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We're Off To See The Wizard (part 6) *content*

Posted on Wed Sep 7th, 2022 @ 1:50am by

Mission: The Talaxian Run
Location: Talaxian Space
Timeline: Mission Day 12 at 1100
2962 words - 5.9 OF Standard Post Measure

The asteroid belt that they had found was a fair distance from any active solar system, however it was not fully uninhabited. A lone Talaxian mining ship worked the belt. Kae studied the bulky vessel and the scans. “Not many people on board” she mused idly.

Micheal stepped over and, leaning over her left shoulder, he looked at her scans. "Only five biosigns. Easy target for us. Shall we give them a scare, or just show up and announce ourselves?"

“The latter would be best. Let's not give away too much.” Kae suggested. “Though 5 Talaxians are not that much of a threat to either of us.”

Micheal nodded and smiled. "Even pregnant, I'm sure you could take three of them by yourself, my love." He wasn't trying to be snide, he had every confidence in her fighting ability.

Looking back over the sensor logs, he made a decision. "Kae, jam their comms. Rebecca, stand ready to beam the slave chips into their heads, like back on the station. As soon as you are both ready, I'll drop our cloak and disable their engines."

“Standing by” The AI Said calmly

“Comms Jammed.” Kae replied with a smile. “Do I get to watch you work now Love?”

Micheal smirked slightly. There was a feral look to his eye as he said, "Rebecca, battlestations!"

Instantly, the lights subdued to a deep red and emergency restraints extended from both of their seats, securing them safely in place. Micheal then activated the impulse engines as he dropped the Shadow Mode.

===Talaxian Mining Vessel Kessel Pride===

"What do mean all of the communication channels are jammed?! How is that possible??" Captain Teolix exclaimed to his small bridge crew.

"We are double checking our systems!" One of his crew replied.

"Should we shut down the drills?" The drills were handled remotely.

"I suggest we do so Captain" the comms officer suggested. "They could be interfering with the transmissions"

Teolix was conflicted. They were already behind on their quota of refined ores. If they fell any further behind, The Haakonians would punish not only them, but their families. However, if the drilling was causing a malfunction with his communication gear, he would need to be put into a repair facility as soon as possible, before the Haakonians sent a hunting party after them.

Sighing heavily, he started to speak. "Tralla, deactivate…."

"Captain! We have an incoming vessel!"

A few kilometres off the Talaxian's aft starboard quarter, the Arrow class runabout started to decloak as it swooped towards them like a predator. There was no warning. As it approached, it fired on the mining vessel's warp and impulse engines, ceasing her forward momentum.

Teolix had been a mining ship Captain for nearly twenty cycles, and in all that time, he had never experienced an attack, let alone one as sudden as this. He silently started to pray to his ancestors for salvation.

===Alexandria II===

"Damage report?" Micheal said calmly to his wife, as he looked over at her.

“Engines are offline. They won't be repaired for a bit, take a couple of days at least. And their life support is still active.” Kaleigh reported.

"Good," he replied, a satisfied tone in his voice. "Rebecca, are you ready on your end?"

“Yes Master” The AI replied. “I do hope they... come quietly.” but she knew her Master would fix them if they did not.

Micheal opened a comm channel. "Talaxian mining vessel, I demand visual communications with your captain."

====Mining vessel====

The Comms officer stared and turned to the captain. “Sir?”

Teolix swallowed the lump that was in his throat as he fell down into his command seat. "O-on screen…"

The image on the viewscreen changed from the small, but deadly ship, to reveal the face of the scariest man he had ever seen. "W-who are y-you??"

===Alexandria II===

Micheal sneered slightly. "I am your new master." He nodded to Rebecca. "Now."

“Yes Master” And the slave chips were beamed into the heads of the 5 Talaxians.

All five Talaxians cried out in pain as the chips were inserted into their skulls.

"Now," Micheal stated. "Who is your master?"

Kae watched from off screen a smile on her lips.

The comms officer was the first to speak. “Who are you!?”

Micheal blinked and all five Talaxians fell to the deck, as the chips activated their pain receptors.

Kae smirked now. “Now, now they really need to be taught, don't they?” she drawled.

Micheal gave his wife an evil grin in reply. "Oh yes, they do, my love." He then turned his attention back to the viewscreen and blinked again, ending the pain the Takaxians were feeling. "I am Chief Petty Officer Micheal Robertson, of the Terran Imperial Guard. You are now slaves to my commands. Do you understand?"

Several gasped out “yes-yes” as the pain subsided.

"The Haakonians are no longer in charge. You now serve the Terran Empire. I have placed chips into your skulls. They are there to ensure you remember your place and who you serve. If you disobey or displease me in any way, you will feel pain, of various levels of intensity. Should you attempt to remove the chips, they will self destruct, killing you instantly." He gave them a few beats to absorb what he had just told them.

"Do you understand me?"

