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Free Again

Posted on Sun Mar 10th, 2024 @ 7:10am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov

Mission: S1 Episode 7: Prime Factors
Location: XO's Quarters
Timeline: Date 2371-09-19 at 0600
1639 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure


As always, it was cold in the bedroom that Andrei and Lyra shared more often than they did not now. He preferred it that way and she didn’t seem to mind because she liked the feeling of being “cozy” warm by being wrapped up in a blanket or cuddled up with him - often both. Their dealings with the Sikarians had amounted to little, yet they were still attempting to play nice with the aliens instead of forcing the issue. It wasn’t something that sat particularly well with Lyra, but the more disciplined and reasonable part of her could understand not wanting to risk having their newly repaired and resupplied fleet be put in danger again. The Sikarians were technologically advanced and quite popular in the quadrant as a whole.

She shifted under the sheets while Andrei remained asleep. She was on a very important mission and was determined to do so undetected - which she was quite good at. Her hands found their prize and with a few quick motions of her fingers, she had it off. Now wanting to be felt, she slid her body up against Andrei’s slowly and when she found his bare chest, she planted a line of kisses from his navel upwards to his lips. When she reached his face, she paused and smiled down at him.

“Good morning, darling. I have something for you.”

“Those are perhaps my favorite words to rise to in the morning.” He said quietly, the warmth of her kisses still on his lips. “What might it be?”

The softness of her chest pressed against his bare chest through the silky fabric of the tank top she had been sleeping in. She pulled her arm up and held something above and to the side of his head - the monitor he had been wearing around his ankle. “Freedom.”

He looked above his head at the device, now open and dark from being deactivated. He gave her a smile which was both devilish and eager before reaching up, grabbing it, and tossing it onto the floor.

“I adore freedom.” He growled, and leaned in to nibble her neck like an animal at play. His hands moved over her arms and down to her hips. “I adore you.”

“Show me.” She spoke with a sultry purr, an invitation and challenge both in one. Her hand cradled his cheek and she pressed her weight down into him more.

Grunting low, he sat up in bed and maneuvered himself between her legs. Leaning forward, he felt her warmth as his body immediately responded. He kissed her hungrily, all signs of sleep now gone from his body. Then he stopped and raised his head.

“Let’s go somewhere.”

Lyra had happily settled back with clear expectations for some fun, so when he stopped she blinked and then lifted her own head to look down at him past her breasts. “Like where?”

“Well, we can climb something, jump off something, or…” he paused, thinking and crossing his strong arms over his bare chest. “We can see what Sikarian night life has to offer.”

She considered the prospects for a moment and shifted to prop herself up on her elbows so she wasn’t at quite an awkward angle. “Well, we are supposed to be meeting that contact at some ungodly hour; we could go before then?”

“How true.” He said with a smile, looking down at her and taking in her magnificent body. “Any specific ideas?”

There was no immediate response. Instead, her dark eyes moved over him in an almost appraising way as if she were trying to determine something known only to her. Eventually, she shifted her shoulders a bit and let her gaze settle on his mismatched eyes. “What kind of clubs did you go to back on Terra?”

She could have taken a guess, but she decided to do a rare thing and just ask him directly in hopes of receiving the near unheard of direct answer. There were many types of clubs on Terra, some nobility wouldn’t lower themselves to certain types - or at least they wouldn’t admit to it. Being at certain venues could cause problems for noble families given drunken or drug-addled mistakes weren’t exactly a pleasure to explain away - less so if they ended up on the cover of some trashy tabloid.

“For the most part, I frequented the high-brow affairs, but occasionally I’d venture into the underground parties held by some Lord’s son. Some questionable behavior went on.” He said with a turn of his head. “Some of them would get a bit weird for me. We both know what people with too much money get on with when no one is watching.”

He eyed her then, his mismatched irises moving between the attractive features of her face.

“And you?” He asked, “I don’t imagine you got too many noble parties in your secret life.”

Her brows raised just slightly at the question as if she were mildly surprised he had asked it to begin with. “No, I didn’t. Parties rich kids threw, yes, but likely never to the level you had seen. About the only thing you could tell for a rich kid’s party was the quality of the drugs - the alcohol was always shit unless you were close friends with said rich kid. I tended to stay away from most parties though and just enjoyed club hopping with a small group of friends. Or alone.”

“Club hopping alone.” He said, watching her, his hand touching hers. “Not the safest thing in the world. But I assume your training played a part.”

Lyra turned her hand so she could run her fingertips delicately over his wrist in a tantalizing gesture that she knew he loved. They were forces of nature, but those brief little moments of gentleness reserved only for the other were something they both enjoyed. “It did, yes. I enjoyed it because it made me feel… something.”

She frowned slightly, thoughtful for a moment, but then it went away. “I was good at disappearing when anyone got a bit too handsy; or taking care of the problem more directly.”

“Perhaps we should go clubbing then.” Andrei said, noting her frown with one of his own, as if he were learning to be empathetic with her on that level. “They have no nobility, but I would be surprised if there were no young, rich people with too much of their parents' money to spend.”

“Clubbing, hm? You know with how they are they are going to be all over us.” Lyra pointed out, not shooting his idea down but simply stating reality. Of course Andrei would get his own attention from women himself, but men in clubs were generally a different breed of bold and another man nearby hardly did much to drive off their idiocy whereas women - usually - were more respectful of what seemed to be a “taken” man

“That’s true.” He said, his eyes wandering as he considered the possibilities. “I suppose that means we will have to try and contain our jealousy, if such a thing is possible, doesn’t it?”

“That, or you just want to see me stab some slut with the broken stem of a wine glass.” She grinned and suddenly grabbed his throat, but there was no power or threat in the quick motion. Her thumb found his jugular and traced it up and down slowly. “Right in the jugular. Blood everywhere.”

“I’m hard just thinking about it, love.” He said, lifting an eyebrow and leaning in to kiss her, allowing her hand to remain around his throat. His lips touched hers softly, stingily, and then moved back again. “We have to make our fun some way, don’t we?”

“We always do.” She confirmed then tightened her grip on his throat slightly, pulling him back to kiss him again in the way she wanted to. Her lips pressed harder to his, teasing his apart. She ran the tip of her tongue teasingly over the bottom edge of his upper lip as if she were signaling she might kiss him more passionately, then suddenly she pulled back and released him, laying flat on the bed.

“Clubbing it is then.”

Andrei leaned forward, lifting the tank top she was wearing and kissing her flat stomach with meandering kisses, moving lower and lower very slowly.

“I fear Sikaris has no idea who They are dealing with.” He said in a low voice as he made his way down to her hip with his lips. “Touching you is typically a death sentence.”

She lifted her head just enough that she could watch what he was doing, but for the moment she didn’t interfere with him at all. He liked to tease and frustrate. “This is true, but unless we are going carnage-ing instead of clubbing…”

“What do you plan to do with your wine glass then?” He asked, his lips mounting the mound of her womanhood and kissing through the fabric.”

“Drink the blood of my enemies, of course.” A wistful sigh passed her lips as he touched her sensitive flesh through the silky black fabric covering it. It communicated her desire but also the acceptance that he might decide to be his mercurial self.

He didn’t, and started to slowly work her panties down her long legs, and to lean in to finish what he started.

It was only when he was past the point of turning back that her body relaxed into his and her fingers slid into his soft hair. They’d tease, but they weren’t cruel to each other. Her eyes closed and her lips parted; she surrendered to his tender care.



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