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A Little Dinner

Posted on Fri Feb 23rd, 2024 @ 6:02am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Ensign Mika Petrova
Edited on on Fri Feb 23rd, 2024 @ 6:02am

Mission: S1 Episode 7: Prime Factors
Location: XO's Quarters
Timeline: Date 2371-09-15 at 2000
4756 words - 9.5 OF Standard Post Measure

After checking with Mika to see if anything could be done, Lyra had returned to Andrei’s quarters to be with him and weather his mood. She had eventually coaxed him into doing a bit of grappling training with her so he was at least doing something physical and could focus his attitude into a more productive outlet. Of course, being who they were, this wrestling eventually turned into their preferred form of “wrestling”, then a shared shower. His mood was - temporarily - much improved. She had left him in bed reading Dracula while she moved out to “prepare” dinner which was for her making sure to select the recipes she wanted on the replicator and input them when it didn’t have them. It wasn’t like they had an abundance of stocks of genuine food on board and while she could have replicated ingredients, she wasn’t nearly to that level of proficiency yet.

Instead of continuing to sport Andrei’s shirt and a pair of panties - or less - for dinner, she opted to wear a cable knit sweater dress that hugged her curves but had modest coverage with its long sleeves and crew neckline. She wore black knee high socks to go with the dress, opting out of shoes given she was “home” and had never been one to wear shoes in her house unless she was coming or going.

Dinners with Mika would be a great rarity now given she was on Beta shift. This one had only been possible thanks to the modified shore leave shifts to begin with. It also posed great problems for Mika and her beau given by the time Mika was off shift, he was relegated to lights out and he didn’t have a moment’s free time during the day other than when she was on shift. It would be interesting to see if and how they managed that. The menu prepared, she walked back to the doorway to the bedroom and leaned against it, watching Andrei there as he read.

Andrei had changed from his leisure clothing to a pale blue button up shirt with heavy starched cuffs and tan pants. Like Lyra, he was also wearing only socks on his feet. He noticed Lyra’s shadow disturbing the light of the doorway, drawing attention to the living room which was of a decidedly different aesthetic than the bedroom. His bedroom was styled after the one he had lived in on Terra.

Reading to the end of the paragraph, he then looked up at her.

“The hour draws near.” He said in a somewhat amused voice. “And something about this book makes me excited to eat.”

“Well we did work up quite an appetite earlier,” she smiled at him easily, “the book just enhances the moment. Enjoying it, then?”

“I am. In particular, I'm fascinated by the religious tones. Count Dracula is afraid of a piece of wood in the shape of a cross called a crucifix.” Andrei said with a shake of his head. “Fantastical, to say the least.”

Andrei smiled. He did seem to be genuinely enjoying himself, and his sulking attitude had relaxed significantly.

As he spoke, Lyra had wandered into the room and taken a seat on the bed next to him. Her eyes were on his face and it was clear she was listening to what he had to say quite intently. Her hand found his forearm simply to touch him. “I enjoyed it when I read it a few years ago. It is very interesting to me to see what was considered ‘horror’ in our history. Some people who reviewed it after it was published considered it to be ‘excessively frightening’… I wonder what they would think of what we do. Would we scare them to death?”

The question was posed with a smirk on her lovely lips.

“We’re their worst nightmare, love.” He said, grabbing her arm and surging forward on top of her. He took a dominant position, his strong hand, wrapping under her leg to squeeze her thigh generously. It was playful wrestling, and he initiated with a smile. “Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make.”

Lyra went down to the bed laughing softly and without fight. Her toned thigh was warm in his hand, she looked up at him with a playful look in her dark eyes. Her hand came up to his throat and her nails dug in just slightly around his jaw and on his cheek but not enough to cause any pain, just a little bit of pressure. She grinned then and let out a playful, short howl in response to his quote.

Andrei howled as well, interrupting it with a laugh of his own. Then he growled and leaned down to her neck. He bit her there, hard enough to cause pain, but not enough to draw blood. Despite the fact they had only just finished showering after making love, his hands explored her body and his bite on her neck turned to kisses. In the background, the door chime rang loud enough to be clearly heard over their laughter and animal noises.

Her playful noises were punctuated by a soft moan when he bit her neck, though she returned to laughter and play immediately after. She wiggled under him, playfully poking at him while he held her underneath his large, muscular body. The chime broke into the moment and she was loath to stop, but eventually she placed her hands on his hips, still chuckling.

