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In Need of Rescue

Posted on Wed Dec 7th, 2022 @ 12:18pm by Ensign Jeffrey Simmons & Petty Officer 2nd Class Jasper Branson & Immy
Edited on on Sat Dec 17th, 2022 @ 11:48pm

Mission: S1 Episode 4: The Cloud
Location: Cargo Bay 1
Timeline: Mission Day 2 at 1115
5228 words - 10.5 OF Standard Post Measure

After a night of drinking, dancing and talking with Lottie, Immy wasn’t feeling quite like partying today. She had arrived at her assignment yearly in the morning as usual and had been working consistently ever sense. She imagined Jasper had noticed the two slaves were a bit hung over, but he was either polite enough or apathetic enough not to ask. A morning of running reports, doing simple data inputting, fetching drinks, delivering PADDs, and cleaning had focused her on the responsibilities of her life. Now, she was on her way down to the cargobay to grab a report from one of the crew there.

She entered the bay in her slave uniform, modest and not at all resembling the flashy, tight, revealing outfit from the night before. It was dark in the room and, immediately, she doubted anyone was in there. Far be it for her to question her orders, she preceded in with caution and a sense of strange foreboding, like something wasn’t right.

“Hello?” She called out, walking slowly.

As Immy walked, she could hear a series of low, fitful giggles coming from behind some of the shelving units. When she called out though, they stopped and there was silence for a moment. It was hard to see, but stepping out into the path between the shelving a barely visible figure stood. He was large, in uniform which was obvious by the slight glint off his commbadge.

"Who the fuck are you and why are you down here?" The man demanded, his words slightly slurred but angry.

Immy was shocked by the revelation there were people down here and reacted with surprise, actually jumping back when the man stood. She saw the glint of the commbadge but, due to the darkness of the room, could tell no more about who or what she was seeing.

“Master…” she uttered, her pleasant voice shaky. “I’m just here to collect an overdue report on logistics and processing.”

"Report? What report. You're not supposed to be down here. Unless..." He stepped out toward her, now into the bit of light that made the cargo bay not completely pitch black. He was older, nearing his forties. He was not particularly attractive nor unattractive. His hair was plain brown and his eyes were a muddy hazel; his jaw a little too square with a nose that was hooked and large. What was most noticeable though was the man was sweating and his pupils were very small despite the darkness of the room.

"Oh. I see. Well come over here for your report then."

Immy had a terrible feeling about this man, and part of it came from her past. She had seen men with that look in their eye on the corners of her streets growing up and she had always avoided them. Drugs of some Delta Quadrant variety. She looked to see if she recognized other people in the room besides him but took a step back without thinking, working only on survival instincts.

“I was sent here from the command department…as I’m a 1st Caste slave..” she started, hoping that would mean something to him. “I’m already overdue back at my station and people will be looking for me.”

She didn’t budge in his direction. She looked to the man with questions in her eyes. She wanted to leave, but if she did so without the report, she would get in trouble.

“I said come here you little whore!” The man roared and that drew the attention of the couple other people he was with, another man and woman who appeared to be in the state he was in. “Just look at you. Look at the way you’re standing there with those tits you let flop around under the uniform. You want it, so I’m going to give it to you. Because I’m nice.”

Immy's eyes went wide. She'd heard of this happening to other slaves a thousand times, but up until this point, she had been lucky. She backed away several steps now, her heart pumping in her chest. Then she turned and started for the door as fast as her feet could carry her, never having said a word.

The man said nothing, but Immy would hear him chasing her and just before the door, his arms wrapped around her middle and he pulled her back. “Ah no sense in playing hard to get you little slut.”

He was incredibly strong and whatever he was on probably only enhanced that. He began to walk her back toward where his friends were despite any struggle she might have given. “We’ll have plenty of fun.”

She screamed loudly, producing a sound so loud and offensive that it startled the man carrying her back until his hand wrapped around her mouth. She continued to try and scream through his hand, kicking and flailing the entire way. Her worst nightmare was coming true, and it could be seen in her eyes.

"Aw look at her. She's pretending she doesn't want it. Why do women do that?" The man wondered aloud and tossed Immy roughly to the floor on her back, following her and sitting himself down on her hips to hold her down. His hands went to her chest, groping her through the garment. "Yeah that's what I thought. What a little slut you are."

His words made his friends laugh and they stepped closer, both looking down at Immy with their faces obscured by shadows.

"Master, please! Not like this!" she said, her hands contesting with his at first, but then they stopped. She rested them on his forearms and forced a smile. "Wait, just hold on. I have a better idea."

