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On The Floor II

Posted on Sun Mar 10th, 2024 @ 7:32am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov

Mission: S1 Episode 7: Prime Factors
Location: Sikaris
Timeline: Date 2371-09-20 at 0100
5555 words - 11.1 OF Standard Post Measure

“You sure know how to move.” The woman dancing with Andrei giggled, obviously a bit tipsy herself. She wasn’t the most graceful dancer, but really club dancing didn’t require grace - it required loose hips.

Andrei certainly knew how to move his hips, and he showed her with several smooth sways, having set his empty drink down at a pickup station.

“Let’s just say I’m a very practiced dancer.” He said, his eyes moving to the dark haired woman he had actually been perusing. She was dancing with the group of women, but looked over at him every few seconds, her eyes watching the swaying of his hips. Now that he knew he had her interest, he would leave and maybe capitalize on it later, if he wanted to. “I’m going to move on.. Thanks for the dance.”

He then gave the brunette's hand a squeeze and made his way deeper into the crowd, searching for a new challenge and a dance with someone a bit more his type.

The woman was obviously disappointed when Andrei left and frowned as she watched after him a moment then, defeated, turned back to her friends.

Andrei could have found anything that struck his fancy in this club it seemed. Petite redheads, busty blondes, girls with beautiful curls that flowed, girls with curls that bounced and waved, short, tall, thin, chubby - it was all represented here. What was hard to find though was a girl that was alone; most were engaged with other groups of women and others were dancing with men. When a girl did break off, she was nearly immediately accosted by another man who swung in from the waiting sidelines.

The next woman who caught his eye was rather tall compared to the women in his group. She had olive skin that seemed to shine, a full figure that suggested strength, but with eye-catching feminine curves. Her eyes were big, almond shaped, and seemed to be a shade of amber. She noticed him as he approached with his somewhat dangerous look.

Andrei inserted himself into her group of friends, continuing to dance to the rhythm and offered a smile.

“Hello, ladies.” He said above the din of the music before pointing to her more specifically and giving a grin that suggested he’d come just for her. “You. I simply must dance with you.”

The amber eyed woman looked at him with consideration and then at her friends who gave various forms of shrugs and little nods and generally conveyed a sense of “why not”. With the approval given, she looked back to Andrei and nodded while giving a pretty but imperfect smile. “Yeah.”

Andrei grabbed her by the hand and directed her a short distance away from her friend group, though not far enough away that she wouldn’t know where they were or feel isolated. He started dancing in order to set the tone and moved smoothly, smiling at her. His visible eye sparkled darkly as he twirled her around, his movements fluid and confident.

“You know,” he said, leaning close to her to be heard over the thump of the music, “I’ve been searching this whole club for someone who can keep up with me on the dance floor. As soon as I set my eyes on you, I had a feeling you were up for the challenge. Are you a betting girl?”

“Sometimes.” She replied, a bit skeptical but not put off. “Why do you ask?”

“Because I’m proposing a friendly wager.” He said, his playful demeanor never faltering. “If I impress you with my dancing, you buy me a drink. And if you impress me with yours, I’ll buy you one. Deal?”

The woman laughed then, seeming to relax on hearing his proposed wager. She flashed that smile again and nodded as she moved with him. “Sounds like a good wager to me.”

“I’ll be the first victim then.” He said. Andrei smiled, admittedly excited to give it a try. Since he’d entered the party, he’d observed the motions of many of the people dancing and grinding on the floor. He had formal training in dance growing up, but had little experience with the more pedestrian and energetic moves of the common people. Nevertheless, they weren’t foreign to him, and he picked up some moves through observation alone.

His first round was a move which was similar to the Terran two-step, which he went into adding the impressive thrusting of his hips at the end which the Sikarians seemed to add. He smiled at her before raising his hands and adding a bit more flourish to the movement, kicking his legs in either direction confidently. Finally, he stopped and looked at her, awaiting her evaluation.

The woman hadn’t stopped moving while Andrei danced, but she had simply been doing a side to side step while her attention remained on him. When he was done, she gave him a smile. “You know how to move, I’ll give you that.”

