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Chasing Clearance

Posted on Mon Dec 11th, 2023 @ 7:15am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Ensign Jeffrey Simmons & Lieutenant JG Orion Wolff

Mission: S1 Episode 6: Joy and Ashes
Location: Chief Security Officer's Office
Timeline: Date 2371-09-09 at 1625
3164 words - 6.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Orion was settling into the role of the Science department head on the ship with practiced ease; the only real difference was that the Vengeance was a larger ship than the Gladius. However, that didn't mean there was more for his department to do, and he was beginning to understand why the last Chief had become a murderous cyborg, likely caused just by the sheer monotony of what appeared to be the daily grind. He'd settled into an amicable relationship with Ilan, giving her space for her projects, taking over the lab of the old mad scientist, and he found it fitting for some of his other projects and placing his more dangerous specimens in secure storage until he was ready to work with them again.

That was if he could get his clearance to work properly. This had been a bit frustrating since he needed a more broad access and clearance for his work, as well as any assignments given to him by the Captain. He was striding down the corridor with a confidence he hadn't moved with in a long while. On the Gladius, he hadn't felt the need to strut or "peacock," as Kit had once called it, though he was carrying himself with the regal bearing of a Terran lord, settling into his new role and re-adjusting to his old life. He paid little mind to the looks he drew, though gracing a few of the Terran women with a confident smile before eventually reaching the Security office. He was dressed in the sleeveless Terran uniform, having used some of his rations to replicate a couple of tailored uniforms as he strode into the room and looked about as his gaze settled on the other man in the room, giving him a nodded, he strode forward and stood at the edge of his desk.

"Ah just the fellow, I need to speak with your Chief about an urgent matter and I'm hoping you can help me with that, Ensign...." He greeted the man with a warm smile, respect, and a genteel charm.

Simmons had been relegated back to duties in the Security Offices and really, he wasn't upset over it. Maybe in the end it had been better he hadn't gotten the permanent assistant chief position given how often the assistant seemed to have to step into the shoes of chief. He had been busy pushing papers when Orion walked in and lifted his brows slightly on being addressed.

"Uh, Simmons... sir. Who are you?"

"Orion Wolff, the new Science Chief, transferred from the Gladius." He briefly introduced himself while watching the man for a moment and quirked an eyebrow. "Would you be so kind as to check and see if Commander Cassiel is available? I'm currently having issues with my clearance and wanted to see if she could get the issue cleared up for me."

"Oh uh... sure." He looked toward the office windows only to see them frosted over - a new sight they were all getting used to that nobody dared argue with. With a frown, he pawed at his console a moment and then looked up at Orion. "She'll see you."

"Thank you Ensign." Orion gave Simmons a nod before turning away as a few strides carried him to the door to Lyra's office, pausing a moment before stepping through as he subtly began to scan the room to see what it might reveal of the impressive woman who held the powerful position that she did.

"Lieutenant Wolff." Lyra greeted immediately, not giving him time to really inspect the office at all, but from what he could see there was... nothing. No personal touches or anything of the like. Even the desk was bare. She was seated behind her desk with a cup and saucer next to her computer console.

Her dark eyes were resting on him, unreadable and naturally cool, though they moved over his body and his exposed arms. Not a common choice to be sure. "What can I do for you?"

He met her cool gaze and found a certain appeal to that unreadable gaze of hers as he moved closer to her desk, hands clasped behind his back. "I'm having issues with my security clearance, it seems that I wasn't given the correct authorizations and I was hoping you might be able to solve the problem."

Now that he was focused on her, his gaze shifted to take her in, admiring her stunning beauty and continued to wonder silently how someone like Andrei could have managed to catch her attention.

“Have a seat. What were you trying to do exactly?” She prompted him, waving to the chair across from her with one gloved hand while returning her attention more fully to the console. Around them, the frosting on the glass of the office windows faded.

He moved to take a seat, taking notice of the frosting fading out before he focused on Lyra once more as he spoke. "When I attempt to access any of the systems it's giving me the basic system level access of a non-department head, I was wanting to make sure I hadn't missed something or if there was an issue when it was issued to me after the transfer."

"Probably some sort of issue. I'll clear it up for you." She of course hadn't been surprised about the new transfers onto the Vengeance and some new faces might be welcome in the long run. Her dark eyes briefly shifted over to Orion; he certainly had a welcome face to look at. "How have you been settling in?"

"Quite well, I'm working on setting up my quarters currently, made somewhat easier by the fact that the last science chief didn't seem to spend much time there; I've been getting to know the lay of the Vengeance and knowing my staff," His answer came quickly enough as he thought about how things had been going with his new position, considering what he was inheriting and how things would be different from the Gladius and perhaps a bit of the same. "Looking forward to making my mark here."