The man just looked down at her for a long moment and then abruptly backhanded Immy across the face. "Stupid slave. You think you'd have a better idea than your master?!"

The door to the cargo bay opened and Jasper stepped inside, looking quite upset himself. Being second slave, he thought that Immy would know the importance of being prompt, but apparently not. He was not about to get his own ass roasted for her being slow, so he had come to get the report himself. He looked around and frowned at the darkness of the cargobay.

"Girl, are you in here?" He demanded tersely.

Immy reeled from the strike. She wasn't accustomed to being struck, though it had happened for her before, most often in a situation where a drunken man wanted something from her she would not give. She was surprised by it, but as she heard Jasper's voice, she felt a pang of hope.

"Help!" she said loudly, praying beyond prayer he was here to help her.

Help? What the hell was going on in here? Jasper walked forward, now just outright angry, and finally got close enough to roughly make out what was going on.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” He demanded and aggressively moved forward. Without waiting for an answer, he reached down and pulled the man up by the back of his uniform and practically tossed him off of Immy. He then bent down and hauled her up on the floor; it wasn’t a particularly gentle maneuver, but he pulled her close to him and eyed the three crewman warily.

“Hey! That’s ours!” The first man pointed at Immy.

“What do you- are you people high? Gods dammit.” He pinched the bridge of his nose then tapped his commbadge. “Branson to Security. I need some assistance in Cargo Bay 1, pretty sure I have three tweakers down here who are looking to start shit.”

“I’ll have a team sent down” The disembodied male voice replied.

Immy sighed relief when she saw Jasper come into view and was silently giving thanks as she tossed the man off of her. He had touched her against her will, but hadn't gone further before Jasper had arrived. She knew that, if he hand't shown up, those men would have passed her around for quite a while. She shivered, and when Jasper pulled her close to him, she instinctively placed her arms around him, holding him in a hug which communicated a strong desire to be protected. She shivered and shook, looking over at the large man who had attacked her as he recovered from being thrown.

"That man attacked me...called me a whore and...told me that I wanted it." she said, her typically pleasant voice a rush of fear and anger. Tears started to flow from her eyes involuntarily, but she still kept her body pressed against his. He was her lifeline.

Jasper briefly looked down to Immy as she clung to him. He put his arm around her shoulders, not really caring at the moment that such a gesture was quite beneath him and that he could have Immy punished for touching him. He may have been an asshole, but he wasn't that big of an asshole. He kept his attention on the two men and the woman before him and sighed in annoyance. "You three are going to have a real bad time in life real soon between the XO and Slave Mistress."

"Eh? Fuck you." The man he had tossed spat. "Give her back, she was gonna do... things!"

"Well, come get her then." Jasper goaded.

The addled (and really probably not too bright to begin with) man moved forward toward Jasper, but his attention was now on Immy. His eyes were hungry, and as he approached he lifted his hands as if he were going to grab her. He came very close, and then was immediately on the floor as Jasper punched him square in the nose and it gave a sickening snap. His two friends took a few steps forward and then thought better of it and instead just stood there and looked at their friend who was now out cold.

Immy reacted with a flinch as the man approached. She’d grown up around violence, so it wasn’t strange to her, but it had never been wielded by a man in order to protect her. She felt a course of confusing feelings in that moment. If she wasn’t so shaken up, she would have thought it was really hot. Seeing the other two backing away, she turned her face to Jasper, her eyes moving to his lips and then to his eyes, a delicate intimacy there she hadn’t shown before. Then she remembered herself. Stepping back, she bowed her head.

“Thank you, master.” She said quietly, her sing-song voice echoing through the cargobay. “I’m not sure how I can thank you enough.”

Jasper looked down at her and was about to reply when the cargo bay doors opened and the security team of three stepped inside.

"What seems to be the-" Simmons began and then stopped, his eyes being drawn down to the floor where one man was laying. "Computer, lights." He called out and they immediately came on. The man and woman who weren't on the floor immediately gave startled cries and fell to the floor, covering their eyes. "... Right."

"Yeah it's a whole thing." Jasper said with a sigh and motioned for Immy to come closer. "That one assaulted this first class slave, when I came in he was on top of her and he clearly hit her." He gestured to Immy's red cheek. "But all three of them are high as kites. I'd suggest putting them in the brig to sober up. I'll submit the necessary reports on my and and on behalf of the slave."

"Yeah, alright." Simmons motioned for the other two guards to grab the two conscious people and signaled for the unconscious one to be beamed to sickbay. After exchanging a few more words with Jasper, the team left and they were alone again.

"Are you alright, Immy?" Jasper asked and looked at her, his expression stern but his eyes were kinder.