She reached out, placing a hand on his arm. “My turn?”

“Your turn.” He said with a grin, working to keep his gaze on her eyes.

It was obvious that the woman lacked the formal training that Andrei had, but she was quite well versed in the typical Sikarian club dances. She moved her hips and body, inching closer to Andrei and looking up into his eyes.


The current song set came to an end and was replaced by a generic pulsing bass beat with a few other synth instruments woven in with it to signal a change of music sets and likely DJs. Lyra finally disengaged from her blonde distraction and gave him a smile. “Well that was a lot of fun. I’m going to go get a drink now and take a bit of a breather. Good luck going back over to your good girls though.”

She gave him a playful wink.

“It was really fun! Don’t worry about them, we’re fine.” He said, and then turned back to the group of women. To their credit, they seemed genuinely happy to see him return to them with another game to refresh the energy of their group.

Lyra really could not have cared less if he was welcomed back to the group or not. Once he had stepped away, he had been forgotten. She herself walked back toward the bar, wanting another drink and to invite the good looking bartender out for his dance. As she walked closer, she saw a woman dancing closer and closer to Andrei with obvious intent that she was not a fan of; not that she was blaming him. She shifted her course then and walked right in the middle of the woman and Andrei, bumping the woman out of the way a bit while brushing up against Andrei as she walked.

She looked back and gave an apologetic gesture of her hand. “So sorry!”

She didn’t linger and moved to the bar.

The woman with Andrei frowned a moment then shrugged it off, such things happened. She turned to Andrei with a smile. “Well?”

Andrei was surprised by the woman surging into his dance. He watched her go past, and only when she turned and apologized did he recognize it had been Lyra. He smiled, though in truth he wasn’t sure what it really meant. Perhaps a warning? Or perhaps just part of the fun.

“Pretty good.” He said looking back at the woman in front of him with a smile. “Though, to be honest, my attention wasn’t really on the dance moves themselves.”

“No? What were they on then?” She gave a little giggle and played with a bit of her hair.

“You have a lovely…dress on.” He said, grabbing her hand and turning her around slowly, taking an opportunity to inspect the dress as well as what was underneath it.

“What, this old thing?” She smiled flirtatiously and spun around for him. The woman had a lovely body to be sure and the dress certainly flattered - and likely enhanced - what she had. “Thanks.”

At the finish of the turn, he pulled her gently back toward him, continuing to dance with her back to him, but giving her the space to determine how close they got.

“Your welcome, darling.” He said over the music, using his hands in hers to indicate the kind of move he was doing behind her.

The woman took the invitation happily and pressed her body back up against Andrei’s, moving her hips in time with the beat. She certainly had a nice bottom, but it was markedly different from what Andrei was used to pressing up against him like this.

Still, the value of novelty wasn’t ever lost on a man and Andrei couldn’t help but notice the effects her closeness had on him. He hadn’t touched any woman by Lyra in months, and the point of contact between her bottom and him was becoming more expansive by the moment. He shrugged, though he wished it could be avoided.

The woman only seemed to be encouraged by what she was feeling from him, throwing herself more into her dance with him and happy to do it.


Lyra approached the bar near where Yon was working. She leaned on it, waiting for him to finish what he was doing and then gave him a little wave and smile to let him know she was there specifically for him though she never gave off the impression of demanding he come to her before he was ready.

Yon nodded to her with a grin, glad she had come back, but took some time to finish cleaning a glass and putting it in a drying station before straying over to her.

“Maddie, right?” He said in a low tone.

“Yeah, that’s right.” She smiled, leaning on the bar which made her breasts press against the fabric of her dress even more. “I came for another one of Yon’s masterpieces and then see if you were in a spot to come take a break and dance with me for a while.”

“I think I can find time to fit you in.” He said with a charming smile, taking out the now ever-ready makings for the elixir. “You having a good time out there?”

“Yeah! Can’t wait for the next set. I hope it’s good. I want to see the way you move.” She gave him a wink and waited patiently while he made her drink.

