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The Conquering Hero

Posted on Tue May 14th, 2024 @ 5:57am by Petty Officer 2nd Class Jasper Branson & Immy
Edited on on Tue May 14th, 2024 @ 5:58am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E7-S1:E8)
Location: Holodeck 2
Timeline: Date 2371-10-07 at 1330
5983 words - 12 OF Standard Post Measure


It had been six days since Jasper had finally gone to see Immy and she had revealed to him her troubles of men coming into the holodeck to sexually take advantage of her. He’d gone to have a conversation with them and to no one’s surprise not contrary to his expectations, it had ended in a fight. He had won - or at least he had been winning before security had arrived to break it up. He’d landed in the brig of course and had really expected to be put in the agonizer, but it wasn’t to be. Lyra had pressed him for his motivations behind his actions and after some initial resistance he had finally told her the truth. To his surprise she actually seemed to be genuinely angered by the injustice Immy had suffered and had in turn spared him from suffering in the agonizer. He had known better than to ask questions behind her motivations and accepted her help and mercy very, very humbly and gratefully. His stint in the brig had been annoying but it wasn’t like it was the first time; he’d then spent the subsequent days catching up on his workload and taking on some of Jackie’s as payment for holding down the fort.

Finally after two days, he found a little time to get away and head to the holodeck. He was still in his uniform given he was taking his lunch break to be here, but he didn’t want to keep Immy waiting.

“Computer load Helen, Georgia, Main Street.” The computer chimed and the little replica Bavarian town shimmered into existence.

“Immy.” He called to her, standing there with an easy smile on his face.

With an immediate flash, Immy appeared in her red Starfleet uniform. This time, instead of noticing the environment first, she actually saw Jasper. And for all the excitement she expressed, it seemed she didn’t notice the adorable town around them at all.

“Jasper.” She said in an excited voice, and stepped up close to him immediately. Her lips were on his in an instant, and her large soft breasts pressed against his chest through the material of her clothing. When she pulled back, she looked at him with her dazzling green eyes. “It’s my hero.”

Jasper smiled and started to greet her, but was silenced by her lips against his. He chuckled into the kiss while wrapping one of his strong arms around her body. He looked down at her, his equally enchanting blue eyes warm as was his smile. “Hey, beautiful. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you.”

“I missed you.” she said, grinning a pretty smile. “I’ve never had a man go to jail for me, so I was hoping you’d be here to see me when you got out. Honesty, it’s a huge turn on.”

She squeezed his arm and then backed off enough to look at the surrounding street.

“I don’t even know how to dress here.”

“Well, it’s a tourist area, not actually somewhere in Germany,” Jasper pointed out, “but it was a place we used to visit now and then for fun. They liked to do things with limited tech here to keep its charm. Wear whatever you feel like.”

“So..” she said with a grin. “A pair of panties and..nothing else?”

Her infectious smile was on again, and she giggled girlishly.

“Tell me all about it. I read Commander Cassiel’s report aaaand I accessed the complaints filed by both of those grade-A assholes, but I want to hear it from you.” she said, approaching him again and placing her hand on his arms again.

“I mean, I wouldn’t complain, but I don’t mind having to unwrap a gift.” He said easily. Taking her hand in his, he lifted it to his lips and then guided her to start walking with him.

“Really it’s a bit of a short lived tale. As I’m sure you probably guessed, they are friends and I was fortunate enough to find them together when I went looking. I did try to make it just a conversation at first.” His tone indicated that he had indeed done so, but also that he either hadn’t tried very hard or simply had no expectation of it working.

“And, what? They started running their mouths?” She asked with an interesting expression. “They both claimed you attacked them for no reason.”

“Of course they did because they don’t see you as real.” He shook his head and frowned at that notion. While the situation was certainly complicated in that regard, there was no denying that her consciousness was still present and she wasn’t just a normal hologram. “Anyways, I impressed upon them they were going to stop what they were doing, they disagreed, so I decided to communicate on a more base level that I was certain would get through their thick skulls.”

She shoved him hard, though the resulting movement of his body was noticeably and predictably small.

“Where are the fucking details, Jasper?” she asked with a mischievous smile. “How can I fantasize about you kicking their asses with no shirt on if you keep playing around like that?”

She locked her arm in his and continued to walk down the sidewalk, giving him a pathetic squeeze.

“Stop being Shakespeare and give me the dirty dirty details, you tease.”

