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An Evening Rendezvous II

Posted on Thu Jan 5th, 2023 @ 5:22am by Petty Officer 2nd Class Jasper Branson & Immy
Edited on on Thu Jan 5th, 2023 @ 5:22am

Mission: S1 Episode 4: The Cloud
Location: Branson's Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 2 at 2215
3954 words - 7.9 OF Standard Post Measure


Jasper was a man with experience in this domain, there was no doubt about it, but even he couldn’t really remember a time when he had a woman quite as responsive as Immy was to him for such little effort. When she had orgasmed twice against him, he had to grit his teeth and give a valiant fight against the urge to just take her as he wanted to right then and there. He succeeded, and even doubled that success by holding still since there was a concern of hurting her. He kissed along her brow and cheek while she trembled and bucked fitfully under him. Once she was done, he was looking forward to finally continuing only to be shoved off of her.

For a split second he was annoyed and his face contorted to show it, but he immediately was right back in the zone, watching her sway her hips in his direction. Who was he to say no to that? He quickly moved up behind her, settled with her again, and started to move. He would take it slow at first as he promised, but he wouldn’t be able to keep it that way for long.

Immy submitted to him like a willing slave, an appearance which reflected reality. She offered no resistance to his movements and actually seemed to accommodate him intentionally, trying to give him the best opportunity to do what he intended. Her body had adjusted to him, and though she was snug, she seemed to like the pain and the gratification together and accepted it as an overwhelmingly wonderful experience. Soon, she seemed to want more from him, pushing back on the bed and encouraging his already powerful and rhythmic movements. As before, she indicated her enjoyment with many sounds and choice words which Jasper likely would have found very encouraging.

With their whole bodies, they shared their passion with each other, using all their energy either actively or passively. Jasper showed himself to be quite the expert, both in skill and attenuation, as he gave aggressively and gently to Immy, resisting the urge to put his whole self forward, a move that certainly would have hurt her at this point. His movements had been measured in force and speed to begin with, but he had steadily ramped up as their encounter continued and her body became more used to him. He was not shy in giving voice to his pleasure, though he wasn’t overly loud about it. He had been quite accommodating to her desires as evidenced by her repeated climaxes, but now he was reaching his limit of holding back. He looked up to her as she moved on top of him, experimenting with having a bit of control herself, but it wasn’t what he wanted. He grabbed her firmly by the hips and rolled with her again so she was pinned underneath his powerful body. He moved with her with an intense and steady rhythm in a moment that accelerated in intensity of motion, pleasure, and noise for the both of them, until he finally pressed as much of his manhood into her as he could. A low, growling moan escaped him as he finally found his release within her and he gripped his headboard hard above her head so as to not hurt her.

When he pushed inside her fully, Immy reacted by tensing up considerably, both because it was more than a bit painful and because she was sharing the moment with him with no thought to the pain. She panted as he released, releasing herself and decorating the moment with a bit more mess. Her hands found his body as she watched him in his final ecstasy, her rebellious eyes taking in the sight, her parted lips grinning a sly grin, her fingers finding his chest in a playful tease. When the moment passed he was breathing a bit harder. He looked down at her and ran his fingers along her cheek. He moved some of her damp wet hair from her skin as he searched her eyes and face to see if she was alright.

"Ouch." she said, smiling. There was a hint of pain in her eyes when she said it, but the smile was still overwhelming. "Also, wow. That was amazing."

She shook a bit still as she moved her hips slightly, indicating that, despite her current condition, she was insatiable. She'd certainly never felt that way about sex before.

"Sorry." He replied, giving an apologetic smile. It was a genuine expression, but he wasn't cowed by it and simply adjusted just a bit so he wasn't so far inside of her. He held himself still as she moved her hips; he wasn't keen to rush into anything while she was still shaking beneath him. "But I have to agree, that was amazing. You are amazing."

With a smile, he leaned down and kissed her again.

The kiss; the compliment. It was all so welcome, yet strange. For a slave, affection was rare. For a slave under a master, it was even rarer, or so she had heard. She accepted the kiss with a smile. As he moved out slightly to a more pleasant depth, she gave a gentle moan. Everything about him felt good.