She looked into his eyes, her large pools of brown. Her vulnerability was obvious and, for once between them, not feigned. She smiled at him as she looked up, a beautiful and genuine expression. He suddenly seemed quite attractive to her now in a way she hadn’t noticed before.

“I am now.” She said, ignore the still subtle stinking of her cheek.

"Good. What happened, exactly?" He asked. He looked down at her, his truly vibrant blue eyes steady, calm, but there was a clinging edge of irritation around them over the whole matter which was to be expected.

“I came down as I was told,” she started, trying to break iContact in order to keep from distracting herself, and getting lost in his eyes all of a sudden, “and it was dark. I called out to see if someone was here, and that terrible man sort of emerged from the shadows. I asked for the report, but he was focused on other things.” She truly looked away now, turning her mind away from the remembrance of his hands on her breasts. “I tried to run away, but he caught me easily and dragged me back to his friends. He threw me to the deck and started to…. Touch me. When I protest it, he slapped me in the face.” She looked back to him again, her smile even more dazzling than before. “And then you came in.. and you put him in his place.”

"I'm of the mind that no man should put his hands on a woman in that way unless in the most dire of circumstances." Jasper replied. He fought the urge to cross his arms over his chest, he didn't want to come off as intimidating in the moment when she was already so vulnerable. "Do you want me to take you to sickbay so they can have a look at your face?"

“Does it look bad? Is it that serious?” She said, becoming conscious of her face as he mentioned it.

"It is red, but not serious from what I can see. You're the one that has to judge since you can feel it." Jasper noted and shrugged.

“Then I think I’m fine.” She said with a smile. It was just the two of them, and she felt the tension in her body from the closeness they had shared. “I’ve never had a man stand up for me like that. It was amazing. You really kicked that guy’s ass”

She blushed a bit and turned her head to the side. “It was very sweet.”

She leaned in and kissed him quickly on the lips, and withdrew quickly. It wasn’t apologetic at first, as she figured he wouldn’t be hitting her for it. Then she blinked and thought better.

“Sorry, Master. I really..wanted to do that.”

Jasper looked down at Immy again when she pulled back from kissing him. He hadn’t really returned it because he hadn’t been expecting it. He didn’t reply to her and instead reached out, placing his large hand on her side and pulling her closer so he could lean down and kiss her again properly this time.

Immy acquiesced to the kiss, taking his return as an invitation to show him her passion. Her hands found his sides and caressed the muscular form there without becoming too invasive. Her warm lips against his sent lightning and chills through her body, and her skin prickled up. She involved tongue without thinking, getting carried away compared with her initial intentions.

It might have been a surprise, but Jasper allowed Immy to set both the pace and passion of the kiss. He returned it, but didn't press. It was not that he was a submissive or unsure man, he was simply clearly being considerate to her given the ordeal she had just been through. He enjoyed the feeling of her comparatively small hands on his broad frame and his own hands found the swell of her hips. He drew her close, but did not pull her roughly. Jasper really had never been one to sleep with slaves simply due to the fact they really couldn't say no - even a first caste slave like Immy who could technically say no generally did not because they were afraid of their lives being made more difficult by giving denial.

Eventually, he pulled back, and moved one hand up to touch the cheek that had not been struck. His eyes remained on her own, steady and warm.

“How’s that for a thank you?” She asked, smiling mischievously and chuckling softly. She was slightly flushed and her eyes communicated her arousal, though her lips did not.

"Certainly one of the better ones I have received." Jasper replied, still holding her close and his thumb ran up and down over her hip absently. He held her gaze, seeing the desire there and he felt his own growing despite her station. His hand slid from her cheek and slowly traced down her neck. He could feel the blood starting to move to other parts of his body, but there was nothing out of control yet.

“Oh, master. Is that your phaser or are you thinking of a different kind of thank you?” She said, smiling up at him with an immature intensity, looking somehow innocent and trouble. “Yeoman King and Commander Petrov will be looking for us.”

Jasper laughed at that and shook his head. "Jackie will for sure. Are you alright to return to your duties or do I need to excuse you?"

“I’m fine to keep working, I think.” She said, looking up at him, still in His arms. He still felt his manhood pressing up against her, which only intensified her own arousal. The slave uniform did little to his erect nipples, so it might have been obvious. She moved back from him respectfully, her eyes instinctively going downward to see what she could see. “I’m not hurt.”

He allowed her to pull away and looked down at her. He noticed her nipples pressing against the fabric of her shirt but said nothing. For his part, he was not fully aroused at this point, but there was enough to have formed a noticeable enough tenting of his pants in the front already. "Well then, let's head back. After you." He gestured for her to walk in front.

