are either of those things a problem?" She asked with a mild, playful challenge in her voice.

He smirked back at Ilan, letting her question hang in the air for a moment as he sipped his drink, his eyes moving briefly over her body once more before finally speaking. " Neither are a problem, merely an's nice not having every conversation revolving around what's going to break next, or what barely held together system is going to fail next and lead to a catastrophic cascade."

"Yeah, I can imagine so." She ran her fingers through her hair while she regarded him. "It really is amazing that you guys survived as long as you did on a ship and with a crew that small. Really speaks to every person on the Gladius, probably your captain especially. Well... former captain."

"Annalise is an excellent captain and I think she held everything together through sheer determination," He nodded, speaking fondly of the other woman and considering her to be quite remarkable. "Though each member of the Gladius stepped up to do their part, even if some of them were a bit brash and rough around the edges, we made it work."

"Well, here's hoping you will settle in here fine, though you may come to miss the days when you were constantly inundated with problems on your former ship." Ilan took another healthy drink from her glass and sighed over the rim.

"Anyways, you were asking about Andrei."



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