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Knock Knock

Posted on Wed Oct 2nd, 2024 @ 4:31am by Lieutenant Commander Annalise Faulkner & Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Harper Bennett & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant Sovas Nyseth & Lieutenant Brice Hughes

Mission: S1 Episode 8: Resolutions
Location: Various
Timeline: Date 2371-12-31 at 0830
1635 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure


It had only been a few minutes since Vengeance and Gladius left under cloak to spy on the Research Outpost, but the silent tension of the three Terran officers on the Lovarr could be felt. The slaves on the bridge had no warning of the plan in order to organize, but each of them obviously realized that the power that held them in shackles was at a distance. Each Terran was wondering if their conditioning really was good enough to keep discipline in a situation like this.

The Bridge of the Lovarr was the temporary command center of the Shadow Fleet as Lieutenant Harper Bennet had been left in command. She, her XO, an older former enlisted who had been promoted for the role, and The slave master, Master Sergeant Lucas Kane, who was effectively her second officer. Other ships in the fleet were in there same situation, but there was the feeling that something bad was going to happen.

“Still no sign on sensors, Mistress.” said a lanky Kazon man at a nearby station.

“Of course not. They’re cloaked…” started the XO, crossing his arms defensively, “But there here, just as certain as if we could see them.”

“If not, they will be soon.” Harper said, her legs crossed as she sat in the chair that had been put on the bridge to make it more civilized. She found herself a bit ill at ease being responsible for the remaining ships given they were all full of slaves and they hadn’t exactly had the best track record with them. Yana and Andrei had been doing well, and she supposed they would see exactly how well now.

“What time is it?”

“13:00.” Kane said, his haunted eyes trained on their commander shamelessly, as if he didn’t know it was awkward to stare. “From here, it doesn’t seem like the outpost has much to hide. She’s got her legs open, just waiting to be taken…I hope they get back soon..”

Harper rolled her eyes slightly at the comment, but didn’t verbally make her feelings clear on the matter. “Well, this was around when they were scheduled to return, so probably not the time to get panicked yet, lieutenant.”

“I’m not panicking. I have every confidence in them.” the XO retorted, eyeing the slaves at their stations suspiciously. His thoughts were interrupted by an incoming message from a different console. He watched it being mirrored on his own.

“I’m getting an incoming communication from the Kez”Ron, Mistress.”

“Put it through.” Harper commanded sharply, a brief spike of anxiety welling up in her chest; the Numiri had proved to be rather unruly and she was immediately concerned something had happened.

“Brice to Lovarr. How you doin’ over there, Harp?” came the masculine, though subdued voice of the Numiri ship’s commander.

“Ah… fine. Just waiting.” Harper replied, her voice not betraying her worry much if at all. “Is everything alright over there?”

“Kez’Ron is ready for the fight, just like always.” he said, his voice suddenly more martial than before. Some sounds of ascent from the men he commanded came over the comms, but they were indistinct and hard to pin down.

“Good, we will need every resource available to us when the Vengeance and Gladius return, I’m sure.” She spoke with a bit more authority, but she didn’t necessarily actually feel it. “Stay sharp, Brice.”

“You too.” he said, and his voice lingered, a sign that he was feeling the same tension they were. “Brice out.”

Harper let out a sigh and sat back in her chair, busying herself with the readings there and trying not to think too hard about what could potentially go wrong in this situation. She hadn’t liked this idea at all, but it was likely simply because of the position it had put her in.

Proximity alarms went off several seconds later, but she didn’t need to ask why as the viewscreen showed the two Imperial ships materializing in front of them. Their comm system was immediately overridden and a familiar voice was heard over the speakers.

“Vengeance to Lovarr. This is Commander Petrov.” he said, his voice crisp and calm, laced with his Russian accent. “Report.”

“All is well, Commander.” Harper replied, a smile tugging at her lips at the sound of Andrei’s voice and her tone communicated pleasant surprise he was the one speaking to her. “Welcome back. Were you successful?”