"I had or eight orgasms. It's like one of the fake stories the slave girls tell about their nights with masters." she said, her soft hands moving up his muscled body. He was very attractive to her, and her eyes moved from his eyes, to his chest, to the cut path from his stomach to the root of his manhood. Then her eyes returned to his and she smiled again. "Admit it, you want to set me free so you can marry me."

It had been said in a spirit of amusement. She wasn't worried about saying it, as the desire to be free was the most obvious in the world. She gave every indication she was joking, and even looked away to show she wasn't searching his eyes to see if she was receptive to the idea. Her eyes returned to his chest and stomach again.

"I'm not sure I can move on my own...but that's okay because I don't want to." she said, talking more than most would. She leaned up and kissed him quickly before falling down to the pillow, tightening her already tight womanhood around his girth. "Are you ready for round two? I don't mind a trip to Sickbay?"

Jasper chuckled at her joke and kissed her cheek while he held himself over her to keep his weight off of her body. “Well, as much as I would enjoy a round two, I’m not sure a visit to Sickbay would be the wisest of choices.” He kissed her again, not moving to withdraw nor continue as they spoke. “I don’t want to keep you too late.”

"What are you worried about? That you might have to explain to Mistress Petrova where I am?" she asked, still moving beneath him. She was having subtle fun despite his refusal, not bothered, but not wasting the opportunity while he was still hard.

"Yes, yes I am." He replied with zero hesitation and grinned down at her. "That is a scary lady." He was joking. Mostly. He definitely did not want to get on Yana Petrova's bad side. He could feel her starting to move her hips and he was growing more tempted to continue, so instead he grudgingly moved to finally slide out of her. He gave a slight growl as the cool air hit him then shifted to lay on his side next to her. "Do you want to use my shower?"

She had to give it to him. The man wasn't even playing at romance. His signals that he was ready for her to go were strong, and she wasn't one to stay much longer than she was wanted. Not hurt, she gave him a silent nod and leaned forward, placing her head on his chest for an instant, almost like trying it out. Then she got on her hands and knees and kissed him, her large breasts pressing against his arm.

"You have a water shower, don't you? I haven't taken one of those in years." she said, looking to the side as if she was about to do something forbidden to her.

"Yeah, I do." Jasper nodded and then gave her a warm smile. "Want to give it a spin?" Had she been free, he wouldn't have really been rushing her out of the door and probably would have let her spend the night had she wanted to, but she wasn't free... and he really didn't want to anger Yana.

"Hell yes, I do." she said, pushing him a bit, before climbing on top of him again, smiling down at him, pretending to ride him again for several seconds while running her hands over herself, and then laughingly climbing off of him onto the floor and running gleefully to the bathroom. Her energy was so free and youthful, uninhibited. She disappeared into the bathroom, but left the door open as she looked in the mirror.

He lay there only long enough to take a deep breath and let it out slowly with a pleased smile on his face then got up and followed Immy to the bathroom. He leaned on the door frame, watching her look at herself in the mirror and then moved to turn on the shower so they could clean up together. He didn't say anything, not particularly feeling the silence needed to be filled.

She admired her figure without hesitation or hiding, seeming positively broad in the silence of her mind. Her beautiful red hair was matted and sticky with sweat and her pale skin was flushed from their time together, but she was still entirely radiant, and she knew it. She put the arrogance away, at last, and turned to face him. Putting a hand on his strong chest, she stepped into the shower, her other hand extended to accept the falling water like a gift from the heavens. She stepped into it and let it run over her whole body immediately, sparing no time or effort. She giggled quietly, moving her hands to her hair and silently celebrating. This was an amazing experience; an amazing night. Maybe the best one she'd had in a very long time.

Jasper followed her into the shower, letting her be under the water to her heart's content. He smiled as he watched her; something so simple made her so happy. It was endearing. He didn't interrupt outside grabbing one of the stack of washcloths from the back of the shower so he could wet it and clean himself off at the very least. He didn't feel the need to make it all about him and let her have her joy more or less privately as much as she could with him standing there.

After some general basking, Immy started to toss the water in the air in a childlike fashion, to play with it, and to occasionally swing her hair around. The sonic showers she was used to did their job, but there was no joy behind the subtle vibrations that shook the bacteria and dead skin away. Sometimes, if she concentrated, they felt good, but never like this. She turned around to him and giggled, splashing water at him.