“Alright, Vlad. Your sister is here. Let’s go have dinner.”

“She’s got excellent timing.” He said with a grin, standing up and offering a hand to her. He seemed at ease with being interrupted, offering a smile.

“Mmm does she?” Lyra chuckled while she took his hand and slid off the bed. Giving Andrei another quick kiss, she walked out to the main living area and over to the replicator to give brother and sister the moment to greet without her.

Andrei straightened his shirt in the mirror, clearing up any missing that had happened when he and Lyra were at play, and then walked casually to the door. It swished open with the familiar sound of moving air, and he saw his sister, modest and pretty in a powder-blue sweater dress with subtle raised designs. She wore light makeup, enhancing her notable beauty, silver hoop earrings, and a pleasant flowery scent. Her long brown hair was done up in a smooth ponytail tied high in her head.

“There’s the grump.” She said with a grin as she reached to hug him. Andrei responded quickly and smoothly, bending over to accommodate his sister’s height. She kissed him gently on the cheek, a sign of her breeding, and scooted past him.

“It’s a good thing we have half shifts while on shore leave or I’d never be able to make it.” She said with a frown. “I’m starting to see the downside of Beta Shift.”

She walked over to Lyra with a pale pink box with a mint green bow, offering it to her with a smile.

“Of course, you know that. You have to rotate on Beta Shift Command as a department head.” She said, and then turned her warm brown eyes to the box, “we’re going to get to experience the wonders of Sikarian chocolate for the first time. I think our odds of liking it are pretty high.”

“I do, but thankfully not too often; I do remember it more from my brief stint as assistant chief though.” Lyra smiled and took the box from Mika, courteously giving it a once over and then setting it down. “Thank you, I’m looking forward to trying it with you both and I’m happy you could make it.”

She leaned in to touch her cheeks to Mika’s in the customary kiss and then placed a hand on the younger woman’s shoulder, looking her over with a smile and a touch of amusement they’d chosen the same type of dress. “You look lovely. I hope you’re hungry.”

“Complimenting your own style, I see.” Mika said with a wink, moving to the table and instinctively looking for a way to help. “We must be more alike than I thought.”

“We’re just very stylish.” Lyra replied with a chuckle and moved over to the replicator. When she saw Mika looking around, she smiled in a way that projected kindness. “Sit down, Mika. I’ve got it, but thank you. Tell us about how things are going in sickbay.”

“I don’t mind helping.” She said in an almost insistent voice, but then the awkward lack of something to help with eventually drove her down into her seat. “Serving as Assistant Chief was unexpected, as you know, but it’s been an honor. I admit, I’m still a little intimidated by the prospect of leading. Let’s just say this slow start, considering shoreleave, is very welcome.”

“And Brasken?” Andrei asked, eyeing his sister as he sat down in a seat next to her, “is he behaving himself?”

“Doctor Brasken has been doing his job just fine, Andrei.” Mika said, returning his look with a twinge of nervousness. “He’s been helpful and available for advice, but is giving me the freedom to figure things out on my own as well. I’ve really leaned on him and Nurse Pryce. She was sent by the gods.”

“Was she?” Lyra prompted, directing the conversation away from Daniel; she knew Andrei didn’t like the man on multiple levels and didn’t want to spoil their good time by getting him worked up.

“Absolutely. She knows her stuff. I was told NCOs were useful for their experience, but sometimes I think she’s the one who should have my job.” Mika said with a pleasant giggle. She looked at Lyra again. “Can I help you with drinks?”

“No, you can’t, Mika.” Andrei answered, direct but gentle. He was always gentle with her, “you’re a guest.”

Andrei stood then and walked over, placing a hand on the small of Lyra’s backside and grabbing a dish from the replicator to take to the table.

Lyra glanced up at Andrei at his touch and gave him a smile, not stopping him from taking the covered dish from the replicator. She noticed his perpetual gentleness with his sister, he adored her and it gave her some hope that maybe there was more room for that in his heart - not necessarily with herself, but perhaps their future.

Though he had shown his gentle side to her more often as of late.

“Mika, what temperature do you like your steak cooked?” She asked as she carried over a second covered dish and put it on the table with the one Andrei had moved.

“Well done, please. No pink. It makes me sick.” She responded.