The man nodded, humble but not shy. He put the device up to the side of the glass and watched as the drink was electrified. He made hundreds of these a night, and they had gotten him a huge raise.

“I could say the same thing about you.” He said, managing not to look directly at her breasts, but he had certainly taken note. He pushed the glass to her on the bar. “There you go. I trust the panties haven’t fallen off yet.”

He gave her a wink before grabbing a nearby glass and wiping it in front of her.

Lyra reached into her dress strap, offering to pay for the drink again while she took a sip of what was in her glass. She made eye contact with him as she licked the remainder off her lower lip, her own gaze burning with sensual intensity.

“Come find out.”

That was an invitation he could not refuse, and Yon made that perfectly clear as he hurried his pace and went to ask another bartender to take his place. He hadn’t bothered to take her chip, as before, and emerged from behind the bar after being gone for a few minutes.

“I might not want to be gone too long. Leni doesn’t make them like I do, and people might start to complain.” He said as he approached her, finally, offering his hand and indicating the dance floor. “Shall we?”

“I’ll make it worth your while.” She replied, giving him a wink and taking his hand.

The two of them traveled a short distance into the crowd so that she wouldn’t lose her drink due to the intensity of the dancing away from the margins of the room. He started dancing with her, looking her up and down now that she wasn’t obstructed by the bar. His eyes lingered on her backside for a second before he looked back up at her.

“Are all Terran women like you?”

“Gods no, love.” Lyra laughed and then finished her drink down from what she hadn’t had while waiting on him. She sucked in a breath and then let it out as a hiss as all the tingling of the alcohol and current hit her at once. She blinked her dark eyes a few times and then canted her head to the more lively crowd just as the music picked up. “Come on.”

With a smile, Yon led her into the crowd, stepping close to the best of the new song. Once they were far enough in for his liking, he turned around and started to dance, moving in smoothly and placing his hands on her waist. Since he spent almost every night there, he had picked up more than enough to dance impressively. He moved confidently, doing his best to govern the placement of his hands long enough to see how into it she was. Perhaps, he supposed, he could find out if his drinks had indeed done their job.

Lyra slid closer to him immediately. The music now was heavier and faster - they were well into the build up and heading for the bridge, then would come the heavy, energy charged drop which was usually where things would get hot and heavy in a dance. Since she had just watched a woman more or less trying to standing reverse cowgirl herself onto Andrei’s dick and he wasn’t doing much about it, she was far less concerned with what she was doing with her own partners. They’d decided to embrace the atmosphere. She moved her hips with skill and grace; she was very familiar with ballroom dances of course, but she was equally familiar with this and in many respects even enjoyed it more. The carnal, primal freedom was intoxicating in a unique way.

Andrei was nearby, but had been occupied with the amber-eyed woman. They had forgotten all about their wager and the drinks that would come and he had finally decided they were having a bit too much fun. As she grinded against him quite freely, he caught sight of Lyra doing the same out of the corner of his eye. Looking at her, his eye patch relayed her elevated heart rate, body temperature, and increased blood flow to his favorite place. He frowned, even as the woman he was dancing with started moving his hand down her stomach slowly, toward the meeting of her thighs. He was hardly paying attention, despite his own state of arousal.

The Sikarian woman took Andrei’s lack of response to her guiding his hand down her flat though rather soft stomach as a signal to keep going. She moved his hand to one of her thighs and let his fingers slowly inch her skirt up. Obviously, she was quite hot for him herself and hadn’t noticed his attention wandering.

Lyra was moving easily with Yon, allowing his hands to wander along her body as he pleased to a point. She had one arm around him, holding him close to her as she twirled and shook her hips. She could feel the man’s erection pressing through his pants and she didn’t much care. It was a frequent occurrence in clubs like this given beautiful women liked to dance so closely.

As the bartender’s hands moved over his woman’s body, Andrei’s jaw clenched. He was only brought back to reality as his finger felt wetness between the Sikarian woman’s legs. Jolted back to reality, he immediately moved his hand and pushed away from her.

“Sorry, darling. I don’t like to share with other men.”