Jasper laughed at that and shook his head. “Alright, alright. Just blame what my father taught me to try and turn me into a gentleman years back; women should be spared the gory details.” As he spoke the last line, he thickened the very slight accent he naturally had and spoke in the Georgia Southern he had been born with. He’d spend a long time working to not speak in that way anymore.

“Gentlemen are great when things are good.” she said, looking at him and trusting his navigation to avoid her bumping into anything. “But when another man hurts me, I want a soldier to kick his ass without a shirt on. And then I want him to tell me about it so I can recreate the moment over and over again.”

“Well, I’m afraid I’ll have to disappoint a bit since I did leave my shirt on, but a little embellishment on the details never hurt anyone.” He winked at her and then looked ahead. “The one with the dark hair - I don’t even remember their stupid ass names at this point - was the one that was up first. He tried to inch over like he was slick and get a cheap shot in; he was slow as shit about it though so I caught his hand and showed him how to do it. Broke his big ass nose; I don’t think I’ve ever heard one snap that loud and I’ve broken a lot of noses.”

He glanced over at her to make sure this was the kind of detail she was wanting.

Immy’s interest was incredibly obvious. Her lips were parted slightly and her piercing green eyes were as hungry as eyes could be.

“Yeah…” she said in a low voice, obviously waiting for more.

“The other guy is from security, so he was a bit more of a challenge. The first one was pretty much immediately sobbing for his mother and clutching his nose, then his buddy came at me and he did actually manage to land the cheap shot.” Jasper had never really been much of a storyteller, but it was clear he was giving it his best attempt, “Fucker nearly knocked me over, then his friend figured it out and came back too - well he tried to. I punched him in his nose again.”

He grinned and shook his head. “I kind of wonder how much he had to have repaired in the end.”

Immy’s hand went to the zipper of her uniform jacket and she drew it down slowly. With a simple motion of her arms, she allowed it to fall to the ground behind them, leaving her in the skirt and the obviously too-tight red shirt beneath. Her large breasts pressed against the fabric and the outlines of her nipples could be clearly seen as if she wasn’t wearing a bra.

“Sorry. It’s pretty hot out here today.” she said, her eyes staying with him. “Don’t let me interrupt. You were fucking his face up forever, I think..”

Jasper was distracted the moment he saw her hands moving down to the zipper and he watched with great interest as she freed her breasts from its confines. He licked his lips and then blinked once. “Yeah, certainly went up a few degrees. Anyways yeah, I was. He went down like a bitch that time then I just had to deal with his buddy. Well, I think the fact he got that one hit on me made him think he was hot shit, because he came charging at me like a fucking dumbass. I literally just had to step out of the way and he did the work for me mostly, I just made sure he connected straight into the wall.”

“So I told them they were going to stop calling on you for literally anything now, Wallhumper proceeded to say something about my mother - who is a very nice lady by the way - and I took that personally.” He paused and looked at her. “When Cassiel came to see you did she mention anything about how he’d be polishing boots with his tongue?”

Immy nodded wordlessly, her eyes locked on him. Her fingers, ending in red acrylic nails, found the base of her red shirt and lifted it slowly to just under her obviously erect nipples, then released it and let it stay perfectly uncovering her toned, pale torso and the bottom half of her breasts, pressing into her skin to make them bulge slightly. Perhaps it was the holographic effects and the fact that she had more control over her appearance than any other woman in existence, but she looked like the cover of a naughty magazine.

“Right right. Tongue.” she said, smiling. She could be a devil when she wanted, and her expression communicated that fact very clearly. “She mentioned it, yes.”

Jasper was mesmerized as any man would be by the display and absolutely lost his train of thought as she moved. Her response barely even shook him back to reality, and he took a couple of beats to remember what he had just been saying. He did not, however, continue the story immediately. Instead he turned and she was up in his arms in an instant. He used his strong hands to guide her legs around his hips and backed her up against one of the buildings to pin her between it and his toned body. She could feel his body was reacting as any man’s would in his position.

He was not rough with her, but he was assertive. She would know, however, that he was kind and if she protested he would surely let her go. His hands gripped her under her skirt at the bottoms of her thighs and he leaned down to the exposed undersides of her breasts.

“Well, he’s going to do that because I spent some time breaking each one of his fingers. I held him down on the floor, pulled his arm back, and we had a conversation about respecting women. Any time he didn’t get the point, I broke a finger and we started again.” As he spoke, he paused to punctuate his words with soft, teasing kisses along her exposed flesh.