Andrei could hear the smile in the woman’s voice. They were far from strangers and he knew how she felt about him, but he was also keenly aware he was on the bridge of the flagship of the Fleet and his very violent girlfriend was both behind him and very much read in on their past.

“We were. They seem to have only been able to muster one battleship to provide some extra defense against us. It won’t be enough by a long shot. They’ve been caught with their dicks in their hands, and it’s time for the killing blow.” he said, his voice smooth and unapologetic ally dangerous. “Do you recall the plan?”

“Of course, sir.” Harper replied. “The fleet stands ready.”

Annalise finally turned her head toward Andrei and her brows raised slightly at the interaction between him and the Lovarr’s commander. Harper wasn’t exactly being subtle, and while Andrei wasn’t doing anything but being himself, it was something of note.

Lyra for her part was sitting calm and collected at her station, revealing nothing of her feelings on the matter, but there was no doubt in the universe she had heard the exact same thing Andrei had in Harper’s voice. She remained focused on the task at hand instead of the justified bitterness she felt inside.

“Lieutenant Sovas, get me Fleetwide.” Andrei ordered.

"Fleetwide channel open, sir." Sovas replied.

Andrei turned his gaze to his CO for a moment to check if she wanted him to distribute the orders she had given. When he saw in her eyes the intention to speak herself, he gave way and leaned back in the chair again.

“This is Captain Faulkner.” Annalise began without missing a beat and stood from her chair. “We have compiled our intelligence and are in the process of sending an updated tactical mission briefing to each vessel. We will advance to the station as planned; the Vengeance and Gladius will be under cloak while the Rynall and Lovarr approach under a friendly banner. Kez’Ron and Jorran will take up position under the Lovarr to mask your ship signals. When we arrive at the station, the Gladius, Kez’Ron, Jordan, and Rynall will engage the warship while the Lovarr and Vengeance advance on the station to beam down teams to secure the cure for our people on Gamma Eridine II.”

She paused for just a beat and turned toward Andrei before continuing. “Commander Petrov will lead the away team with Doctor Brasken focused on locating Pel and the cure.”

Andrei’s handsome face turned to a smile at that moment. It hadn’t been clear if Annalise was going to empower him to do his job and lead the away team or if she was going to put him in a very awkward position.

Her body shifted again, and she looked up to Lyra sitting behind her station. “Commander Cassiel, you will lead the security teams responsible for the safety of the away team and neutralizing any threats the Vidiians might pose.”

Andrei wasn’t exactly sure why Annalise was micromanaging his away team, but the smile he had on his face drifted away, replaced by a frown. It was customary for the XO not only to lead the Away Team, but generally to pick them as well. Of course he would have selected Lyra anyway, but the power of the decision had very publicly been taken from him.

He stood from the XO’s chair and started toward the back of the Bridge.

“Lieutenant Bennett. We will require your strongest Kazon warriors. I don’t know what kind of innovations they have to repel boarding actions. Have the Master Sergeant select them and we will rendezvous with them in Cargobay one.”

He stepped into the turbo lift with Lyra and he gave the order to the computer about what floor they were seeking. When it started to move, he looked over at his lover.

“Pick men who are loyal and who can keep their mouths shut about what they see.”

There was a part of Lyra that wanted to make an underhanded comment about Harper and what she - and the rest of the bridge - had heard and witnessed, but she knew it was most certainly not the time for that right now. What she did know, however, was that as her relationship with Andrei continued to deepen, she was becoming decidedly less happy with how he made her look like a fool with his former whores.

They were alone for the moment, so she reached for his arm and gave it a gentle squeeze and allowed a smile. “Of course. We’re very close now, Andrei. Before you know it we will have your family back.”

“For now, I’m just going to focus on the mission.” He responded, his face resting in obvious tension. He touched her hand gently, however, to indicate it had nothing to do with her or anything she had done.

The smile faded from Lyra's face immediately and she turned her gaze away and to the door where his rested. Her fingers slid against his in acknowledgement of his gesture, but otherwise she said nothing else.

They had a mission to complete.



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