She made eyes at him then, taking the permission he’d given her to look him in the eyes to the next level. He turned and started walking toward the exit slowly, she made her hips swing though, actively tempting him now with the skillful movement of her body. She spoke, but lightly and easily.

“What’s going to happen to the men who did this?”

"They are going to have a few very bad days, most likely. Command doesn't need a bunch of drug addled people running around and Commander Petrova is going to be very displeased you were assaulted, I imagine." Jasper explained and walked behind her. He took the opportunity to adjust himself before they left the cargo bay. His eyes went to her hips, and then he brought them up above her head to not look at her anymore. He still had a full day of work ahead of him and he didn't need to sit uncomfortable for a good portion of it.

They entered the corridor, and she was forced to drop the generally seductive motions simply because people were around to see her. Every now and then, though she would glance over her shoulder just to see him, now very much taken with his presence for safety reasons and for other things.

“It doesn’t involve you hitting them again, does it?” She asked in a low voice. “Because I liked that part a lot and, honestly, I’d love to see it again.” She said with a smile he couldn’t see. They came to the turbolift and she pressed the call button and turned around to look at him, all professionalism, except those eyes and the protrusions under her shirt. “I suppose, if I want to see that, I’ll need to find myself in need of rescue again. Is that that right?”

“That you would, I’m in the wrong line of work otherwise. Unless, I suppose, I wouldn’t mind getting into trouble.” He glanced down at her quickly, smirked, and then looked back up. They stepped onto the lift. “Deck two.”

The confined space was an immediate cue for her. It was possible he would be irritated by her presumption, but she hoped he wouldn't. She turned to him and got on her toes, kissing him again. It was both hungry and short, aggressive, and brief enough that he would be able to decide, in the end, whether or not he was going to make out with her on the lift. She'd never kissed a master, nor had she ever wanted to, but today seemed to be a day of exceptions. As she pulled back from the invitation, she spoke.

"I do love a bad boy, master. They make the most exciting company."

Jasper hadn't been irritated, in fact he had been quite enthusiastic in his response to her. His hands found her hips again and he pulled her closer. His touch was firm, but at this point it didn't demand anything from her. When she pulled back, he smirked at her words and gave words of his own. "Computer, hold lift."

It chirped a reply and the lift stopped. He then wrapped his arms around Immy and his hands found her bottom. He lifted her off her feet and shifted one hand to guide one of her legs around his hips. His hand went back to his initial position, and he held her against the wall. As he had done this, he had kissed her aggressively, passionately. She was a slave, but she had given every sign to him that she actively wanted this without any prompting on his part. When he pulled back from the kiss, his lips found her neck and his hands squeezed her behind through her unflattering uniform.

It had been a long time since she’d let anyone touch her, and she was as excited as he was. She kissed him passionately, the authority he had over her increasing her arousal and desire, an unusual experience for her. Her hands cradled his race at first, and then then moved over his chest, feeling his muscles underneath his uniform, even though there was enough fabric to make it less than pleasing. Between her thighs, her womanhood was wet enough to moisten her panties. She panted against his lips, indicating a lack of control in this moment that spelled danger.

She looked at him then and reached a hand back, smacking him in the face. It was strange, and she’d done it without thinking. In that slap was an obvious rebellion against the rules, but also a desire to test that conviction he had and see if he would really be as gentle with her as he had suggested. Such a trait in a man was unheard of by her, and she wanted to make sure. She kissed him again, her offending hand finding his jacket again.

Jasper had been quite happy to kiss and touch her, but when she slapped him he pulled back and looked at her, confused and annoyed. His confusion only grew when she leaned in to kiss him again and he felt her hand on his chest. It seemed he had been genuine in his statement that he felt a man shouldn't raise his hand to a woman - that or he would just need more than a slap. He pulled back from the kiss and looked into her eyes. "Naughty girl, aren't you?"

"Promise not to tell?" she asked, rhetorically, giving a look just as naughty as the statement. "One doesn't survive a life of enslavement without being just a little fucked up."

She started to bounce up and down on him then, using her strong legs, which were wrapped around his waist, to simulate sex with him. The motions were smooth at first but then quickly somewhat rough, then very rough as she began to smash her clothed body against his and to moan with whimpers and some genuine lip biting and eye rolling. Then she stopped, and smiled at him again, her chest heaving against him.

"I like bad boys. And I like you. Have you ever fucked in a turbolift before?" she asked, with a smile, her hand massaging his chest again. She was so young at heart, so full of life and energy, and so extremely unlike a slave. "I would really love to, master...I would really really love to. I bet you'd just..."