Though as he spoke, his tone implied that he wasn't merely talking about his department or being on the ship itself, his gaze more brazenly running over her svelte figure, wrapped beneath her uniform like a present waiting to be opened. "Perhaps I could convince you to give me a ship tour,"

He waited for a beat before speaking again with a coquettish smile working its way onto his handsome features, leaning forward in his seat a little. "Then dinner after since I'm certain we could work up a healthy appetite together."

Lyra had been at least half paying attention to Orion as he spoke, enough that she caught his tone and the implication behind it. She took note but hardly paid it any mind until he continued speaking in a way that held familiar notes to her; the forward highborn Terran male.

At his prompting for a tour, she finally looked at him and when the dinner invitation left his lips, she chuckled and sat back in her chair. Her body language communicated interest and she projected it into her eyes. A small smirk rested on her beautifully shaped lips.

“Could we?”

Orion held her gaze, his expression remained as he relaxed into his seat a little, projecting a casual confidence as he continued to let himself slip back into the old, familiar ways. "We could," He teased her with his reply, his tone remaining suggestive though without overtly speaking to what he meant, damned Andrei or his relationship with this woman, he would have her and call her his. "I'm sure there are all manner of strenuous activities we could enjoy during our explorations, since I've been quite eager to visit the holodecks on the Vengeance, I have a copy of the infamous Black Dinner of Clan Douglas, quite a rich and intriguing affair."

The Black Dinner of Clan Douglas was an incident in Terra's past that had seen the heads of Clan Douglas, along with many of their retainers tricked into a dinner with the king of Scotland while the Lord Chancellor at the time had orchestrated the murders of all the guest after presenting them with the severed head of a black bull. A bloody affair that had led to further strife and more murders.

"Is it? Tell me." Lyra prompted, crossing her long legs while she watched Orion a bit closer now. He wouldn't get anywhere, but she was certainly enjoying the attention without guilt. Desire for others didn't evaporate with the acceptance of monogamy and its practice was a choice born out of love and respect. She and Andrei had their boundaries - clear in some respects and terribly vague in others. That was on him, though, and he certainly enjoyed flirting with other women and the sexual attention it brought from them. Why shouldn't she do the same?

"The program follows a fictional retelling of the infamous plot that the Lord Chancellor, Sir William Crichton, devised to rid James II of a rival and to strengthen his position in the royal court." He began to explain the nature of the program to her. It was obvious this was a favorite, or at least the story was, of his but the way his expression lit up, though she would be able to see in his eyes there was a certain sadistic glee with it. "I devised a glove with a blade on the side of the hand that is quite effective at slitting throats, there was such a tool mentioned in the actual history that it was said the Lord Chancellor's men used to slit the Earl and his brother's throats once the black bull's head had been revealed, which for the time was considered to be a symbol of death in old Scotland."

"Their deaths led to the execution of much of Clan Douglas and helped to cement James II's rule with Crichton as his chief advisor for many long years."

"Hmm..." Lyra lifted her gloved hands up and inspected each in turn, considering the story and then looking back to Orion. "Here?"

She asked and indicated the area between her thumb and forefinger. "I suppose it would have to be otherwise it would be terribly awkward. "

Orion took a moment to watch her examining her gloves before he sat forward and lightly touched where she had indicated as confirmation, though he did take a liberty as he traced his finger over the back of her hand it seemed. "Yes, that's where the blade extends from, on the inside of the glove are leather straps that help keep the blade secure, they run over the back and around the palm."

He sat back, still holding her gaze, a playful smile on his lips and a devious twinkle in his eyes. "While I will call it niche, it's quite a visceral experience using it."

At his touch, Lyra's brows lifted just slightly. He was new to the ship and it was likely he simply didn't know she was not available, though she had seen him with Ocara on the turbolift and she would have been surprised if the matter hadn't come up given Ilan's lascivious nature.

Probably impossible really.

She stood then and moved around the desk with poise and grace, though there was an undeniably predatory fashion to how she moved.

"I could see why." She said, stepping behind him then sliding a gloved hand around his neck. They were stronger than most womens' hands. "Though I'm not sure I would like it. There'd be something... missing."

Her fingers tightened slightly and she leaned down to speak into his ear like a lover might. "I'm not yours to touch."

Orion watched her moving, captivated by the deadly grace of her motions, his mind turning to how she might move in a more intimate setting as she moved out of his line of sight, feeling her body close, a brush of her fingers lightly on the back of his neck before feeling the warm, supple leather drifting along his skin. Out of reflex, he lifted his head, remaining still, even as a dangerous and dark thrill rushed through him as her hand tightened around his neck, her breath causing goosebumps to rise along his skin as he caught glimpses of her from the corner of his eye. Her whispered words were sensual and dangerous, like the hissing of a snake giving warning before it struck; he maintained his composure and let the smile remain on his lips.

