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Difficult Changes

Posted on Wed May 15th, 2024 @ 3:55am by Lieutenant Commander Annalise Faulkner & Captain Ivan Petrov

Mission: S1 Episode 8: Resolutions
Location: CO's Quarters; Gladius
Timeline: Date 2371-11-10 at 2330
1931 words - 3.9 OF Standard Post Measure


Saying it had been a long day was an understatement, and Ivan had been silently managing being beside himself with Yana and Mila being bound to the planet and no cure in sight. The meeting with Dr Brasken, Lt Wolff, and the command team earlier had made it very clear they had made no progress. This news was softened by the knowledge that the Away Team was safe so long as they didn’t leave Gamma Eridine II. He went back to his quarters and labored over what he now knew he had to do. They had to leave their people. They had to abandon them in order to get home.

He arrived at Commander Falkner’s quarters on Gladius and rang the chime. He stood in his alternate uniform jacket which he even left unbuttoned, losing the typical formality of work. He hadn’t indicated he was coming, but he hoped she would be available to talk with him.

“Come in?” Annalise called from inside, an invitation and question both. She herself was in the tank top most women wore under the uniform as well as the uniform pants. It was more unusual to find her completely out of uniform than not. She stood from the chair she had been sitting in and looked to the door. The Captain’s quarters on the Gladius were nothing like they were on the Vengeance, but it was still a luxurious space compared to the other rooms. Comparably, though, it was about the size of what an assistant chief department head would have on the Vengeance.

Ivan entered at the invitation, doing his best to mask the depth of his feelings. He had to be stronger now and ever. When he saw her there, he nodded a greeting and stood in front of the closing door.

“Annalise.” He said, using her first name, which was rare. “I hope I’m not intruding. I really need to talk to you.”

“Not at all, Captain.” She replied, not being as familiar with him; it wasn’t for lack of want, it simply didn’t feel comfortable. She gestured to the sitting area where he could have his pick of chair or couch. “Would you like something to drink?”

“Yes, I would. Something strong, thank you.” He answered with the gruffness of his age and moved to the couch. Lowering his large body on the cushion, he leaned forward and avoided putting his head in his hands. “I’m glad I didn’t find you asleep.”

Though herself not much of a drinker, Annalise did keep a small supply more for the benefit of other people than herself. She moved to the small cabinet and pulled out a bottle of bourbon, pouring several fingers for him and one for herself to be polite. She walked the drink over and then took the seat across from him.

“I don’t sleep much, really.”

“By nature or by circumstance?” He asked, accepting the drink with a nod and taking a sip. He enjoyed the burn and the subtle sweetness as he swallowed.

“A bit of both.” She offered a small smile as she settled in comfortably. “I’ve been keeping apprised of the situation on the planet… I’m so sorry to hear your wife and daughter are down there with the rest.”

“Thank you. Four weeks is a long time, yes, but I just learned it’s going to be much longer.” Ivan admitted. “We can’t find a cure..and they can’t leave that planet without a cure, or they’ll die in a matter of days.”

“I see.” Annalise’s words were succinct, but Ivan could see the feelings etched on her beautiful face and in those entrancing blue eyes. She was genuinely saddened by the news; losing people was never easy, and this was at a different level to be sure. “What is your plan, then?”

“A month in orbit has put this Fleet a month further from home in my mind, and we haven’t come close to finding anything. Our doctors and scientists will continue to look for a cure, but the Shadow Fleet needs to break orbit and head for the Alpha Quadrant.” Ivan said, looking into her eyes. “We have to leave them.”

Her frown grew and this time even she took a small sip of the alcohol in hand. “Perhaps I can take the Gladius and we can try to find information from traders nearby on the disease? There are so many on the planet…”

“Believe me, I know just how dear the loss will be, but I’m afraid I can’t allow us to stray so far from our mission, especially considering the potential dangers.” He said, shaking his head. “Our database on the Vidiian ship suggests that they have encountered and, potentially, cured the virus, but every interaction with them has nearly resulted in our deaths. It’s a no-go.”

The woman looked away, the frown remaining though there was a touch of anger in her eyes. They too had their run-ins with the Vidiians that had in the end gone rather poorly. The species as a whole was a nuisance. “It’s strange the Rynall wouldn’t have the information, but perhaps they hadn’t updated their databases in a while.”