“What do you mean?” She protested, grabbing his wrist almost desperately. “You aren’t sharing me, I’ve just been dancing with you and there’s no one around.”

He watched as Lyra bent over in front of the bartender and shook her rear end on him, and that was it. He shook his head.

“I’m not talking about you.” He said to the woman, and pushed past her, making a beeline for the unsuspecting pair.

“Fuck you, asshole!” The woman called after him angrily.

Lyra righted herself soon after she had bent over. She was laughing and engaged and eased herself back into Yon, letting him wrap his arms around her body as they continued to move together. She hadn’t seen Andrei immediately, but she did see him approaching out of the corner of her eye, though she did nothing given she wasn’t sure why he was coming over.

Andrei made his final approach, placing his strong hand into Lyra’s and standing in front of her.

“I hope you won’t mind me saying so, but I am desperately…desperately jealous.” He said, his eyes moving over her body as they had so many times before with obvious hunger.

When he took her hand and stepped up in front of her, Lyra smiled. She had been having fun of course, but the object of her true desire was in front of her now. Her fingers laced with his, her eyes moving to his visible eye and patch both. “Funny… so am I.”

She turned to look back at Yon and gave him a smile. “This was fun, but you best get back to Leni.”

Yon frowned and looked passed Lyra to Andrei.

“Not cool, man. Find your own girl.” He said, calm and reasonable.

“Get the fuck away from her before I knock out all of your teeth.” Andrei said, serious as a heart attack as he moved his own arm around Lyra and placed his hand possessively on her bottom.

Yon shook his head, annoyed, and then dismissively waved a hand, walking away.

Lyra gave him one more glance almost as if she pitied the poor man, then looked back to Andrei. Her hands slid up his torso and chest then her arms snaked around his shoulders. She pressed her body sensually to his. “You’ve been having fun.”

His erection was impossible to miss, but from what he could tell she didn’t seem mad. Instead, she began to move against him slowly and seductively. Her lips found his neck, touching him there first with her lips, then the tip of her tongue, and then a light nip of her teeth.

His hands explored her body as she moved against her, and the intimacy of their embrace was incompatible with the bumping and grinding of the club. His hand inched up her arm to her hair, and he pulled gently, though with firmness until her neck was exposed as well. He kissed her softly there, exhaling warm air, and then brought his lips to her ear.

“I can’t look away from you. I must have you, Love. Let’s go home, otherwise the Sikarians will get a landmark lesson in lovemaking right here on this dance floor.”

“Dance with me a little longer, darling.” She urged him gently while continuing to move. She knew he was probably bursting given their morning where he had chosen to deny himself. She wanted to push that further, wanted him to need her; and she simply just wanted to have some time to dance with him.

Instead of responding verbally, he grabbed her hand and turned her around, pulling her close to him and guiding her slender fingers to his lips. He kissed there slowly, his manhood pressing against her insistently.

Lyra smiled at his acceptance and shifted her body. She slid one leg between both of his and then bent her knees, encouraging him to do the same or be uncomfortable. She practically straddled his thigh, but in this position it gave her hips free range of motion which she began to take immediate advantage of. She pressed her back to his chest, the free hand not up by his lips reaching back to grab his hip behind her. Her hips began to move, rolling, rocking, shifting and shimmying. It was nearly overtly sexual and quite unlike anything she had been doing with the other men. She closed her eyes while she danced and never strayed from the steady beat of the music.

Andrei was happy to assist in the process, moving to the beat and complimenting all of her motions with expert precision. The dance was building quite a large amount of tension within him, and he actively resisted the strong urge to groan and growl like a caged animal. Several Sikarians took note of them, and men and women alike had a hard time not staring.

“What do you suppose those rooms upstairs are for?” He asked, after the next song began.

“They’re for whatever we say they’re for, darling.” Lyra replied, her own voice low and full of desire. “So what are they for?”

“You, me, a bed, and a scandalous state of undress.” He said to her quietly, his hand tracing the line of her collarbone as he moved down to bite her neck, the pressure within him building to a tipping point. “Now.”