“I still can’t believe you. You might as well eat it burnt.” Andrei said with a laugh. He walked to a nearby cabinet and pulled out some delicate and well-designed plates of an alien design. They were pentagonal, and looked to be made of a green-tinged crystal. He placed them on the table, one in front of each of their spots, and then returned for matching glasses.

Lyra’s brows lifted slightly at Mika’s request and she turned her head to look at the younger woman. “Would you like something other than steak?”

The offer was made with a kind smile. “I know of a chicken recipe that pairs nicely with the sides too.”

“I’m happy to have steak with you.” Mika said with a friendly smile, somewhat apologetic. Truth be told, she had never really liked it, but her upbringing taught her politeness, and she valued that more than an exciting culinary experience.

“I know you are,” Lyra replied evenly and still kindly, “but it isn’t like I’ve slaved away on an elaborate meal. It’s the difference between selecting steak and chicken on the replicator and I want you to have something you’d actually enjoy, not something you’re going to eat out of politeness. You’re having dinner with your brother and his girlfriend.”

Mika looked at Lyra for several seconds, silent. She seemed to be processing the offer, and weighing her values in her own mind. Eventually, she offered to meet nod.

“Well, I suppose I’d like something else then, thank you.” She said, looking down to the table for a moment, and allowing her eyes to drift over the plates and glasses. Her brother put a hand on her back and smiled, but didn’t say anything in response.

Lyra turned back to the replicator and input a few commands to bring up something else for Mika which was the first thing to shimmer into existence. It was a simple breaded chicken cutlet that looked golden brown, delicious, and smelled heavenly with notes of Parmesan cheese, just a touch of garlic and a little lemon. She removed the plate it was on and waited one more beat for the next to come out; two cooked to perfection ribeye steaks soon appeared and she stepped over to the table with both.

“Here we are.” She smiled, placing the chicken down closer to Mika and the steaks nearer to herself and Andrei. She then reached out and removed the lids from the other dishes, revealing bright yellow solid circles of what looked like cornmeal and the other what looked to be shredded fresh cabbage lightly dressed with something.

“Mamaliga and white cabbage salad. Two Romanian dishes I thought we could all try.” Her eyes moved over to Andrei, glinting with a bit of amusement. “Andrei has been reading the book I got him for his birthday, so it sounded fun.”

“Dracula, right?” Mika asked, looking at the wonderful-smelling food. “It sounds very scary.”

“Not really. Just a bit of blood and temptation.” Andrei said as he spooned a healthy serving of the Mamaliga and white cabbage salad onto his plate. “And what are we drinking?”

“Cabernet Sauvignon.” Lyra replied, grabbing the bottle she had set out and opened earlier and filling the three wine glasses sitting next to it. She dispersed them immediately, had one more look around the table, and then finally took her seat across from Mika and next to Andrei. She reached out and briefly squeezed his thigh and then picked up one of the steaks to put on her plate while he and Mika got their sides first. She didn’t initiate more conversation, figuring the two siblings would like to talk - or at least Mika would like to ask after her brother.

Andrei looked the meal over, taking in the unfamiliar yellow circle Lyra had called mamaliga. He pulled off a piece and ate it, expecting it to be sweet at first. He detected the slightly grainy texture and the subtle corn flavor. He nodded and took another bite.

“Lyra likes to experiment with diverse culinary delights.” He said with a glance to Mika.

“Trying new things; your favorite.” She responded with a positive and genuine tone.

“It can be fun, even if they don’t always impress me. One never knows what one will like until they try.” He said, trying the cabbage next.

“I don’t think Dracula ate much steak though, did he?” Mika asked, somehow looking both amused and uneasy.

“No, he had different tastes, Mika.”

“Disgusting.” She said, shaking her head and cutting into her chicken. “I’m sure you like it though, you were always..unusual when you got bored.”

“Well, being bored is an unusual thing for me. If a book about demonic blood sucking does the trick, I’ll take it.” He said, taking his fork and knife to his steak. “This corn dish is interesting, Lyra. Do you like it?”

“I do, it’s very similar to polenta, just in a different form.” She replied, putting a bit of sour cream and cheese on the piece she had to try it that way. “The cabbage is nice too, just a hint of sweet that doesn’t overwhelm. What do you both think?”

“The cabbage is good, and a big part of Russian diets.” He said in response. Romania is relatively close, after all.” He answered, picking up a bit more with his fork. “This corn dish, however. It’s not for me.”

