
The Return

Posted on Sat Oct 22nd, 2022 @ 1:24pm by Captain Ivan Petrov

Mission: The Talaxian Run
Timeline: Mission Day 15 at 2200
1184 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure


As the Alexandria II screamed through space at her maximum warp velocity, Micheal was still sitting in his command chair. He had barely moved in the last six hours, as he continued to work the ghost images of the...whatever it was...that the Talaxian and Haakonian long range sensors logs had picked up. He didn't know what it was, and that's what concerned him.

"Rebecca," he finally spoke, "You're certain that, from that image, you can't identify what it is?"

"Negative Master. Nothing identifiable" Came the reply from the AI.

Micheal sighed to himself. "I guess it's just a figment of my imagination."

"Most likely" Kae said as she joined him. "Are we almost home?"

Micheal glanced at the chronometer before answering. "Still another four hours out, my love." He tuned and gently pulled her down to sit across his lap. Once she was in position, he rested his left hand on her growing belly. "How are you two doing?" He smiled as he asked the question.

"We are fine. I will see the medical staff when we get back." Kae replied.

Micheal gave his wife a warm smile. "Have I told you today just how much I love you?"

She merely smiled and got to work.

Hours later the Alexandria came out of warp and its sensors located the Vengeance.

Looking at the sensor readings, Micheal spoke up. "There she is," he said quietly as the long range sensors picked up the friendly transponder signal. Reaching over, he activated the comm system. "ISS Vengeance, this is the Alexandria II, do you read?"

====ISS Vengeance====
“Alexandria II, we read you loud and clear.” Came the voice of the Gamma Shift Ops Officer. “You are cleared to dock in the shuttlebay according to standard docking procedure. Welcome home.”

====Alexandria II====
"Thank you, Vengeance, it is good to be back," Micheal replied as he piloted his ship around to the aft section of the Vengeance, just as her shuttle bay doors were opening. "Please inform the Captain that we have intel that he needs to see at his earliest convenience."

A few moments elapsed before the Ops officer got back to them in comms.

“Alexandria II, the Captain informs me that he acknowledges your return and will receive you straight away on your arrival in the shuttlebay.

"Understood, Vengeance. Alexandria II out." He closed the comm channel as he expertly piloted his ship into the shuttlebay.

A few moments later, both he and Kaleigh were making their way to where the computer told them that Ivan was.

As soon as the pair exited the shuttle, they saw Ivan standing in the doorway to the bay as he said he would. He offered a slight smile at seeing them, but nothing too obvious as they stepped down the ramp.

“Micheal…Kaleigh. Glad to see you back in the fleet in one piece.” The Captain said, standing tall.

"Captain" Kaleigh saluted him crisply. She carried a satchel with Padds stacked high. "Our trip was pretty unexciting Sir."

“You seem to be bringing a lot of information about nothing then.” He noticed with a raised brow as he looked at their PADDs. “I’ve had the meeting room directly beside the shuttlebay prepared for a briefing. Let’s go there and talk.”

"While it could have been a more productive mission, Sir, we did still aquire a good amount of tactical information." Micheal responded as he fell I to step with Ivan, who led the trio out of the shuttlebay.

The Captain then lead them into the next room and sat at the end of a small briefing table, ready for them to inform him of their trip.

Kaleigh placed the padds on the desk. She looked at Micheal. He outranked her so she had to let him speak first.

Reaching for the PADD on the top of the stack, Micheal handed it over to Ivan. "This holds the strategic information on the current strength of the Haakonians, Sir. Of course, following our mission to the Talaxian systems, I suspect their numbers will continue to drop." He pulled another PADD, one that detailed what the Robertson's had been doing to facilitate the Terran Empire gaining ownership over the Talaxian systems.

Ivan reached out and took the device from his old bodyguard, fixing his eyes on the screen and reading it quickly, scrolling every now and then, but being otherwise silent. He arched an eyebrow when reading it, but, eventually, paused and looked up.

“Some interesting methods, I see.” He said, his eyes flashing with interest. “I will be reviewing it later on my own time, but for now, go ahead and give me a quick summary for the sake of our discussion now.”

For the next half hour, Micheal and Kaeligh briefly told Ivan of their adventures, including the space station they now controlled. Micheal concluded with, "Though it is a few days out of the way, you are free to use it for refueling and relaxation purposes, Captain."

“I don’t think that will be needed.” He answered with an expression that seemed to signal appreciation for the gesture. “And, as we move further out of the area, I’m not sure you’ll be able to maintain your control over that station. I hope you enjoyed it while you could?”

Micheal shared a look with his wife, then looked back at Ivan and replied honestly. "One never knows, Sir. Should anyone desire to remain in the Delta Quadrant, it could be used as an outpost of the Terran Empire, thus making it the largest Empire ever to exist in our galaxy."

“I suppose that’s possible.” Ivan conceded and then stood from the table, straightening out his uniform with his leather-gloved hands. “Good work, you two. You’ve made an effective team. Now people know that we exist and their political situation is more easily controlled by us. Anything else to report?”

Micheal again glanced to his wife, before shaking his head. "Nothing worth note, Sir." He decided not to mention the vague sensor ghosts, as there was no concrete proof as to what they were. To do so would make him, and Kaleigh, look like fools. And Micheal would never do anything to make his wife look less than the excellent and intelligent person that she is.

Kaleigh shook her head. "I will have the shuttles sensor data transmitted into the Vengeance's astrometric database to assist with positioning and tracking. We left several cloaked transceivers around to monitor other races comms and shipping traffic."

"That should come in handy as well." Ivan said with an affirmative nod as he thought about the work they had done once more. Then, suddenly, he stood and looked down at them. "Good work, soldiers. I'll keep your dedication and service in mind in the future."

"We are honored to serve Captain" Kaleigh replied with a salute.

Micheal stood and saluted Ivan. "The Empire survives through loyal service!"

"Glory to the Empire." Ivan said with a passionate simplicity while giving the Terran salute, then he turned and was gone.