She paused, rolling her eyes with some irritation. Then she looked at him again.

"Master can take what he wants, of course. You know that. But, I normally fight for my life unless I've decided to give it up. And before I open myself up to you, I." she paused again, this time her smile fading and her eyes becoming decidedly less naughty. They were needy, silent, pleading things. "I need you me.." she said, very honestly. "If you can't do that, then I promise to be a dead fish, and to cry, and to say you ruined my life."

Jasper was... so desperately confused now; he was also horny, but even that couldn't trump his confusion. Carefully, he set Immy back down on her feet and looked into his eyes. He didn't bother trying to hide the confusion, or maybe he was just incapable of it. What did she mean "love"? Did she mean attentiveness? See to her pleasure? Or did she actually mean love?

"What do you mean?" He asked, keeping most of the frustration out of his voice.

Immy blinked. She didn't know what to say because she wasn't really sure what she meant. She looked away for a moment, trying to focus her mind on the question he had presented. She looked back again, her buy begging her achingly to get back to what was happening before. Her womanhood was so noticeable to her she could barely think.

"I mean...I mean...I won't be your slave and your lover." she said simply. "I can tell that, bad boy as you may be, you're kind underneath it. You're a man...a real one. I want you to treat me like I'm a woman too, at least when its just you and me. I don't fuck the masters. I'd rather die."

She pulled back, feeling a certain fear she had overextended herself and was about to either face a rejection or find that he wasn't as kind as he seemed to indicate. Either way, she was ready.

Jasper seemed to process this, though he was still frowning slightly. It wasn't like he had made the first move here, so he was feeling more than a little flustered that she had gotten him all hot and bothered and then pulled back with this demand. "I understand what you want, Immy, and I would give that to you in privacy when we are both off hours, but when we are on duty regardless of us being alone, there is a certain dynamic that would have to be maintained." His voice was even and he was mustering all the patience he could. "Have I been cruel or overly lording over you thus far?"

"No. You've been wonderful." she said, looking at him more shyly, her head down and her eyes like like a child. It was something men found both mysteriously innocent and strangely sexy, not that she understood that.

Immy was a gorgeous woman, but this was all starting to seem like way too much trouble. “Alright, good. Did you hear the rest of what I said?”

"Yes, I heard." she said, seeming a bit annoyed at the question, but not much. She blinked. "I could clean your quarters tonight."

The statement was an offer, knowing they had to go back to work now. She turned to him and smiled now, some of that same fire from before turning back. She touched his chest now, more reserved and apologetic now, fearing he was already tired of her. She could be exhausting at times, she knew.

"Unless you can explain to the XO what's taking so long?"

Jasper placed his hand over her hand and held it to his chest. "If it were any other day, I might be able to; hell I could probably be honest with him and he'd get a laugh out of it, but with everything going on right now no, I don't think I could come up with an acceptable reason."

He looked to her then. Really he wasn't positive how the slave scheduling worked, so he wasn't even sure if she could come clean his quarters. "Come by tonight if you are able then."

She nodded as her hand moved, brazenly for a slave, to resume the turbolift.

"What's your favorite color?" she asked, looking up at him with a grin that seemed to be half lost in fantasy.

"Blue." He replied automatically. The truth was he didn't really have a favorite color, but that answer always seemed to irritate people, so he had settled on blue. He looked over to her and then leaned against the back of the turbolift.

“I don’t have much blue.” She said with a shrug. “I do have blue underwear though. I could always just come in that. Ooo, no blue bras though.”

The turbolift stopped and the door opened, she looked forward, willing herself to get serious and to try to go back to the way things were before she stepped into the cargo bay.

"I like green too." Jasper tried to supply helpfully. The past few minutes had done wonders for calming his arousal and he could walk comfortably enough now, the slight bulging in his pants coming down quick enough. He stepped out into the hall with her and began to slowly walk back toward the office.

“Green is my favorite.” She said with a slight smile on her face, measured by the knowledge they were back in the presence of others. Despite the recent awkwardness of their conversation, she would be thinking about him all day, staring at him from across the room, and mysteriously dropping things in front of them, just to pick them up slowly and with an arched back.

Jasper did a surprisingly good job of giving her just enough attention that she wouldn't think he had lost interest, but not enough to interfere with his work too much. Truthfully he wasn't sure if she was playing with him, maybe she was, but did he really care? No, not really. She was a slave in the end and she would be easy to set aside were she to try to push too much.

When she did it again, he looked up, smiled, and shook his head. The coming evening could certainly be interesting.



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