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If You've Got It...

Posted on Sun Mar 10th, 2024 @ 6:49am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Chief Petty Officer Julius Law
Edited on on Sun Mar 10th, 2024 @ 6:49am

Mission: S1 Episode 7: Prime Factors
Location: L'hur, Sikaris
Timeline: Date 2371-09-17 at 1900
2972 words - 5.9 OF Standard Post Measure


Lyra stood in the transporter room waiting for Julius to arrive. He wasn’t late, she was simply early after leaving her own quarters; it was easier to get out of her own room without Andrei being the tempting distraction he often was, but she also didn’t have the “right dress” for the occasion in his room. It was a sexy bright red cocktail dress with a deep v-neck bodice that showed off all of her cleavage and more than a little amount of her shapely breasts. It had thin spaghetti shoulder straps that laced up over the dangerously plunging open back in an intricate design of triangles and diamonds that were tied off on a golden ring on the back. The empire waist skirt hugged her flat abdomen and curvy hips like she had to be poured into it, and the length just barely covered her assets - there was no possible way she could bend forward at all in this dress and not flash something. She complimented the look with a simple gold necklace with a ruby pendant that hit just the right spot just above her cleavage and served as a point to demand to all but the strongest of men that the eye settle there instead of on her face, matching golden hoops were in her ears, a thin gold bracelet, and gold heels finished the look.

She was going to squeeze Garit for all he was worth.

The woman behind the transporter pad stole glances at Lyra, her huge beautiful eyes taking in every indication of the woman’s style. She certainly had nothing so impressive to flash, and beyond a slender, petite body, all of her considerable beauty was in her face. She smiled, glancing down for a second before speaking.

“You look beautiful in that dress, ma’am.” She said in an accented voice. “If I know the Sikarians, you will be the talk of whatever room you float into.”

Lyra hadn’t been looking at anything in particular in the room, but when the woman at the control panel spoke, she turned and looked. Her beautiful shining hair slid over her shoulder elegantly, and her dark eyes settled on the petite Petty Officer Elena Cruz. She smiled, it looked kind. “Thank you, Miss Cruz. That is very kind of you to say.”

“I only speak the truth, ma’am.” Cruz said, offering an incredibly, almost inhumanly gorgeous smile. She demurred again, looking back to the console and allowing Lyra to get back to her thoughts.

When Elena looked away, Lyra’s eyes lingered on her for a long moment wondering why exactly the woman had bothered to pay her the compliment. Perhaps it had been completely innocent, but were things like that ever completely innocent when done seemingly at random? Eventually, she looked away and then focused her attention on the door, willing Julius to step inside so they could get this over with.

The doors opened a few seconds after she looked at it again and Julius entered, large and frowning as usual, wearing his uniform. He paused in the doorway, looking at Lyra with confused eyes.

“I didn’t get the memo about dressing fancy.” He grumbled.

“I don’t think Garit would be nearly as into your legs as he is mine, Jules.” Lyra replied with a grin and a somewhat flirtatious tone. “Ready to go?”

“You need to get a better look at my legs then, LT.” He said, pronouncing the letters as a nickname as he swaggered over and stepped on the pad.

“Commander.” Lyra reminded him with a chuckle through her lips. She wasn’t offended, it was an adjustment after all. She sashayed her way up to the transporter pad and turned to face Elena

“Doesn’t have the same ring to it.” He said, shaking his head stoically, his low voice a rumble.

“Energize.” Lyra commanded lightly.

They disappeared and reappeared moments later in a small, receiving room that was familiar to Lyra. Behind a desk sat a woman who stood and smiled. “Ah, Commander Cassiel. Wonderful to see you again. Mr. Ito is looking forward to your meeting.”

The woman’s eyes shifted to Julius and she eyed him up and down, then looked back at Lyra with a slightly raised brow. “This way.”

Without any introduction, she walked the pair down a long hallway and stopped in front of one of the doors which she opened with a touch of the panel next to it. Lyra offered a slight nod and the woman turned, sparing one much more pointed look at Julius and eyeing his masculine body up and down quickly, then quickly walked off back to her desk.

Lyra looked to Julius herself and spoke softly. “This man is a bit of a cretin, but it is important that we get this information.”

“Don’t knock his teeth in. Got it.” He said with a neutral expression. He had noticed the woman eyeing him, but he honestly hadn’t given her a second thought. He was looking for exits and tracking people for signs of aggressive intentions. Sexually aroused secretaries didn’t count.

“I’ll let you know when.” She flashed a smirk and then entered the room.

“Mr I-” She began and then “caught” herself, giving a rueful smile and then “corrected” herself. “Garit. It is good to see you again.”