"I can't believe you can do this as much as you want." she said with a grin. Then she reached for one of the washcloths and paused, wondering what soap she would use. Then, after a while, she decided on his, and applied it to the rag. She would smell like him, an idea she liked quite a lot at the moment. Slowly, she spread the soap on her arms, her breasts, and shoulders. Then she turned around to face away from him. Bending over in as tempting a way as possible, she washed her feet and legs, being sure to shake her behind as she did so. With the washcloth, she finished the job and replaced the cloth where it was. She still had her face and hair to do, but frankly, she was distracted. Slowly, she backed up until her ample bottom was pressed against his manhood. "Oops. How clumsy of me.."

"Yes, very clumsy." He said with a chuckle and moved his hands to grope her rear that she had so temptingly offered him. He took his time with it, firm but not too hard, and then finally gave her a playful swat. "Let me get your back for you."

She laughed then, handing him the cloth and maintaining her position against him. Every now and then, she would move her bottom in order to jostle the man again, teasing him readily and playfully, all the while pretending it was accidental.

"Better be careful how much you 'accidentally' move there, Immy. You might find things sliding into places again." The threat was teasing, he washed her back for her and then put the washcloth to the side. "All clean and smelling just like me. I'm flattered."

She grabbed his shampoo and lathered it into her hair, cleaning it quickly and thoroughly with her back still to him.

"Don't threaten me with a good time." she said with a smile, moving her bottom again.

“Oh it’s no threat.” He said and bent to whisper into her ear. “It’s a promise.”

His hands moved to her hair and he took over, seeming happy to pamper her a bit.

As his hands met her hair, the gesture was met with a subtle uncertainty. But as he continued to run his hair through her locks and then to direct it under the water, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling. The heat of the water rolling over her body, the roughness of his hands in her hair. It was something she'd never gotten before: the undivided attention of a man. It was endearing. She stopped moving her hips and simply let him do his work, making sure that the sudden wave of emotions she was feeling didn't come to tears. When he was done, she turned around to him and kissed him slowly, putting her wet lips against his and her wet body as well. Her hands found his strong arms and challenged his muscles. Then she smiled and leaped into his arms, wrapping her slippering legs around his waist and using them to keep from sliding off again. Her lips found his ear.

"This is the best day. Thank you." she said quietly. Her voice was musical and tender, her body warm and soft.

Thankfully for her, Jasper was strong and steady on his feet. He grabbed her by the backs of the thighs firmly to hold her in place until she was settled around his hips and then moved one hand back over her rear and up her back. He pulled her into a passionate kiss that could have been romantic in its own way. He held her there for a long moment and then finally looked back, looking into her eyes warmly. “I agree. It doesn’t have to be the only one though, unless that is what you want.”

"A second date, Jasper? Gods, I must be melting that bad-boy attitude." she said, kissing him again, and sliding down onto the floor again. She looked up at him. "As much as I'd love to stay and try my hand at waterfall blowjobs, I should get back to the quarters. If not, Mistress Petrova will have questions why I was out so long on assignment and I can't lie to her. Maybe, next time...if you can just tell her why I'm here and I can fall asleep in those...big strong arms."

She squeezed his arm and smiled, and then reached for a towel outside the shower. Stepping out, she used it to dry her body and hair quickly.

“We’ll see which way the wind blows on that front.” He said, not committing but not shooting her down. Petrova was a wily woman and not one he wanted to cross. It wouldn’t be good for his career… or his health. He stepped out of the shower with her after turning it off and grabbed a towel of his own. “Do you want me to walk you back to your room?”

"You're very sweet, you know. Under it all." she said, grinning at him and looking up. She walked back into the main room of his quarters and, releasing the towel onto the floor, she leaned down and gathered her clothing. "I would love it if you would walk me back; keep me safe."

She smiled at him and pulled on her less than flattering slave panties followed by the black skirt and the blue halter. Once she was fully clothed, she moved back to gather up her towel and put it in the hamper. She also gathered his blankets and sheets, all of which were drenched from her impressive ecstasy.

"I can make your bed before I go." she said, piling the old ones on the floor. "Would you like that?"

“If you want to, I’ll help, but you don’t have to. You aren’t a slave in here, Immy.” He both assured and reminded her as she went about falling into what her “normal” routine would have been.

She smiled brighter than she had since she'd come in. She blinked at him cutely, lowering her head.