“That’s a shame.” Lyra replied but didn’t seem to worry about it too much. If he wanted something else he’d either ask or get it himself. She turned her attention to Mika instead. “So, Mika, have you had a chance to go down to Sikaris yourself yet?”

“I’ve visited a few times, for limited excursions, but I’m scheduled for shoreleave near the end of our stay.” She answered. “Cedrik has been kind enough to escort me.”

Lyra kept her attention on Mika, but she was also very aware of Andrei in her peripheral vision and waited to see if he would show any feelings on the matter. He was a man with a little sister, so his overall feelings were easy to guess, but perhaps at the same time he accepted that it was not good for Mika to be alone - especially not because people were literally afraid to be with her. Mika wasn’t like they were; she wouldn’t do well alone at all.

“That is nice of him, yes. Did you find anything particularly interesting while you were there?”

“Oh, yes.” Mika said with a smile and a light, girlish giggle. “The Sikarians are ever so interesting and gregarious. I was enraptured by their stories more than anything. I spent a month’s pay on books.”

Andrei gazed at his sister, his expression giving little away. He seemed to be listening at the least, but was more focused on his meal than the conversation. Still, he seemed more content than he had in the days before with just having social activity happening around him.

“How about you two? Have you found some trouble on this pleasure planet yet?” Mika asked, turning her brown gaze to Lyra, seeming quietly curious beyond what politeness would demand.

Lyra lowered her wine glass from her lips, her notably darker eyes meeting the younger woman’s gaze once more. She smiled and moved a hand to rest on Andrei’s forearm to not interfere with him cutting his steak, but still including him.

“We were able to spend a couple of nights at one of the hotels in the middle of the city right next to their outdoor bazaar. We did a bit of exploring down there and Andrei spoiled me with a new dress and necklace.” She looked at him then, her gaze warming slightly and giving a slight lapse to see if he wanted to add anything about their severely truncated adventure or not, but she seemed content enough to shoulder the burden of conversation.

“The Sikarians do know how to enjoy themselves. I say they would make good candidates for the empire if they weren’t so far away.” Andrei added, with a raise of his glass. “They make fine fabrics and jewelry. You should get yourself something other than books too; something pretty.”

Mika gave a meek shrug, using her knife to cut a piece of chicken and smiling.

“I don’t know, the replicator does just fine for me. I’d rather spend my money on things I can’t conjure up on my own. You can tell the difference, I know, but it’s not as though we’re at Court.”

“We will be though.” Lyra offered with easy confidence. “It wouldn’t be a bad idea to have something beautiful and exotic in your wardrobe for very special occasions - perhaps when you host your own party as a Lady.”

She refilled Andrei’s wine and then offered to do the same for Mika while she continued to speak, “Even if we aren’t at court, it would be nice to have such a piece even for here on the ship. Maybe at some point you’d like to truly wow Cedrik or another gentleman or really, just look magnificent for yourself. I can give you the name of the man I acquired mine from; Andrei and I had a wonderful rapport with him and I’m sure he would offer you a very fair deal. If you don’t want to go alone and don’t want to have Cedrik escort you, I’m sure I could get away for an hour or two and accompany you.”

Mika seemed unimpressed with the proposition, that is until Lyra offered to go herself. She liked the idea of spending time together. She’d made a few girlfriends since she’d come aboard Vengeance, but none of them were family. Since Kass’s death, Lyra was the closest thing to a sister she had.

“I think that sounds like a wonderful idea.” Mika said, taking a bite of the chicken and chewing it slowly, her every movement the modest image of a lady. The idea of marrying some lord was obviously a huge part of her upbringing, but she had poured most of her energy into her medical degree and her training in Starfleet. She knew what a marriage would cost her. “This chicken is delicious. Thank you for thinking of me and ordering it.”

“Of course, Mika. I’m more than happy to make sure you have something you’d enjoy when it comes to food especially. Like you said, we aren’t at court and this is just a meal between family and friends.” Lyra gave Mika a smile which of course didn’t really penetrate into her dark eyes, but it was clear she held no disinterest nor ill will towards the girl.

“We’ll make a plan to do that in the next day or two then. Just let me know when it works for you and we’ll go from there.”

“Thank you. It will be nice to spend some time together, just the girls.” Mika eyed her brother, her smile mixed with an analytical quality. “How are you planning on keeping yourself occupied, Andrei? You aren’t thinking of breaking out, are you?”

Andrei offered a knowing and distinctly mischievous smile.

