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"We're off to see the Wizard!: Part 4"

Posted on Sun Aug 28th, 2022 @ 3:10pm by
Edited on on Mon Sep 5th, 2022 @ 7:58pm

Mission: The Talaxian Run
Location: Talaxian Space
Timeline: Mission Day 7 at 1530
1141 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Several hours later, Micheal's eye popped open. After checking his internal chronometer, he growled softly. Rebecca had knocked him out again. The last she had done so, was right after they started out, trying to find their way back to the Milky Way Galaxy. She had told him that she had done so because he had been pushing himself too hard.

Glancing down, his mood lightened, when he saw Kaleigh, peacefully sleeping against him. He hated that he had to get up, but, there was work to do.

Carefully, he slowly slid out from under her, being sure not to wake her. Once he was out of bed, he quietly padded to the shower and switched it to sonics.

Ten minutes later, he was in the small family area, getting dressed in a full dress Imperial Marine uniform, complete with his various awards and rank pip.

Kae came out of their room rubbing her eyes and dressed in a silk dressing gown which was loosely belted around her nude form. “Love?” she asked sleepily.

Turning and smiling warmly, Micheal moved over to Kaleigh. "I'm sorry, beloved. I hope I didn't wake you up!" He reached up and gently moved some of her hair back behind her left ear.

“HMM the bed got cold” She mumbled as she leaned into him. “Why are you dressed in uniform?” her fingers traced over the jacket.

"I'm sorry, my love." He gently ran his right hand through her hair as she studied his uniform. "I had the thought that I'd send a message down to the surface, start giving the Terran Empire a face to both get behind and fear."

“Hmm maybe you should hunt up some footage of the Captain.” she pushed her hair from her face. “I am going to lay down for a bit more. Am feeling tired. And when you finish, come back and join me?”

"Of course, my love." Once he was dressed, he asked, "How do I look?"

“Hmmm sexy.” She stretched up and whispered in his ear “Master should teach me the true power of the Imperial Empire.”

He growled softly again. "It's the uniform, isn't it?" He asked jokingly.

“You make the uniform look good.” She replied as she pressed her lips to his and then headed back into their bedroom.

His eye lingered on her retreating form until she reentered their suite and the doors slid shut. He groaned softly to himself and then turned around, making his way to the cockpit. "Now I really want to kill someone…"

Rebecca gave a soft laugh as she appeared. “Something wrong Master?”

"Oh, just starting to feel like this uniform is a bit too snug suddenly." He sat down in his command chair. "And don't laugh at me like that. If you recall, you tried to do that to me a few times back when we were alone."

“Yes but Mistress is much better at it” The AI replied with a smile.

He turned his face towards her and narrowed his right eye at her. "Behave you." Then he grinned slightly. "Now, get me a channel to the whole planet, but make sure they cannot trace the signal."

Rebecca nodded. “It is ready when you are Master.” she then smirked. “I will go entertain Mistress” and vanished.

He sighed aloud. "This is going to be a fun day." He then turned back to his console and activated the comm system. "People of Talaxia Prime, hear me! I am Chief Petty Officer Micheal Robertson, of the Terran Empire, and I am here to proclaim to you now that it is time to stand up and one overthrow your Haakonian masters! Join the Terran Empire and you will know peace!"

"Haakonians, I am but the first envoy of the Terran Empire to reach these shores. If you leave now, I will allow you to live. However, should you choose to defy me…" He snapped his fingers and, as if by magic, the Haakonian freighter exploded in a massive ball of vapor and debris.

"Don't test me…" He warned. "You will find the results quite…painful."

There was silence on the comms. But the video screens registered more protests and shock being broadcast across the planet.

Micheal grinned to himself. He knew, without a doubt, that soon, this entire system would be theirs.

Several communications were being sent off world deep into the territory where the Haakonians lived.

"Rebecca, see if you can tap into those comms. I want to know what they're saying to each other."

The AI reappeared and nodded. “Recording them as well Master. Seems the Haakonians are not impressed.”

Micheal frowned slightly. If Kaleigh and their unborn child weren't here, he would fly down and….wait a minute! He had a wonderful idea.

"Rebecca, how many Haakonians can you lock onto and beam into space at a time?"

“Groups of 5 Master” The AI replied. “Why?”

"Begin doing so. Start with their leadership on the planet. I'm sure, sooner or later, they'll start to take notice to the danger posed to them."

“There are not many down there, Master, but I can do so.” She began beaming the Haakonians into space.

On Micheal's control board, the sensors picked up dozens of transporter signals, as one Haakonian after another went from breathing oxygen, to sticking vacuum.

"Anything new on Comms?" He asked calmly.

“Yes, Panic. People are getting to areas where they have transporter inhibitors.” She replied.

"Grab a few more stragglers, then discontinue. Replay my message again after six hours of silence." He stood and started to head aft. "I'm going to try and get a few more hours of sleep. You know what to do, if there's trouble."

“Yes Master. Master? Be gentle, Mistress is very tired.” the AI warned him. Kae may only be a couple of months pregnant, but she was starting to feel the effects.

Micheal paused and turned back slightly. "Of course I'll be gentle, I always am, when the situation calls for it. I just want to take my arm and legs off and curl up next to Kae and sleep."

"Understood Master." Rebecca replied. "Sleep well."

"Thank you," he replied with a kind smile. Turning again, he made his way to the master suite and quietly undressed. Once he was ready, he carefully sat down on the edge of the bed and removed his legs first, the his arm.

As carefully as he could, he laid down next to his beautiful wife.

Kae shifted in her sleep, rolling into him, curling into a ball with a murmur of his name.

Micheal's heart warmed as he gently wrapped his right arm around his wife, holding her against him. Leaning in, he kissed the top of her head very softly, then settled back and closed his eye. In minutes, he was asleep.



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