"Perhaps an overstep caused by boldness," Orion answered in kind, his tone soft and intimate despite his certainty that she could snap his neck like a twig if she wanted. That added to his excitement as he finally turned to look at her, their lips close as his breath played across hers. "Though nothing was achieved without it, I beg your pardon for the offense; Andrei and I can always hash it out later."

With her proximity, Lyra naturally breathed him in. He had the scent of bourbon and leather about him, with just a hint of something sweeter. It wasn’t on his breath; it was just his cologne choice. It was different from what she used to, and she found it quite pleasant. She didn’t betray those thoughts and pulled back from him, looking down at him with a slight smirk.

“Oh yes, I’m sure you can. I’d love to be there to watch.”

"Mmm, I'm always up for a reunion with Andrei, though I'd be disappointed if you weren't there to watch." He watched her stand again, his eyes taking her in like one would admire a fine work of art. "It has been a while since I've seen him."

Lyra rounded her desk again and took her seat. She kicked her legs up and crossed them at her ankles which perched on the corner of her desk. "You're telling me all of this why, hm?"

"I have my reasons," He teased lightly while watching her so nonchalantly move back to the seat and throw herself back, though checked his own thoughts about telling her the truth of motivation. Yes, he did want to put Andrei in his place, but he couldn't deny that having a woman like Lyra would be a reward all on its own. "It's been a dog's age since we last saw each other and I like to think of it as a chance for iron to sharpen iron as the old saying goes."

“Is that so?” Lyra challenged, clearly amused by the notion. Orion didn’t seem like Andrei’s “type” at all. She could have been wrong of course, but Orion struck her as a man who wasn’t particularly useful and might very well even fancy himself some sort of rival for power. Socially, Orion did outrank Andrei after all.

How much did that matter anymore, though?

In the military, it usually wouldn’t, but they weren’t exactly in a normal situation and Ivan himself had seemed to recognize that even for a moment during the funeral.

"We know each other from Earth, though we didn't part on the best of terms since I refused to dance to Andrei's tune," Which if Andrei was anything like he had been during those days, he would have had his own little clique here on the ship. Yes men, bootlickers, and schemers easily led about by the nose. All just useful enough to have purpose to Andrei, but none of them with the spine to stand up to him. "Always a chance to bury that hatchet."

"Well, it should be interesting to see at the very least." Lyra shrugged slightly, her dark eyes lingering on Orion and studying him. He was handsome to be sure, a strong jaw and striking eyes with a good physique though not nearly as impressive as her lover's. Still, perfectly acceptable in the long run.

"I've fixed your clearance."

"Thank you, relatively painless." He joked, focusing on the woman and the coolness she exuded, though he supposed it was part of what allowed her to maintain her position and power. "I think interesting might be the right word for it, though I'll leave you to your business, unless there's anything you need from me?"

“And what might you have to offer that I would need?” Lyra challenged, quirking a brow as she looked at him. She wasn’t annoyed by the offer, but it seemed quite pointless to her.

"Now that I wouldn't specifically know, but I'm more than a fair hand in the lab, and I've gotten plenty of practice learning how to recreate the tastes of home, be foods, drink, or sundries, and I know there are holodeck and replicators, but sometimes there can be a little more to be offered." He countered, it might have seemed pointless but the offer was still extended as a small token of thanks to her.

"Merely something to consider. My way of showing my gratitude for a task that you could have easily left up to your staff to handle." He moved to stand then since it seemed their conversation was finished and their business concluded. "A pleasure to see you again, Commander."

“Mmm… I’ll keep it in mind.” Lyra replied in a way that seemed dismissive, but in truth she never forgot an offer of a favor. He may have ended up being useful at some point down the line after all, perhaps entirely useful to her designs in the end. Her conversation with Yana had been an honest one for better and for worse. As much as she loved Andrei and wanted to believe in him, his biggest vice was the one thing she would under no circumstances tolerate.

But should he falter, he wasn’t the only option anymore.

Orion bowed his head respectfully to Lyra before turning to leave, considering the woman and truly how impressive she was up close, though he suspected that the icy exterior masked a much hotter core that she kept hidden for her own reasons and because of her position of power here. Not often that one encountered a woman in such an influential post as the Chief of Security. He was certainly correct that Andrei had traded up from the kind of women he remembered the other man pursuing and tossing aside with casual ease, though he still didn't believe that Andrei was deserving of her in the slightest and if anything his desire to claim was reaffirmed.

She deserved someone who could appreciate her for who she was and what she had to offer, not merely treat her as a raggedy sock to be used to sate one's desires and then tossed aside. He left the Security office with his stride confident and intent on making his plans a reality.



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