The man whirled around theatrically from the window he was standing at, his arms open in a welcoming gesture. “Ah, Lyra! How-” He stopped suddenly; the dress did its work. He stood there, his mouth partially open and his eyes wide and staring while slowly moving up and down. It didn’t even take five seconds for the front of his pants to start to tent. Lyra noticed, and gritted her teeth through her smile. What a weak, pathetic little man.

“You have such an interesting wardrobe.” Garit switched gears, lowering his hands but continuing to eye her like she was on the menu.

“Do you like it?” Lyra cooed, feminine and flirtatious and not at all like Julius had seen her before. Her hands moved up to the sides of her breasts and she slowly slid them down to her hips, turning her body as she did so. “It is one of my favorites.”

“I can see why.” Garit nodded enthusiastically.

Julius rolled his eyes at the interaction, keeping his eyes off Lyra the entire time. He liked what he saw as much as the next guy, but he wasn’t on call to dream about fucking his boss. He was there to stand guard and maybe even crack some heads open.

“I thought you might agree.” Lyra smiled, dangerous and alluring. “Let me introduce you to Chief Petty Officer Julius Law.” She indicated to Julius.

Garit turned his head and almost seemed to react as if he had been startled. He stopped staring at Lyra and stood blinking stupidly instead at the other man. Finally, he spoke to Lyra, but was still looking at Julius. “You like to keep big men, don’t you?”

Julius’ neutral face turned into a rather undiplomatic frown as he looked down at the significantly smaller man.

“When they see me, little man, it’s normally too late.” He said quietly, not demanding attention. He didn’t have to. Even the best fighters in the Fleet would have to seriously consider before picking a fight with him.

“I like the way they cuddle me after they put uncooperative people in their place.” Lyra took a seat on the edge of the table they were standing next to; her back was straight, her head was high. She shifted her legs with deliberate slowness to cross one over the other, successfully pulling Garit’s attention away from Julius in the hope that he might see something much more desirable and secret. “You won’t be uncooperative though, will you, Garit?”

Her voice was upbeat and friendly, she smiled, but her dark eyes were sharp and dangerous.

“Ah… no. That is not my goal with you.” He drew closer to her, looking up at her as she sat on the table. “How can Garit Ito serve you?”

There was moment of temptation where Lyra considered seeing exactly what she could make the man do, but there were more pressing matters. Syrene was giving Ivan the runaround on if they were going to do the trade deal, so this was an avenue that needed exploring.

“You have a fascinating technology here on your planet that allows you to travel to worlds an extreme distance away. I want to acquire that technology.”

“Oh I see.” Garit replied slowly and pursed his lips. “Well that is not technology I have access to, but is there somewhere you were wanting to go? I’m sure I can arrange passage for you, beautiful.” As he spoke, he drew closer to her and his eyes drifted down her body again, lingering on her crossed legs.

“I would need passage for my entire fleet, Garit.” Lyra said and slowly uncrossed her legs but kept them together.

“Ah well… we have never done anything quite like that before. I don’t know that it would work.” The man admitted, his eyes on her knees. Finally he seemed to find the strength to look at her face. “Surely there is-“

“Garit.” She interrupted him firmly. The friendliness in her face had given to something harder and more commanding, then she smiled a charming smile again. “You are a powerful, influential man. I’ve heard the rumors of deals being made for the trajector technology before.”

She lifted one leg slightly, dragging her heeled foot up his leg and hip slowly. “Was I wrong to think you are a powerful enough man to have such connections.”

“I… ah…” Garit stuttered, his pants tenting out even more. “Well it’s not that simple…”

The sweetness evaporated in Lyra’s expression and gave way to a cold, imperious one. “Simplify it for him then, won’t you, Julius?”

Julius had been standing behind Lyra, close enough to be there in an instant if he was needed. He walked slowly around the table, his heavy boots making contact with the floor and telling his weight. Once he was behind Garit, he grabbed the man by the fabric of his shirt and lifted him out of the chair. Turning him around, Julius pushed Garit back onto the table and placed his hug heel on the man’s crotch.

“You can deal with her or you can deal with me, motherfucker.” Julius said with a mean expression. “And I can guarantee I won’t be as nice to your little Johnson as she will. I’m tired of your quadrant; I want to go the fuck home.”

He applied a bit of pressure, maintaining his balance perfectly.

“WAIT! Wait wait wait!” Garit practically squawked out.

Lyra turned her body just slightly so she could look down at Garit who was now lying on the table behind her under Julius’ heel. The congenial smile and look on her face returned and she spoke in a cordial tone.

“Come now, Garit. You are a man with many, many connections. You said so at our last meeting. Surely if you can’t provide me with what I need, you know someone who can.”

“Well… I mean… I just…” The frightened man stuttered out, his eyes wide.

Lyra shifted her eyes to Julius.

Julius pressed his weight down on Garit, the man’s small erection settling against his boot as the man started to wail and an attendant looked around the corner into the room.