Immy moaned loudly when he picked her up, the roughness of the motion complimenting his story of her redemption very well. As he spread her legs and pressed his hardness against her, she used her strong legs to pull him as close as possible. The hardness of the building behind them and the startled holographic pedestrians’ reactions faded into the background, somehow adding to the experience. The feeling of his lips on the soft skin of her breasts sent chills down her spine. Anyone who assumed she couldn’t feel because she was a hologram was quite wrong.

“Mmm.” she said softly, her light voice sultry and full of desire. Her hands gripped his shoulders as she started to move herself against him slowly through his pants. “He didn’t even stand a chance against you. You’re so strong..”

“No, he didn’t.” Jasper agreed, letting out a slight growl as she began to move her hips against him. In turn, he used his nose to nudge her shirt up enough to reveal her thick nipples. His mouth opened and he used his tongue to circle the tempting peaks but never quite touching them directly.

“I got to seven and then he finally got the point, but by that time I was just annoyed so I broke the rest too.”

“Oh gods, Jasper. I wish you would get to the point.” she said as she looked down on him over her heaving chest and watched as he circled but never centered. She was skilled enough with her legs to establish a rhythm against his hardness, her eyes growing distant as desire almost evertook her. It was only the need to hear the end of the story that kept her tethered. “Get to the point, Jasper.”

Jasper used his strong hands to lift her up higher and away from being able to directly grind herself down on him. He could be devilish too when it suited him.

“Hmm what was that?” He teased her and gave one single lick to only one of her nipples. “Couldn’t hear you.”

“Fuck, I said get to the fucking point.” she said, her voice suddenly aggressive as she used her leverage to make separating their respective parts rather difficult for him. Obviously, she wasn’t limited by her physical biology now, but she didn’t cheat. She liked the fact that he was strong. Nevertheless, her leg strength was enough for contact again for a moment, and she used it to its fullest while she could. As he made contact with her nipple, her eyes rolled back and she felt her heartbeat between her legs.

“Okay, forget the story. You beat the shit out of them. Now it’s my turn.” she said. Her hand moved down between her legs and grabbed his hardness possessively. “Are you going to take your prize or are you just here to talk?”

Jasper grinned an almost feral expression at her response, but instead of reacting in the way she was expecting, he put her back down on the ground. “I plan to take my time with my prize… in all ways. She promised she would treat me like a king.”

He brought his hand up to her and cupped her cheek, but his thumb began to trace her lower lip in a pointed hint.

“Oooo, is this some kind of power fantasy? No one can do those like me now.” she said, smiling rather than pouting. She wanted him, but something about being in the computer made things seem less urgent than before. She pulled the shirt down again, covering her slightly wet breasts and adjusted her skirt. “I was hoping you would just bend me over something and fuck my brains out though. WIll I have to wait long for that?”

She drew near him, and the tip of her nail touched between his legs. She looked at him in the eyes and watched him like he was the most amazing man she’d ever seen.

“I really really want you inside me, Jasper.” she added, and then raised her brows like she had an idea. “I’m incredibly wet. Want to feel?”

“Mm… you know I never leave you empty for long, Immy.” He replied, pulling her close and trying to get a read on if her hesitance was because she was playing coy or she really didn’t want to get on her knees for him. His hand slid under her skirt and he cupped her womanhood, bending two fingers and sliding them inside of her without warning.

“You’re right, you are.”

Immy moaned and closed the short distance between them in an instant, moving her hand down to secure his fingers in her tight, extraordinarily wet center.

“Oh gods, Jasper. I can’t believe you’re here.” she said. The statement had been emotional as she moved her hips desperately. In a flash, the street disappeared, replaced by a medieval bedroom with a roaring fireplace and a huge bed against the wall with layered furs on them. Jasper’s uniform was also gone, superimposed by a renaissance era kingly outfit and a golden crown on his head. She wore a long green dress that made her look slender and tall with a low, tight cut for her cleavage and a ruby necklace that dipped onto them. Her skirts billowed over his arm, blocking their view of what he was doing with his hand. Immy smiled at him dangerously. “Your majesty… what if the queen should find out?”

The sudden shift of where they were was extremely disorienting, but to his credit Jasper recovered quickly and continued with what he had been doing. It was clear he was only working to tease and torment her, pressing against certain areas to delight but never lingering more than a second. Had he been in a less focused mindset, the dynamic she was setting up might have given him pause, but he hardly cared right now. He was raging hard and wanted what she had promised.

“I won’t be denied by anyone.” Agonizingly slowly, he pulled his arm back from her skirts and his fingers left her empty.

