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New Friends?...

Posted on Fri Jan 14th, 2022 @ 4:50am by Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: ISS VENGEANCE, officer's lounge
Timeline: MD2 / 1650 hours
805 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Johnathan had just finished his meeting with the Captain and XO, and had come to the officer's lounge to have a little dinner. After replicating his meal, he moved to an empty table, sitting with his back to the hull, so he could watch the room while he ate.

Kass was dressed in off duty clothes, not having to be on shift for another few hours, and she wandered into the officers lounge as if looking around. She was getting the lay of the land and watching people's reactions.

Johnathan was just finishing a bite if his food, when he saw the very attractive brunette into the compartment. Giving her a slightly boyish grin when she looked at him, he hoped she would sit at his table so he could find out who she was.

Kass noted the smile, let her gaze sweep past him with a casual nod as she headed for a stool at the bar.

Johnathan's smile grew slightly when he saw her casual nod. He then watched her head to the bar and sit on an empty stool.

After a few beats, he decided to go over and introduce himself. As he approached, he saw an ensign start to have the same idea, so he gave the younger man a look that made it clear that he should go elsewhere.

Once the other man got the hint and left, Johnathan continued to the bar. "Mind if I join you?" He asked with a charming grin.

Kass bit back a sigh. But she was polite and nodded. "Free bar" she said lightly.

"Thank you," he said politely as he sat. "Hi. I'm Lieutenant jg Jonathan Quincy Anderson the Third. And you are?"

Kassandra considered giving an Alias but mentally shrugged. "Ensign Selin." she replied as the bartender brought her, her ordered drink of white wine.

Johnathan nodded slightly as he replied. "It's nice to meet you, Selin. What brings you to the Vengeance?"

"Orders" She replied letting her gaze sweep the room as she spoke.

Though not telepathic in any way, having grown up in an orphanage, being subject to beatings and abuse by the bigger kids and the adults who ran the institution, Johnathan had learned when someone was annoyed. "I'm sorry," he said quietly. "Have I offended you in some way?"

Kass glanced at him. "No not yet" she replied.

Relief clearly crossed the young man's face. "That's good to know. As I'm new here, I'd hate to become a pest to the first attractive, and clearly very intelligent woman that I've met so far." His words held a tone of true honesty in them.

"You obviously have not been down to Medical" Kass replied. "Or into Operations"

Shaking his head, he said, "No. I just finished reporting in to the CO and XO. Stopped in here to have some dinner, then you walked in." He gave her an soft, honest, open grin.

-Was this guy gullible? or just too nice?- She wondered. "And you instantly locked on to me? Without thought?" she asked idly as she sipped her wine.

He shrugged slightly. "I like the adrenalin rush of the unknown. I am a pilot, afterall."

"Intelligence" Kassandra replied, lips quirking.

He seemed impressed by this. "See? I knew you were highly intelligent!" He smiled softly.

"And you fell for a very old ploy. One, i am sorry to say was not set for you Lieutenant" She said calmly

He gave her a slightly quizzical look. "What do you mean?"

She lowered her voice "You are not the target of my mission Lieutenant."

He arched an eyebrow. "Your mission?"

Men were they all this stupid. Sighing, she finished her drink, placed the glass down on the bar, and slid from the stool. she then, rather casually bold, placed her hand on his shoulder and said in his ear as she stood on tiptoe. "I am on duty and you just scared off my mark Lieutenant."

Johnathan really felt like he was missing something. Frowning slightly, he whispered back into her ear. "Well then, perhaps we should go find it."

"My Mark, left the bar with another female about 40 seconds ago. And Now I have to start from scratch" she slid past him. "Which will reflect on my record."

"Well, I'll vouch for you. After surviving what I have, I'm not scared of much."

She gave him a slight smile. "I will be fine Lieutenant. Enjoy your evening."

Now he really knew that he had screwed up somewhere. And what's worse, he didn't know how to recover. So, blushing heavily, he stood. After giving the woman a tense, yet polite grin, he said, "And you as well." He then left the lounge, feeling a bit humiliated.

Kass watched him go and then turned to head off on her own.



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