“If you make a mess on my boot, I’m making you clean it.” He said, pressing his lips together.

“No! No no! Stop stop! I know someone! I know someone!” Garit cried out in panic, flailing a bit and trying to push Julius’ foot away. “Please!”

Julius let his foot linger there for a few more seconds before he removed it and stood up straight again. He grabbed Garit’s shirt and lifted him off the table with little effort, sitting him roughly back in his chair.

“Why didn’t you just say so?” He asked rhetorically. “Spit it out, now..”

Garit sat in stunned silence and panted heavily. He certainly wasn’t used to being handled in that way. When Lyra shifted next to him again, he looked up at her much more sheepishly, but the hapless man still couldn’t help staring at the inviting exposure of her breasts. Eventually, he licked his lips and spoke again.

“I… I have a few contacts that I will reach out to on your behalf to ask about the technology. I will… warn you that it will not come without cost if they are willing to make the trade.”

“Of course. We aren’t looking to acquire it for free.” Lyra assured him with a slightly dismissive wave of her hand.

“Good… yes, alright. I will reach out and arrange a meeting for you. Is there um… anything else… you need?” He asked nervously.

“Not right now… but Garit, love, please don’t disappoint me.” She said with a sigh and reached out to touch the man’s cheek as if she were concerned for him. “If you do… I’ll come back with my big men.”

“And next time, I’ll show you some of our premiere torture technology.” Julius said, mirthlessly. “After all, if we can’t get home, I’ll need something to keep myself busy.”

“I understand.” Garit mumbled and finally lowered his eyes, cowed and submissive.

“I expect to hear from you in the next twelve hours. If not, I will be very… disappointed.” Lyra spoke the last word with deliberate slowness and inflection.

“You’ll hear from me as soon as possible. I give you my word.”

Lyra pursed her lips as she looked down at Garit and then finally slid off the table, her fingertips holding the bottom of her skirt so it didn’t ride up. “Good.”

She looked to Julius then, her eyebrows raising and expression evening slightly. “Shall we?”

“Let’s get the hell out of here.” Julius said, his eyes still on Garit. He noticed the man couldn’t keep his eyes off Lyra and shook his head. That’s what was different between him and Sikarians; they were obsessed with pleasure, he was obsessed with pain.

Lyra turned and walked out of the room without sparing the Sikarian man another glance. Once they were in the hall, she paused and looked at Julius. “Was there anything else you wanted to do on this planet before we leave?”

“Fuck this place.” Julius said with a shake of his head, his voice calm and disinterested. He caught the glance of the receptionist once again and looked at her himself. He let the eye contact linger for a few seconds before he turned back to Lyra. “You need me to kick anybody else’s ass before we go?”

Lyra’s dark eyes followed Julius’ gaze to the Sikarian woman who was practically salivating over him behind the desk. She understood that, really, and had she not had the slight problems of being his direct senior officer or the monogamous relationship, she probably would have wanted to feel those big hands on her too.

“No, but if you want to do something else to anyone else’s ass before you go, feel free. Just be back to the ship in two hours.”

“That sounds…” he hesitated, maintaining eye contact with her. “We have training drills in the Squad. I need to get back. I’ll leave the ass grabbing to Garit Ito this time.”

The answer was strong, as was everything he said, but he did show signs of being less than thrilled about his own decision. He lived a busy life, and he was married to his work, married to the sword and the rifle.

“I can run the drills for them, Jules. I don’t need to be a totally absentee mother after all. Take it as a thanks for coming with me.” She said with a smirk. “Go get laid and thank me later.”

Julius looked at her with unmoved eyes, clearly not liking the idea of shirking his duty in order to fall into some alien girl. But, after all, it had been so long since he had given a woman any of his time.

“Is that an order, ma’am?” He asked dryly, looking into her eyes.

Lyra’s dark, impenetrable eyes drifted slowly over Julius’ face and the way he was holding his body. She was obviously considering him, and that smirk remained. “Yes.”

“Fine.” He said without a word of protest. “Now go away. I don’t want you watching.”

Chuckling, Lyra shook her head. “I didn’t take you for a performance anxiety type, Jules, but alright. Two hours, I’ll watch the kids. Have fun. Cassiel to Vengeance, one to beam up.”

“I just don’t want to accidentally charm you.” He said, the slightest beginnings of a smile playing on his features. “Your crazy-ass boyfriend might get upset, and that’s a lot of ass to kick.”

“I’d love to watch you try.” She winked.

In a shimmer of blue, she disappeared.

Julius watched as his boss disappeared, and then took a deep breath. Then, with confidence, he walked directly over to the desk and placed a large hand down in front of the secretary.

“From that look in your eyes, I can tell you want me. We can do this right now, or you can sit here and wonder ‘what if’. Doesn’t make a difference to me.”



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