Immy may not have wanted to play the slave, but she did enjoy playing coy. She blushed, desiring to have him, any part of him, back where he belonged.

“Your majesty, I wouldn’t know what to do.” She said, blinking quickly and smiling at him. “You would have me.”

“Don’t worry. It will come naturally to you I’m sure. Now, kneel before your king.” As he commanded her, he moved his hands down to the pants he was wearing and opened them. He pulled himself out, but kept covered by his hand until she obeyed.

Feigning meekness, Immy knelt down on the huge fur on the floor, her green dress spreading around beneath her and her eyes of the same color sparkling up at him.

“Yes, your majesty.” She said, but couldn’t help but smile in that hungry way. She silently lamented she couldn’t get her hands between her legs with the dress on. “Oh, your majesty. You're so big down there.”

“Yes.” He agreed and once she was settled he revealed his manhood to her standing large and proud. “Now, use your hand, your lips, your tongue, your mouth,” he paused and looked down at her skeptically and then decided to cut off any deviousness she might have had planned, “no teeth.”

Immy looked at him with shock on her face, as if she was genuinely scandalized by the notion. Despite the act, she immediately reached up and grabbed hold of him with her hand and leaned forward. She teased him with her fingers skillfully, and even placed his tip against her lips. Looking up at him, she gave him wide, uncertain eyes.

“But, majesty… I don’t think it’ll fit in my mouth…” she said against him, her lips moving tantalizingly as she spoke.

Jasper licked his lips, having to work to keep himself still with her mouth so close and so easily taken should he want to. “Don’t worry, it will. Just open wide. You’ll like it.”

“Mmmm Okay.” She said, and opened her mouth in front of him, placing her lips around his tip as if it were a struggle. She moved her tongue over him slowly, her eyes locked on his. Then she opened her mouth, drew back, and spoke again. “Look at that, your majesty. He does fit.”

This time, when she went down on his manhood, she took him deep into her mouth to the back of her throat. She looked up at him with engaged eyes, not a gag or panic in sight, and let him sit there for several seconds. She worked her throat muscles like a pro, and then slowly pulled back off of him, lines of wetness following after on him and bridging from her lips as she slowly took him out of her mouth. The tension between them was at a fever pitch, and she looked defiant for a moment. Then she smiled. “Wait, I’m pretty sure this seems familiar. Did I do it right?”

“Yes. Keep doing it.” He ordered through a growl and placed his hand on her head, still working to be patient but she was certainly making it hard. “Don’t stop until I tell you.”

If someone had told Jasper that Immy had been studying the art even more thoroughly than before, he wouldn’t be blamed for not being surprised. She used her mouth, her lips, her tongue, and her hands just as he’d ordered, and she manipulated his largesse like a master at work. She gave sounds like little moans, gargles, gags, and everything under the sun to make him feel powerful, sexy, irresistible, and strong. She made eye contact with him and took no prisoners.

Jasper wasn’t shy with his praise of her efforts, giving powerful groans and grunts when she did things just right. His hand remained on her head though shifted back to not interfere with the eye contact she was giving him. Though he was thoroughly enjoying himself he was also aware he was on a bit of a time crunch and couldn’t drag this out forever.

Immy smiled at him, her hands moving on him with passionate ease and her mouth working tirelessly. She really was very good at it, and her knowledge of male fantasy gleaned from the summation of holo-programs in the memory core certainly helped things. She knew he’d told her to keep going no matter what, and so she did, even though she wanted him so badly it nearly hurt.

“Alright… alright.” He panted slightly and flexed his fingers to get her to stop. “Good girl… that’s enough.”

Immy stopped immediately and stood up, wiping her wet mouth on her bare arm. She waited in front of him like she was ready to leap on him at any second. Still, she restrained herself. He wanted to play the king, and she owed him that after what he did.

“Are you pleased, my King?” she asked, her eyes glancing between him and the appendage between his legs.

Jasper didn’t answer her with words, instead he reached out to undo the ties of her dress and pulled it down off of her shoulders with his strong hands. He wanted to see that beautiful body underneath. The fact she wasn’t physically real didn’t even enter his mind. When she was naked before him, he took a step back to look at her while also pushing out of his pants and the coat he was wearing.

“You’re so beautiful.”