A quiet moan passed her lips when he bit her neck and she finally opened her eyes while licking her lips. “We’ll see about the bed, but the other things…” She disengaged her body just enough to turn and face him.

“Lead the way, darling.”

Lead he did, grabbing her hand and walking at a rather forceful place through the crowd. He paid little attention to the petty persists of the people around him now as he pressed through dance partners and larger groups until they reached the stairs. They climbed up together, taking step after metal step until they reached the hall of doors. Picking the first one on the right, Andrei opened the door without a knock.

The room was empty save for a desk that was stacked with boxes, a chair over to the side of the room, and more stacks and rows of boxes all around. It seemed like it was intended to be some sort of storage room. Undeterred, Lyra walked in after Andrei and her arms wrapped around him. She grabbed hold of his jacket and pulled it off whether it wanted to come off or not. She wanted what was hers.

Andrei assisted in taking off his jacket, closing the door carelessly as he entered. He then pulled his tight black shirt from the bottom up over his head, revealing his sculpted torso. All the while, his hands explored her dress, attempting to guide her out of the skin-tight garment.

Lyra appreciated that he seemed to be trying to actually follow through on his attempt to not simply tear the dress from her body, but she also knew that his patience would last for likely fractions of seconds. She reached back behind her neck and pulled the very hidden and sturdy clasp apart. The two halves of the wrapped top instantly fell, revealing her bare chest, and she reached down to the skit to slide her thumbs into the tight fabric and shimmied it down off of her hips. It left her in a pair of lacy red panties and of course her heels.

Her hands found his chest and her lips found his neck, alternating between kissing and biting him with growing need. She curled her fingers, raking her nails down to his pants where she skillfully undid his belt and yanked it from the loops at dangerous speed. It cracked at her side when it was free and she dropped it to the floor.

As she raked his skin and removed his belt, his mouth was on hers, and in her shoulders, chest, breasts, and nipples, exploring her with nearly untamed hunger. She had pushed him far enough on the dance floor that any semblance of patience, order, and gentleness had to be intentional. His fingers found her panties and pulled them down with ease, causing them to fall to the ground.

There was a part of her that was aware of the control he was exercising as he touched her with his hands and lips. Soft moans passed from her lips into his ears, little shivers of pleasure shot up and down her spine. She unbuttoned and unzipped his pants with one hand and then suddenly shifted to pull them down, but she lowered herself down with them on her knees in front of him. It was not a position she often took even in their very active sex life despite how often she served him like this. Her hand found her target first, her lips and tongue followed soon after. It wasn’t what he wanted, she knew. He had denied himself being inside of her earlier and he so did love when he was buried between her legs. She simply wanted to see how far she could push him.

The act she was performing was generally viewed as a demeaning act among Imperial Noble women, an area of society where pride, virtue, and dignity were most prized. It was a frame of thinking which was important for the Terrans, but it left them much less fun than their commoner counterparts. This caused resentment between different classes of women, which generations before had encouraged in order to prevent certain poisonous ideas of equality from seeping back into their society. That had been one of the horsemen of the end of the Empire, and the Orsini had put an end to it with what little they had left.

There was something about the act, as she was doing it then, which signaled a note of significance in the male brain. It was a vote of absolute confidence and submission, as it was fair to say Andrei had received these votes many times in his life. And that is what made common women so much fun. Just this fact alone made the conversation where he asks her why on Earth she only gives it to him seasonally impossible to have. He had heard of less charming friends discussing it with noble women before, and it was fair to say that it always went badly. It caused the slightest bit of resentment in him and he thought about it regularly, but had given it up as an unsolvable problem. Or, at least, it couldn’t be solved with Lyra without creating another more serious problem.

Andrei Petrov watched her as she was kissing him, silently hoping above all else that she would fall to her knees. It was the silliest thing, he knew, and he hardly understood why his animal brain desires it so much. He admitted to himself that the Amber-eyed Sikarian would probably have done it without hesitation, but he pushed those thoughts out of his mind. But, when she fell down with his pants, he celebrated silently in his head like he had just been granted an Imperial Triumph.