The Talaxians nodded “Yes Sir”

Micheal blinked, causing the chips to activate again. "You will address me and the rest of the Terrans as master," He growled dangerously.

After punishing them for neatly a minute, Micheal blinked and the pain stopped. "Do you understand, slaves?!"

They were so dazed that when they spoke their words came out stammering “Yes... Master”

Micheal nodded slowly. "Good. Now, who is your captain?"

Teolix raised his hand. “I am Master. I am in charge of this ship.”

"What is your name, slave?" Micheal asked as his artificial eye seemed to glow a bit brighter.

“They call me Teolix Master.” The Talaxian would do anything to not be shocked again.

Kae watched in silence. She was feeling tingly watching her husband work, and her blood was getting heated and she wondered idly what that said about her.

"Teolix," Micheal replied. "What have you been mining for?"

“There are several different metals in this belt, used for ship building that we mine. We are.. Behind on our previous orders.” the Talaxian replied. “They expect 100cubic tons of each by months end.”

"Did I not make myself clear?" Micheal asked, his voice sounding angry as he blinked again.

On the Talaxian vessel, Teolix crumpled to the deck, gasping in agony.

"The Haakonians are no longer your masters! The Terran Empire is!!" He stood up and glared at the viewscreen. "If that fact is too great for you to grasp, then perhaps I should just eliminate all of you! Is that what you want?!" He blinked again, ending the pain in Teolix.

“No! Please!” The Talaxian begged as he climbed back to his feet. He grasped at the console to hold himself up.

Micheal was silent for a few beats. Then, "Very well, Slave. I will be lenient this time. Do not make me angry again." He sat back down. "You now have new orders. Repair your vessel and once your cargo holds are filled, you will head to my station to deliver said materials. That shall be your new home base." He nodded to Kaleigh to transmit the coordinates to their space station.

Kaleigh nodded and the coordinates were sent to the Mining ship. She watched Micheal out of the corner of her eye as she did so.

"Do you understand your instructions, Slave?"

“Ye-yes Master” Teolix replied. “We shall do as you say. It will be 2 weeks.”

"Make sure you keep that schedule," Micheal warned. "If I have to come back, none of you will survive. Do not test my patience, slave."

The talaxian bowed low as did his crew then he gave a wave of his hand to his crew and they scurried off to fix the engines and keep mining.. “We will not Master” Teolix stated.

Kae leaned against the cockpit wall as she waited for Micheal to turn off the video comm.

Micheal nodded and ended the transmission. "Rebecca, can you implant another copy of your program into their computer, to keep an eye on them?"

“Yes Master of course” the AI replied with a warm smile. She faded from view while she organised the program transfer.

Micheal stood as then saw the look in Kaleigh’s eyes, making a hungry grin start to cross his face. "You look happy, my love. Or is it something more?"

Kaleigh chose nochelance as she casually unzipped her jacket and revealed her underwear. “I.. . there is something about watching you... work.... That makes me very, very warm.” she said softly as she ran a hand absently down her torso. “Watching you make them scream my Love, made me....” she licked her lower lip. “Damp.”

Micheal's face changed to one of growing desire as he watched his beautiful wife. He immediately started to feel a tightness in his pants as her movements and words turned him on.

Moving over to her, he reached out and planted his hands on the bulkhead, on either side of her head as he looked down at her, growling softly. "Show me how much you enjoy watching me."

Kaleigh licked her lips and let her jacket fall to the floor and with one hand, she unbuttoned her pants and let them part. Keeping her eyes on his, Kae began to run her hands over her body even as she undid her bra and let it fall for him. She was left in her panties and her pants pooled around her feet. “My body warmed, as they screamed, heat is pooling between my legs Master” she whispered in his ear.

His muscles tightened as he felt her seductive touch. Moving his right hand from the bulkhead, he slowly ran his fingers down her perfect skin, teasing over her breasts, then moving lower, down over her pubic mound, down between her legs and in between the lips of her vagina, "Yes," he said heavily, as his rate of breathing increased. "You are indeed very damp, my love. Free me from my pants and show me why the price I paid for you was worth it."

Rebecca reappeared but seeing they were busy she put the ship back into cloak and moved it off heading for their next destination.

She gave an impish giggle and did as he asked, swiftly undoing his pants and pushing them to his hips. Then she knelt as she freed him from his underwear and took him into her mouth, using what she knew he liked to please him.

Micheal moaned and closed his eye as he enjoyed every bit of attention that she was giving him. While he kept his left hand on the bulkhead, he ran the fingers of his right hand down into her thick, luscious hair. "By the Gods…" He panted breathlessly.

She drew back and flicked her tongue across his tip. “No gods here Master” she teased as she continued to tease him by gently wafting her breath across him.