Immy blushed and turned her head to the side coyly. She took a step toward him and stopped, her eyes locked on his. She really was beautiful, with full, large breasts, a slender waist, and well-shaped, soft legs, she was a dream. Adding to it her creamy alabaster skin, dotted with freckles, her sparkling emerald eyes, and her gorgeous mane of flawless red hair, and she was a vision.

“Your Majesty is too kind..”

Jasper’s hands found her waist and he picked her up once more, letting her wrap her legs around him as he walked her back to the large bed. He tossed her down then, carefully and playfully and was instantly over top of her. He kissed her and adjusted her legs to bend back and then over his shoulders. With one swift, firm motion, he pressed is manhood into her waiting body and wasted no time in settling into a firm but not necessarily quick pace.

Immy giggled as he tossed her and put no barriers whatsoever between her hero and his prize. When she felt him press against her and then enter her, she let out an unreserved moan and braced herself with her hands on his shoulders. The position he had chosen allowed for depth, and that wasn’t a concern in the first place.

She looked at him in his eyes, intense and pleading, like she was a mix between pain and pleasure, but she said nothing besides breathing quickly and letting out little squeals of intense feeling.

Though caught up in his own pleasure, Immy would have the sense that Jasper was still paying close attention to her and her reactions. Even if what he was doing felt good to him, he’d never been the type to inflict pain in bed if the woman clearly wasn’t enjoying it. His pace seemed to be one intended to let her get used to him again and he steadily began to move his powerful hips faster. His fingers dug into her thighs, and he was giving his own more subdued sounds of pleasure.

“Petrov to Branson.” came a voice and the sound of the commlink’s chirp. Immy moaned right after Andrei’s voice sounded, making it abundantly clear exactly what was going on.

Jasper gave a slight growl but didn’t stop moving. “Busy. Very busy,”

“Yes, very very busy. Mmmmm..” Immy said after him, smiling and opening her legs more. “Harder. Fuck me harder.”

“Well well, that is not professional language, is it?” Andrei said, a smile obvious in his voice. “You’re late for your return to your duty shift, Jasper. We’re lost without you. Hurry up and bust that nut so we can get back to the paperwork, old boy.”

“Working on it. Respectfully, fuck off.” Jasper half groaned out.

There was another woman’s laugh on Andrei’s side of the conversation, but she didn’t speak.

“Woah woah, not so fast. Lyra’s with me and I figured we could make this like a double date of sorts, what do you say, Jas?” Andrei asked, and then he laughed loudly in response to his own joke. Immy, on the other hand, was less amused, she could tell Jasper was getting distracted and her irritation was feral and rather obvious on her face, though she didn’t say anything.

“Nope. Bye.” Jasper replied and that was the end of it. He focused his full attention back on Immy and leaned down to give her a quick kiss of apology before giving her exactly what she had asked for.

Immy gripped the lovely warm firms as he worked his magic, biting her lips and being quite vocal. She wrapped her legs around him and took everything he had with enthusiasm. She clearly loved the feeling of being overwhelmed, and her releases were wet enough that she reflected on how good it was they were just holographic, otherwise Jasper would have to take a shower for sure. With moans and clenching muscles, she climaxed against him several times, working her muscles like it was her job. Eventually, when he was close, she grabbed a handful of his hair and leaned into his thrusts to make them even harder. She gasped at the impacts, but her wide eyes were full of pleasure.

Jasper let out a long, low moan as he pressed himself as deeply as he could manage inside of her, pressing her body down into the bed with force. He spilled himself into her holographic form, nothing about it seeming much different to him in the moment of passion. He held himself over her, breathing hard but supporting his own weight off of her. Finally, he kissed her forehead and slowly eased himself out of her.

“You’re amazing.”

“Mmm..That’s true.” She said, and giggled. After he had backed away from her, she trapped the pelts and covered her naked body with them until she was artfully hidden. The craving in her eyes had given way to a tired kind of euphoria. She looked at him. “That was fantastic. I missed you so much.”

“I missed you too.” He said and seemed to mean it. He kissed her again and then stood from the bed, looking for something to clean himself up with since he didn’t exactly have time for a shower. “I don’t really want to run out on you but…”

“You have work. I heard.” She cooed, looking at him like she had a crush. “You can shower here really quickly if you’d like. I’ll even try not to slow you down.”

“Uh, yeah sure.” He agreed, not really having thought about that. “Could you…?” He motioned vaguely with his hands to indicate the lack of shower.

She nodded, and a stone shower manifested in the middle of the room, inlaid with cristal glass. It matched the setting as much as it possibly could considering. She smiled at him excitedly and adopted a grand, deeper voice which sounded humorous with her Irish accent.