He melted as he felt her around him, and looked down for the fantastic show, the dazed look in his eye and the moan of absolute surrender making it totally clear that even though he was the one who seemed to have the power in the act, she had total command. He leaned back on the desk, his knees going weak and his mind submitting to a fog of pleasurable gray. His hand played in her hair passively, and he had no need at all to control her further.

Lyra knew very well the reaction she was going to elicit from Andrei in doing this, but it still delighted her to see and hear nonetheless. Her lips and tongue were skilled and always had been, but with the frequency of their practicing of this activity, she had become very in tune with what Andrei liked. She didn’t look up at him at first; her tongue worked every inch of him thoroughly and only after that did she slide her mouth over him. She took all that she could of him while her hand came up to deal with the rest; the two worked in unison so nothing felt left out or unstimulated. Eventually, her second hand came up to his jewels and had them join in on the fun too.

Commoners would drop to their knees without thought, but for a woman such as Lyra to take up the position it bore much more significance and weight. Sometimes men understood that, but unfortunately they seemed to be few and far between.

After a few long moments of listening to him above her and paying attention to the shifting of his body, Lyra pulled her mouth away. Her gaze came up to meet his eye and patch, smoldering with intensity and desire of her own. She simply watched him for a moment, looking at his handsome face with its sheen of sweat, the heavy rise and fall of his chest, and the way his thin lips were parted with each panting breath. The corners of her own lips briefly turned upward in a little smile, but she didn’t keep him waiting. Holding him with one hand, she maintained her eye contact as she leaned in and used her tongue to lap from base to tip in long, languid strokes. She focused on the sides and undersides given they would allow her to maintain her gaze on him, but her thumb gently teased the top. Now and then, she would actually slide her mouth over him, paying special attention to his crown and the small crest of nerves and skin that sat just under it on the bottom with the skilled tip of her tongue.

Andrei watched her show, the experience enhanced by her eye contact with him. She was simply amazing when it came to using her mouth, and he enjoyed every moment, making sure she knew how pleased he was with every motion of mouth or hand. Slowly, the urge to take her grew in him, especially as she looked at him with those dark, ruthless, rebellious eyes. Eventually, when he couldn’t take it anymore, he grabbed her hand and guided her to stand. Then he lifted her onto the desk and tempted her opening with his manhood. Only after half a minute of teasing, he entered her.

Lyra complied without hesitation when he moved her to stand and shifted to be as comfortable on the desk as she could be. As he slid himself into her, she wrapped herself around him. Her legs went around his hips and her arms went around his body. Her nails dug into his back with force enough to cause pain, but not quite enough to pierce the skin. Her lips and teeth found his neck, her attentions there were punctuated with her own sounds of pleasure as he moved inside of her. Her body communicated her possessiveness toward him and her desire to have him. She listened to him through her own haze of pleasure, and when she could sense he was close, she brought her lips up and spoke softly into his ear.


After starting off the morning bringing her to climax several times with his own displays of skill, yet denying himself, and then dancing in the sexually charged environment of the club with the Sikarian woman, Andrei had already doubted he had much more left in him. After Lyra worked her magic on her knees before him, he was certain. Not long after he entered her, he clenched, holding her tight, and released all of his pent up tension inside her, making enough noise that it might very well be heard outside the door in the hallway.

Despite the fact he had his release, he didn’t leave, but instead kept going for several more minutes, his movements strong, focused, and unrelenting. At last, he collapsed, still inside her, and kissed her passionately. Looking into her eyes, he whispered.


She returned his kiss with just as much passion. Her arms and legs remained around him, though one arm shifted so she could cradle his cheek. Her hands that were capable of such brutality and pain held nothing but tenderness for him. She traced the line of his cheekbone and kissed him again. Her love for him was communicated clearly, but left unspoken.

“Let’s go home, lyubimyy.”

They stood, putting their clothes on and not bothering to make things neat. They would no doubt share a shower and then find themselves in bed together again for some intimate quiet time.

“Petrov to Vengeance.” Andrei said, tapping his commbadge. “Two to beam directly to my quarters.”



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