“Apparently the cure is recently found, or else they might have it in their records.” Ivan said, taking a moment to actively regret that fact as well. “But it’s too dangerous to pursue. So, I’m left with little choice to have the Fleet break orbit in a few days. That, Annalise, is what I needed to tell you.”

“I understand.” She frowned and leaned toward him, though didn’t reach out to touch him. “I’m so sorry…”

“Not as sorry as you’re about to be.” He said, and offered a sad smile. “I’m staying, and leaving the Fleet under your command. You’ll transfer to Vengeance and serve as CO and Fleet Commander. Asher can take over here.”

Annalise’s eyes widened and she sat there blinking at him for a few solid seconds. Understandably, she was shocked by the declaration for a variety of reasons. When she spoke there was a slight hesitance in her voice. “Alright… have you told your son that?”

Ivan quirked a brow.

“I haven’t yet. I wanted to talk to you first. After all, it’s a huge responsibility. Why do you ask?”

“Because I have doubts he is going to be thrilled by the prospect of being passed over.” Annalise replied frankly and crossed her legs. “I have concerns that he might be an issue given the incident with my XO and Mr. O’Shea.”

“That’s reasonable. Truly. Andrei can be a bit aggressive. But I’ll trust you to deal with him should that situation arise. I’ll be informing him that you won’t be lenient should he choose to exert undue control over the other ships in the Fleet again.” Ivan said. “He needs years and experience before he’s ready for the responsibility I’m handing over to you. He may not know that, but we do.”

Annalise decided to not point out that she and his son were only a few months apart in age. It wasn’t experience that was the problem, she felt, it was the man’s disposition. She took another sip of her drink and tapped her manicured nails on the side of the glass. “Do you think he will believe you or that it will make a difference?”

“Andrei had a clean record until he came to Vengeance and became XO. I think he feels comfortable flexing his muscles under his father. He will likely tow the line a bitter closer with you. I’d advise you to keep him away from your current XO, however.”

“Well there goes the dinner party idea.” She quipped, trying to put at least a tiny bit of humor on the situation. “I do have experience in dealing with… difficult men after working with my own XO, but you are correct in that I will not match a father’s lenience. My concern is the safety of my people.”

“And that’s reasonable. But I ask you to work with Commander Petrov and encourage him to be dutiful. He’s very capable and an asset to the Fleet. He’s a very efficient XO as well. But, at the end of the day, he’s my son and I believe he can go along better than he has.”

“I give you my word that I will work with him and give him my patience as long as he does not become outright dangerous.” Her blue eyes rested on his, gentle but determined. “I’ve seen his record and I know he is capable, but it is a question of his desire.”

“I understand. That’s all I can ask.” He answered with an expression that communicated the lowest form of satisfaction. “Thank you.”

“When are you wanting to make this change?” She asked, pressing forward from the topic of Andrei. She would not be swayed to do more than she had said for the man.

“Tomorrow morning, I’m calling a briefing for my senior staff and the fleet captains. I’ll announce my decision then, and you can start right away as Commanding Officer of Vengeance. We can remain in orbit for two days after that to prepare a living space to sustain our people on the planet and to allow me to answer any questions you have and…say my goodbyes.” He said, taking another sip of the bourbon and letting it slide down with a burn. “Then you’ll go, and it’ll be a few days until you’re out of communication range.”

Annalise was obviously taken aback by the answer, but recovered quickly and gave a slow nod. She herself would have preferred he had come to tell her a little earlier so she could have a chance at processing the information and coming to terms with it herself, but that hadn’t happened.

“Very well. I’ll speak to my XO and prepare something for my own crew as well then. What time?”

“1130 Hours. Keep the reason under wraps as much as possible until then. I don’t want the rumor mill going on this before I can tell my people myself.”

“Of course.” She nodded and then sighed then. “Any advice you’d care to give to a young captain, then, sir?”

“Put your confidence in your people to complete the mission.” He said, standing up and placing his glass on the table again. “But, at the end of the day, remember that you are leading Terrans. Everyone carries a dagger and everyone knows how to use it. They won’t know or trust you yet, and that will have to be earned. I’m sorry about that.”

“Hopefully they’ll give me a chance to do so.” Annalise said with a kind of sad smile. She knew how to fight of course, but she was self aware enough to know she wouldn’t win against everyone; fighting had never been her thing after all. “Tomorrow then.”

“Tomorrow.” Ivan said in response. “And thanks for the drink.”

He started to leave without giving her time to respond first, knowing that he would need more sleep than he typically allowed himself. The next several days weren’t going to be easy for either of them.



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