“Your chariot awaits, sir!”

“Why thank you, my lady.” He said and gave her an exaggerated bow before he stepped into the shower and turned it on. The water was warm but not scalding of course, and he began to wash himself with the soap she had provided for him inside. Andrei wasn’t really a bad boss to work for and Jasper did his work well; given Andrei’s response to the whole thing he was confident the other man would be tolerant of his tardiness as long as it wasn’t habitual and Jasper didn’t plan on making it so.

Immy got up from the bed after a few seconds and walked over to the shower. She opened the door and slipped in, placing her naked body against his back and hugging him tightly, her soft breasts pressing in his back muscles.

“When will I see you again?”

“I’ll try to get back in the next few days.” He promised her and turned his body so he could put his arm around her and bring her up to his side.

Immy wasn’t particularly happy about that, but she wasn’t sure how far she could or should push it. She held herself close to him, placing her hand in his chest, and willed herself to keep her mouth closed. She didn’t want to ruin the moment by being needy. He seemed particularly put off by that.

To his credit, Jasper did seem to at least notice she wasn’t overly pleased but there wasn’t actually anything he could do about it. Holodeck time was rationed so everyone could have their fair share of the time, and it was just an unfortunate fact that officers naturally had more than their NCO counterparts, and the more senior officers had nearly free reign over it. He kissed the side of her head in wordless apology, but offered nothing else as he used his free hand to continue to clean himself off.

“Okay, well…maybe we can do something together next time you visit? I mean, Besides…” She looked up at him and smiled, her pretty face catching the splashing of water from the shower. “I mean, we have to do that..”

“Well, yeah. I’m not going to come see you solely to have sex with you every time.” Jasper chuckled and shook his head. “Not that it isn’t a bonus, but we can figure out things to do.”

Her smile widened and she leaned up to kiss him slowly on the lips. That had indeed been her worry, and it was one of many.

“Let me get your back.” She said, taking another cloth and soaping it before messaging his back with it. She moved her skilled hands over him, once again showing how well she understood how he liked to be touched .“Thank you for defending me. It really means a lot, Jasper.”

“Of course, Immy.” He said and closed his eyes as she rubbed his back. “Don’t be afraid to tell me if you’re having troubles.”

“I’ll let you know.” She said, moving around him then and washing his chest, smiling up at him. “And don’t you be afraid to let me help you with all your paperwork. I’m always one call away. I can even flash you on a screen if you want.”

He grinned a feral grin at that and quickly kissed her cheek. “I might take you up on that.”

Turning off the water, he stepped out and began to dry off with the towel she had provided. He then seemed to remember something and glanced back at her. “Do you want me to bring Lottie down with me sometimes?”

Immy grinned, conflicted over the question.

“Oh, that sounds nice, but what would the three of us even do together?” She asked, covering her breasts with her arms as if she was now cold after getting wet.

“Well, I imagine we could figure out something, but if you’d rather me not that’s alright. Doesn’t bother me any, but I know you two are friends or at least friendly.” He said and began to pull on his clothes.

“Friends.” Immy settled, stepping out and sitting down on the pelt carpet in front of the fire. She reclined slightly and looked at him, watching her dress. “I’d rather Lottie be given her own time and you keep yours. I don’t want you to have to share.”

She was silent for an instant and then thought.

“How did I let you get away with not eating during your lunch break, Jasper?” She asked, grinning flirtatiously.

Jasper didn’t point out that Lottie didn’t have “her own time” in the holodeck given she was a slave. She might be awarded some, maybe, but it was only ever a small amount of time and that was rare. Immy would of course know that, so apparently they weren’t close enough that it was an issue for her.

“Ah I’ll be alright, it’s just a meal. Besides, I had something better with my time.”

She smiled at that, but didn’t give up so easily. There was concern on her features, kind and gentle.

“Can’t you eat at your desk? You’ll be hungry if you don’t have something.”

“Yeah, I’ll figure out something. Jackie will hate it but she will get over it.” Dressed again finally, he moved over to her and bent to kiss her forehead and then her lips. “I’ll see you as soon as I can.”

“Okay.” She said, soft and girly, and she poured quite adorably. Her face matched with her naked, shapely body, made her a hard woman to say no to, but duty called. “Bye..”

“Arch.” He called and it appeared at his command. “Bye, Immy.”

He turned and walked out of the door then, but paused to look back before the blast doors closed and he left to return to his work with a bit more spring in his step.



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