“Don’t tempt me.” He said, finishing his bite, “No, I’m trying my hand at following the bloody rules for once, if only to give Papa time to…cool down. Engineering will be installing some equipment to help me do some personal improvement while I’m here.”

He eyed Lyra then.

“Kit is scheduled to install the emitters tomorrow, by the way.”

Lyra nodded as she sipped her wine. “Good, I’m looking forward to seeing what you have in mind with that.”

She smiled at him and gently squeezed his wrist before she returned her attention to the remainder of her meal. If she had any problem with Marikit being in Andrei’s quarters, she certainly didn’t show it, but it was likely that she didn’t - especially given Andrei had told her of the plan.

“Hopefully whatever it is you’re planning keeps you occupied, Andrei. You don’t make a good caged animal. You start to scratch and bite, and I doubt Lyra will appreciate the treatment.” Mika said, looking between the two of them with somewhat curious and calm eyes.

While Lyra did enjoy a particular brand of Andrei’s scratching and biting, Mika was right in that she was not a particular fan of this type. She only responded with a soft, polite chuckle and shake of her head.

They finished their dinner and eventually moved on to try the chocolates Mika had brought for dessert. Lyra and Mika commanded most of the conversation between themselves given Andrei seemed more content to sit back and just be around them, but he was never forgotten and included at appropriate points. Lyra accepted Mika’s help in the clean up of the meal since she was relatively certain that if she hadn’t, Mika may have had some sort of existential crisis. They said their farewells and Andrei and Lyra were left alone again.

Andrei was settled on the couch with a Moscow mule in hand. Lyra moved to join him, but instead of moving next to him she moved into his lap, straddling him so they were face to face. Her arms moved loosely around his shoulders, her weight and warmth settled on his thighs. “So what are you planning on doing with these new holoemitters, darling?”

Andrei moved his drink aside to avoid the possibility she might disturb it from where she sat on his lap. With his other hand, he grabbed her hip and held her there. With a smile, he looked at her, his eyes twinkling with mismatched charisma.

“I have no interest in rotting here. Instead, I will become more fearsome than ever. I’ve found no better aids for furthering my combat training than with the holodeck and its technology. Blade, spear, and hand to hand; I intend to get stronger.”

“Mm well I do hope you’ll train with me as well.” She kissed the underside of his jaw gently. “You’ve much improved with the spear since we started your lessons, but I still have more to teach you myself as well as whatever you might learn from a hologram.”

“I don’t learn from the holograms, love. I kill them. Skilled opponents who can actually be dispatched are in short supply.” He said, lifting his free hand to her cheek and looking soberly into her eyes. “Of course, I will make time for you. I know how much you enjoy playing with the spear.”

“And sword.” She tilted her head just slightly into his hand as he cradled her cheek. “Though I most enjoy my play with you, darling, whatever form it takes.”

“Then I’ll be sure to make sure you get your chance.” He said, leaning up and kissing her gently on the lips. “Thank you for dinner. It helped.”

“Of course.” She paused a moment then traced her fingers along his forehead. “I am sorry if I came on too strong trying to fix this predicament you’re in, Andrei. I don’t like to see you in such a way, so it was a natural response.”

“It’s nothing, love.” He said, relaxing beneath her and giving a stretching sound. “Typically, when I’m down, I burrow in a hole by myself until I’m whole again. You were just…there for it.”

Lyra remembered how he had been after his incident on the Lovarr, but she had given him several days before she had even gone to see him so she had missed his initial “burrowing”, she supposed, and had simply been the one to dig him out. She continued to gently trace his handsome features and eventually smiled at him, leaning in to kiss his forehead. “I likely will be again, darling. If I am and there is something you need or want from me - including just giving you space - you need only tell me.”

All indications had been given by him that she was good at anticipating his needs, but some incidents would still be a process of learning how to respond, and communication would certainly make that easier.

Knowing he wouldn’t want to keep dwelling on the topic, she stole a kiss from him and then picked up his mule and took a small sip from it while in his lap. With a coy glint in her dark eyes, she slid off of him with his drink still in her hand and walked toward the bedroom while purposefully accentuating the naturally sultry swing of her hips and magnificent rear end.

“My drink..” he said, before he understood her game. At first, he simply looked forward as if he was planning on staying out on the couch, regardless, watching the Terran emblem on the viewscreen on the opposite wall. But then his eyes drifted to follow her behind, and before she reached the room, he was standing up to follow her.



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