"Then I really want to." she said, practically skipping over to his linen closet and removing new covers. She started with the fitted sheet and placed the beginning on the side of her bed, tossing the other side to him. "I'm hoping Lottie is asleep when I get back. She gave me the puppy dog eyes when I left, and I don't want to have to tell her why I smell like a man or complain to her about my bruised cervix."

“Lottie… oh right, the other girl.” He mused and grabbed the other side of the sheet, working to make the bed with her while still in his towel. “Is she unkind to you or something? Will she tell Petrova?”

"No, she's the sweetest girl on the ship, I can guarantee it." Immy said. "She's a rule follower, but it's not against the rules, what we're doing. You know that, right?"

She looked at him, pausing her bed making for a second. He seemed afraid of getting in trouble.

“I know, I just don’t want you to get any flak about it from anyone is all.” He said and noticed she had paused, so he did too and looked across the bed to her. “I don’t know Lottie that well. She’s very quiet.”

"She's the most dutiful slave I've ever met. She's quite happy with her life the way it is, and she deserves to be number one more than I deserve to be number two." she said, quite honestly. "I admire her, but I also have to protect her. She is as innocent as a dove and believe the system will protect her."

She finished her side of the fitted sheet and grabbed the top sheet, throwing half to him and moving on her side smoothly with practiced quickness.

Jasper was slower in his execution, but it wasn’t sloppy in the slightest. He was intrigued by the way she spoke of the younger slave; there seemed to be an attachment there and when Immy said she needed to protect Lottie, it certainly seemed quite the genuine declaration. “Well, if she isn’t asleep or wakes up, I don’t care if you want to tell her the truth.” He noted, trying to allay her concerns that she may have had about his being upset she was telling people.

"I might mind. I'm not sure what she'll think of me." she admitted, realizing that she seemed to actually care what the girl thought of her, strange enough. "She warned me to be careful before coming up here. I'm not sure what she meant but it was...kinda creepy."

"Well, if she knew what happened to you, maybe she was just worried about that." He offered an explanation and straightened as they finished the bed finally. He moved to his closet to grab a shirt and found his discarded pants to pull on. "I think it is nice when you have someone who cares enough to worry, I suppose."

She watched him get dressed, slightly disappointed to see it have to happen. She grabbed his new cover and put it on herself as he put on his clothes.

“Do you have anyone who worries about you?” She asked.

He laughed at that, then waved a hand apologetically. "No, no. I don't. I'm estranged from my family, and the friends I have here aren't really on the level where we worry about each other."

Immy realized that she did, for the first time since her mother, have someone who worried about her and smiled sadly. As she finished the last part of the cover, she neatly replaced his pillows on the bed and then walked around to him. Grabbing his hand gently, she looked up at him quietly for a few seconds.

“I will worry about you then.” She said quietly. “Now, let’s get me back, okay?”

Jasper leaned down to give her another quick kiss while squeezing her hand lightly. He didn’t put much stock in that particular “promise”, but it was still sweet to hear. With a simple nod he walked with her out of his quarters to take her back to her own.

As they entered the turbolift and the doors closed behind them, Immy looked at him and smiled. Stepping closer, she stood with her arm against his, just for the proximity. Though she said nothing.

Wordlessly, Jasper moved his arm to wrap it around her with his hand resting on her side. His fingers pressed in just slightly, but nothing to make her uncomfortable. It was simply a show that they hadn't returned to the dynamic of slave and master outside of his quarters. Not while they were alone, at least. He looked down and gave her a smile, only releasing her when the turbolift stopped. He allowed her to step out first and followed her until she stopped outside of the door of her quarters.

"Here, then?" He asked curiously and looked the door up and down then back to her.

“Here.” She said with a smile. She seemed satisfied and comforted, but said no more about it. Instead, she extended her hand and found his stomach, then she gently moved it up to his chest. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Jasper leaned down and kissed her briefly but passionately on the lips and then on the top of the head. "I'll see you tomorrow, Immy. Goodnight."

With that, he released her and took a few steps back so he wasn't directly in line of sight with the door, but he seemed to be waiting until she went inside to leave. To him, he was simply doing as he had promised; getting her home safe.

Seeing that he was waiting for her to go inside had gotten quite the smile from Immy; one she attempted to hide as she put in the short code and walked quietly through the opening door, trying to be as subtle as possible in hopes that Lottie was asleep.



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