Hissing softly, Micheal took a firm grip of her hair and pulled her back up to her feet, albeit gently, as he didn't want to hurt her or their baby. He made sure to keep just enough force and pain in everything, to make their playtime as enjoyable as possible.

"You're wrong there, my lovely little slave. There is a God here to dominate you…Me!" He then released her hair and the bulkhead, moved his hands down to her full ass and lifted her up, forcing her legs around his hips as he slowly inserted his engorged manhood deep inside of her. "Pray to me, my loyal slave," he growled softly.

Kae moaned and clenched tightly around him. “Always” she purred in his ear “And any way you want me to worship” she nuzzled his neck and began to move with him. “You are my lord and I love you.”

He growled like a wild animal devouring its mate. "You are mine, now and forever! My heart and soul are yours and no other's." His voice softened slightly as he continued. "I love you, Kae, with every fibre of my being!"

He continued to drive hard and deep into her, as he kept her pinned to the bulkhead.

Kae clung to him, moving with him as she rode with him their passion. She hoped it would never fade. She could feel the pleasure building to levels that she always reached with him and she gasped his name in his ear with each thrust “Love you Micheal”

He grunted as they continued to spiral higher and higher in their combined bliss. "I love you Kae!" A few moments later, he grunted louder and then exploded into his wife's womb.

His climax sent her over the edge as well and she cried it in his ear as her body clenched and bucked against his in pleasure.

After a few quiet moments, he lifted his head and looked into her eyes. "You are so beautiful, my love."

Kae pressed her lips to his gently as she tightened her arms around his neck. “You are magnificent Love” she said softly. “Our love is perfect.”

Carefully, he lifted her off of the bulkhead, then stepped out of his pants, then carried her back to their bedroom. Once there, he gently laid her down upon their bed. "You are perfect, my love."

Kae smiled up at him as she lay there. “So... are you going to stay here with me or are you going back to work?”

He smiled softly as his gaze moved over her face, as if he was taking in its perfection for the first time. "No, my love. I am here to give you any pleasure you require." He leaned down and gently kissed her.

"Hmmm now that sounds like an idea."Kae purred. "I am always up for you being here with me." She whispered.

"There is no place else I want to be, but by your side, my love." He slowly moved down to her side and kissed her gently.

Kissing him back, Kaleigh snuggled closer to him. "Maybe we should start heading home to Daphne. " she whispered as she ran her hands over him. "Though being able to have sex with you anywhere on board without worrying about her seeing is pretty nice."

He grinned and a soft growl rumbled in his chest. "I do miss our daughter," he said with a smile. "Though, I too find the added freedom enjoyable." He slowly moved his left hand over her naked body, activating a few micro motors, vibrating it against her body.

Her lips curved in a warm smile. "Ohh I love it when you do that " she whispered as her body reacted to his touch. "If you did that to me all the time, I would never leave our bed."

He grinned happily as he continued to move his hand over her body, pausing briefly over her breasts and then down lower to her center. "And I love doing this to you.

Her breath came out in gasps of pleasure as she lay there revelling in his touch and the sensations he caused. Her hands grasped at the sheets and she was struggling to stay still..

Micheal smiled softly as he watched Kaleigh enjoy his touch. It gave him immense pleasure to drive her wild. "Does that feel good, my love?"

"Yes, yes!" Kaleigh gasped out. "By god's yes!"

Leaning in and kissing her gently, Micheal continued to stimulate her more and more. "And I am the only man who will ever make you feel this way!"

Kaleigh moaned her agreement as her hips jerked against his hand. "Yes.. no one else." She swore.

Moving his hand from her warm, inviting center, he rolled onto his back, he carefully pulled her up and atop him. He kissed her deeply as his hands moved over her perfect body.

Kae moaned as she rubbed against him and revealed in the kiss they shared.

As they continued to kiss, Micheal's hands moved to Kaleigh’s hips and then he guided her back onto his reawakened manhood.

Her lips curved as she shifted her hips and took him deep into her body. Kae met his gaze with her own and slowly she began to move. She knew how he liked it when she did this. She knew how to move to make him climax.

Micheal did indeed moan. His right hand moved up to gently cup her left cheek, while his left moved over her breasts pinching her nipples with just the right mixture of pressure to give both pleasure and a little bit of pain.

She shivered as the pain radiated and moaned his name, her nipples hardening even more beneath his touch. But she didn't stop moving and drawing her movements out slowly.

As they continued to make love, Micheal gasped and moaned more, as Kaleigh worked her magic on him. "My love…." He whispered softly.

Kae leaned down, shifting the angle as she moved and kissed him gently "yes?" She asked softly.

He moaned a few more times, from the differing angle causing more heightened sensations. "I will build you an empire to beat all others!"

Kae smiled and nipped at his lip. “I just need you and our children Love”

He growled and smiled at her. "I am all yours, now and forever!"

The couple spent the next few hours reaffirming their feelings for each other while their ship headed back towards the Vengeance.



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